About The Life Of Dogs In A Shelter - Alternative View

About The Life Of Dogs In A Shelter - Alternative View
About The Life Of Dogs In A Shelter - Alternative View

Video: About The Life Of Dogs In A Shelter - Alternative View

Video: About The Life Of Dogs In A Shelter - Alternative View
Video: The Life Of A Shelter Dog 2024, September

Today there was another call asking to take the dog to the shelter. The reason, I quote: "The dog interferes with life!" “If you don't take it, we'll put you to sleep. I will sleep well. I do not care".

It is better not to read highly impressionable people.

So, below, read the article copied from the Internet. I really want to believe that at least a few people will seriously think about it …

Yes, perhaps the author is somewhat categorical in several places, but still expresses his emotions in an extremely restrained manner and reveals only part of the truth.

To all animal lovers! And not for amateurs too..

A letter from the head of the animal shelter.

“I think our society needs a serious shake-up. As an animal shelter manager, I want to share some inside information.

First of all, you need to get all of you breeders / sellers to work at the animal shelter for at least one day. Perhaps then you would consider breeding and selling animals to people you don't even know. The puppy you just sold is likely to end up in a shelter like mine when it stops being a cute puppy.

Promotional video:

And how would you feel if you learned that the probability that the animal will never leave the shelter is about 90%? purebred or not - it doesn't matter. 50% of the refusenik dogs that come to my shelter are purebred. The most common reasons for refusal are “we are moving and we cannot take a dog / cat.” Really? I wonder where you are moving, where you cannot have pets? Or they say “our dog has grown more than we expected.” Well, how big did you think will there be a German shepherd? "We won't have enough time for her." Really? I work 10-12 hours a day and still find time for my 6 dogs! "She's destroying our yard." How about making her a family member?”They constantly say," We don't want the stress of looking for new owners, but we are sure that there will be such, she is a good dog."

The likelihood that your animal will not find new owners is high and how stressful do you think it is for him from being in a shelter? Let me tell you that your pet has only 72 hours to find a new family from the moment you turned it in. Sometimes a little more, if the shelter is not packed and your dog can stay completely healthy. If she even sneezes, she will die. Then your pet will be placed in a small kennel in a room with 25 of the same barking or howling animals. He will relieve himself where he eats and sleeps. Will get depressed, missing the family that left him, and will constantly howl. If your pet is lucky, I will have enough volunteers that day to walk it. If not, then he will not receive any attention except a bowl of food,thrust into the booth and rinsing waste with water from a hose under high pressure.

If your dog is large, black, or fighting breeds (pit bull, rottweiler, mastiff, etc.), consider him dead when he crosses the threshold. These dogs are not taken on by new owners, no matter how "cute" and "well-bred" they are. If your dog is not taken within 72 hours and the shelter is full, it will be destroyed. If the shelter is not overcrowded, then the sentence may be deferred, but not for long. Most dogs begin to defend their new home after a week and are destroyed for aggression. Even the cutest animals change in such a place because of the environment. Even if your animal can withstand this difficulty, then catching a cough or an infection of the upper tract, it will be destroyed, because the shelter does not have the funds to pay for treatment, even $ 100.

But what is euthanasia 101, for those who have never seen how absolutely healthy animals are destroyed.

First, your pet will be led out of the booth on a leash. They always look happy, wag their tails, as if they are being taken for a walk. But even before they are brought to the "Room", everyone is frightened and kicks in the brakes in front of the door. They probably smell death, strange, but it happens to everyone. Your dog or cat will be restricted by one or two people, depending on the size and threat to veterinarians. The euthanasia specialist or veterinarian will then begin the procedure. They will find a vein in the front leg and inject a lethal dose of "substance pink". At best, your pet won't panic or twitch.

I saw the needles tore my leg, I was covered in blood and deafened by screams. They don't "just fall asleep", sometimes they have seizures, they try to breathe, gasping for air and defecate on themselves.

When everything is over, the corpse of your pets is dumped like firewood into a large freezer in the backyard, along with the rest of the killed animals, like garbage. What's next? Cremation? Dump? Processing for animal feed? You will never know or even think about it. After all, it was only an animal, you can always buy another.

I hope that those of you who have read this roll your eyes and cannot get rid of the terrible images in your head that I face every day on the way home from work.

I hate my job, I hate the fact that it exists at all and I hate that it will always be, if only you people change something and understand that the lives that you influence extend far beyond the lives of those animals. which you donate to the shelter.

9 to 11 MILLION animals die every year in shelters and only you can stop it. I try my best to save every life, but you always need to save more than you can, every day more animals come than there are houses for them.


You can hate me if you like. Truth hurts, and reality is what it is. I just hope I've changed at least one person's mind about breeding a dog, sending a loving animal to a shelter, or buying a dog. I hope that someone will come to my shelter and say, "I just read this and decided to take your pet." THEN WRITING IT WAS MEANINGFUL."

Author: Anastasia Balakhnova