Solving The Most Important Problems On Earth - Alternative View

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Solving The Most Important Problems On Earth - Alternative View
Solving The Most Important Problems On Earth - Alternative View

Video: Solving The Most Important Problems On Earth - Alternative View

Video: Solving The Most Important Problems On Earth - Alternative View
Video: What Are The World's Biggest Problems? 2024, September

Today ask anyone: "What is necessary for a person to be healthy?"

And almost everyone, without hesitation, will say that it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat ecologically clean food, drink clean water, breathe clean air, do not spoil health in hazardous industries and hard work, do not wear synthetic clothes, wear comfortable shoes, take care of your nerves, have complete understanding, harmony and peace in the family.

Scientists from different countries came to the same conclusion when they were solving the problem of “how to make a person healthy and what is necessary for this”. In the course of studying this problem, it turned out that today in no country in the world is there a completely healthy person living in a city or a village. Everywhere there are many factors that adversely affect human health. The very system of economic, political, social, spiritual relationships in any country in the world leads to a deterioration in the health of a particular person, no matter what "social step" he is. Now let's talk about the foods we eat. For your information, today rich people abroad and in our country pay 10 times more for products that do not contain harmful impurities.

Harmful impurities are:

1) various preservatives, which allow for a long time not to spoil the food product lying on the shelf in the store and waiting for its buyer;

2) artificial flavoring and flavoring additives that give products a pleasant smell and taste;

3) various chemical fertilizers, pesticides, substances that accelerate and slow down maturation, coolants - "dry ice".

In today's food industry, you simply cannot do without the above listed chemical elements, because:

1) physically, the products will not be able to be delivered fresh to the consumer. If we take and cancel the preservation and special processing of products, then the world will starve. There will be tons of missing products in the warehouses for the simple reason that they simply did not have time to take it to the counter and sell it to people, and if they did, then who will buy the spoiled products;

2) the use of artificial flavoring and flavoring additives significantly reduces the price of manufactured products that have a taste and smell identical to natural;

3) without a variety of fertilizers, pesticides, substances that affect the growth, ripening of plants, today it is impossible to get a good harvest to provide all people with food.

Have you seen the “E” marks on food packages, combined with different numbers? These are the very same chemical elements, but no one has seen the decryptions of this incomprehensible labeling in stores, it turns out that behind them are hidden a lot of substances negatively affecting a person, ranging from mild disorders to cancer.

From the poor quality food we eat, we get sick. And while the body is recovering from the use of a harmful product, we, helping it with drugs, create a new disease, because drugs also have the properties of preservatives and pesticides. For some time the body manages to cope with all this, but with age, the ability to heal itself weakens and the vicious circle of diseases gradually expands. You can be treated with medicinal herbs, but not all herbs are useful and do not save you from disease now. Not many people know exactly when and where to collect this or that grass. It is proved that herbs absorb everything from the environment like a sponge, and if they were collected near a highway or a factory, then there is no need to talk about the benefits.


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The answer is simple. Scientists working on the problem of health and nutrition in different countries came to the same conclusion almost simultaneously, and this conclusion was verified by calculations and tested in practice. An official conclusion was made on solving problems with human health and nutrition.


In order for each person not to get sick and to be healthy, he must have enough land at home to grow environmentally friendly products, herbs for himself and eat them. Let's call this site the Family Estate.

As soon as a person begins to constantly eat clean foods, then the vicious circle that was mentioned above will break.

According to the calculations of scientists, at first, in order for an average family to feed themselves, it will take from 8 to 10 hours a week to devote to their garden. Gradually, the cultivation time will be reduced to zero, this is not an error in calculations, this is a fact confirmed by science. Observing the principles of permaculture and allelopathy (more about them are written further), a self-healing, self-regulating balance of herbs, vegetables, cereals, shrubs, fruit and forest trees, microorganisms, insects, birds and animals is created, there will be no need for a hoe, shovel, rake and exhausting labor for cultivating land for a new planting and after harvest. A person will not even need to plant, he will only need to take what is needed from his site, leaving just enough so that the next year all these products will be renewed in full. It's like beekeeperstook honey and left the necessary amount for the bees so that they could live normally until next year and produce honey again. And so on to infinity, observing the permaculture technology, we get an eternal source of power, a perpetual motion machine, which scientists are trying to create to solve problems of the economy and ecology.

But it turns out that it was long ago created by nature or by God, as anyone can understand, but people broke this perpetual motion machine many thousands of years ago, of which they themselves are a part. All nature exists only so that a person does not bother himself with taking care of nutrition and health, but is engaged in creativity, improving everything around him and improving himself. IT'S TIME TO RESTORE THIS ETERNAL ENGINE, THE UNEXPECTED SOURCE OF A HEALTHY AND HAPPY LIFE.

It was calculated that to create an optimal balance of plants, animals, birds, insects, it is necessary to have 1 hectare of land. One hectare is just one square 100 by 100 meters or 100 acres. You can have more land, but in the aggregate of other similar ancestral estates (plots of land), there is no need for a larger area. To make it clearer, imagine your village consisting of farmsteads measuring 100 by 100 meters. Each yard has a fence made of trees and bushes. Inside there is a small coniferous-deciduous forest occupying 25-35 hectares, a garden of at least 15-20 hectares, meadows with medicinal herbs, berry bushes, a vegetable garden of 10-15 hectares, which does not require exhausting labor, because it was planted using the above technology, a pond and in the middle of all this beauty is your home. Only one fence will contain at least 400 trees, plus a forest, a garden, shrubs,herbs, all this together will create clean air filled with the pleasant aroma of various plants. The singing of birds, the chirping of insects, the rustle of the foliage of trees and grass, will create the music of living nature, caressing the human ear. And the whole country consists of such settlements.

