The Factor That Increases The Risk Of Death From Coronavirus - Alternative View

The Factor That Increases The Risk Of Death From Coronavirus - Alternative View
The Factor That Increases The Risk Of Death From Coronavirus - Alternative View

Video: The Factor That Increases The Risk Of Death From Coronavirus - Alternative View

Video: The Factor That Increases The Risk Of Death From Coronavirus - Alternative View
Video: Covid Death Toll Reaches 4 Million 2024, September

The Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (USA) explained the effect of smoking on the likelihood of COVID-19. Recommendations are provided on the website of the MedicalXpress edition.

According to doctors, smoking affects the risk of infection, and giving up a bad habit significantly increases the chances of the body's ability to resist the virus. According to research, this factor harms the body's natural defenses against certain bacteria and viruses.

According to data from China, the death rate from COVID-19 for the general population is about two percent, while for people with lung diseases, which are often associated with smoking, this figure rises to six percent. The experts explained that smoking is not the only factor that reduces the body's defenses. Among others were listed cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes - for carriers of these diseases, the mortality rate was 10, 6 and 7 percent, respectively.

Doctors advised to minimize the risk of the possibility of contracting a coronavirus infection as much as possible: for example, observe social distancing, wash your hands regularly, and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Also, experts recommended listening to the advice of regional medical health authorities and getting new information about the development of the pandemic.

On March 30, Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko named the population groups that, in addition to retirees, are most susceptible to coronavirus infection. Among them, Murashko included people with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and lung problems. The minister advised citizens to strengthen their immunity, exercise in well-ventilated areas and not eat heavy food.