Air! What air will be! In a country, a village, it will be healing! A person living in such a country, a village, will not be able to be sick, ALL DISEASES WILL LEAVE IN TIME OF HIM, because there will simply be no place for diseases on the territory full of health and cleanliness. For many millennia, one phrase was kept secret: “EAT IS NEEDED HOW TO BREATH! With the ubiquitous creation of the aforementioned settlements consisting of family estates, in the literal sense of this expression, "You will be full of air alone," because when you breathe air saturated with aromas and pollen around the clock, you receive through your lungs and skin a sufficient amount of nutrients necessary for organism. Those who visited the pristine forest felt less tired, although they walked through the forest all day, in search of mushrooms, berries, or simply admiring the nature.

In such a village, it will be tens of times stronger than in a wild forest. Scientists have proven in practice that all plants can read information about the physical state of the human body and produce in their fruits the necessary substances, energies - biofields for the treatment and maintenance of good health in a person, this just happens during caring for a plant or communicating with it … Many people noticed that when they were at their dacha, they felt better.

For a nutritious diet, you will need less products grown on the estate and exceeding ten times in bioenergetic value, the best products grown in a traditional way, using monoculture technology. Say, and the bread …? After all, you need a lot of it, you can't go anywhere without bread, bread is a "head" for everything. As it turned out, bread can be made, for example, from the pulp of pine nuts and, in general, from any fat-free, dried and crushed products. So, all the same scientists have proved that with a wide variety of products in the family estate, you will need bread, approximately like seeds for clicking. You will not even remember about it, among the abundance of various fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts, mushrooms, etc.

Now let's talk about other advantages of this SOLUTION

With an increase in the number of family estates, the very meaning of mass production of harmful products will disappear. The stores will always have the freshest and most organic food products donated by people for sale. But not only will surplus food be sold, handmade clothing made from natural fibers, tableware, medical furniture and much more will appear, all of which will be charged with the healing, life-giving energy of pure nature

The number of jobs will increase, and everyone will be the owner of their own production. Enterprising people in such villages will create and are already creating various industries that produce environmentally friendly goods and products. Their products will be in great demand, especially in other countries where there is no possibility to create such settlements. Today, only in Russia there is an opportunity to be the first in the creation of estates, in short, to become monopolists on health and prosperity

The country will not have a problem with food and clothing shortages. The need for medicines will disappear, and pharmacies will start selling abroad the most medicinal herbs that will heal for real. It turns out that by living and working on an estate, you can have a constant and stable income, and without the risk of losing your job. Economists have calculated that 10-15 years after creation, the income from such a site will reach 1-3 million US dollars per year. Think about the figure, $ 1,000,000 per

Ask: "And for those who have a job, but he does not have free time?" Everyone has relatives, distant, close, acquaintances and just neighbors who are out of work, negotiate with them, take plots nearby, pay them for help in creating your private household plots. Earning from you, they themselves will quickly equip their plots. Of course, this applies more to the wealthy segments of the population, but people who work for a pittance will also have a chance to change jobs and get more money, earning on servicing private household plots and also create their own, which will eventually become their constant source of income. You see, even at the very initial stage, this DECISION begins to benefit everyone without exception.

Of course, it takes time to create a village, but as they say, water does not flow under a lying stone. It is necessary now to unite into societies, to take land for the arrangement of the family estate and to plant a living fence around the perimeter of your plot, along the way creating a balance of herbs throughout the estate, preparing a place for planting a forest and a garden. I repeat, the more such settlements there are in the country, the healthier each person will be, it is impossible to be healthy being in a polluted environment.


Where to get so much land? Lands … ?! LAND IS ENOUGH FOR EVERYONE, AND MUCH MORE STILL. Scientists have calculated that there will be enough space and food on earth for 150 billion people, this is not a typo, at least 150 billion. In the law of the Russian Federation, a personal subsidiary farm (LPH) has the right to build, plant gardens, forests, and vegetable gardens. And they will also be part of settlements, with the entire infrastructure necessary for this. According to this law, you can register land for the creation of private household plots. Already today, in many regions of Russia, people create their own family estates (LPH), united in various settlements. In the Chelyabinsk, Kemerovo, Vladimir, Tula regions, the most of such settlements have already been created. Already in more than 40 regions of our country, people are creating their family estates. Every year this process increases its pace. It is not for nothing that they saywhat is always born in Russia, the best, brightest and purest is born.

There is something in this idea that the soul longs for, and when you find out that SUCH ESTATE ALREADY EXIST, I really want to create something like it for myself. But one in the field, not a warrior. The article was written in order to find neighbors - like-minded people to create their own corner of wildlife, their small homeland. And from such small homelands, one big and great, prosperous homeland will emerge, in which everyone will be healthy, happy and rich!

Health and happiness to you reading this article!