A Solution To The Dark Matter Problem. - Alternative View

A Solution To The Dark Matter Problem. - Alternative View
A Solution To The Dark Matter Problem. - Alternative View

Video: A Solution To The Dark Matter Problem. - Alternative View

Video: A Solution To The Dark Matter Problem. - Alternative View
Video: 22 Subatomic Stories: Why dark matter seems likely 2024, September


Finding a solution to the problem of hidden mass in galaxy clusters in NDVF, and closing the issue and the topic of dark matter forever. cluster masses differ in luminosity and dynamic characteristics by 2 or 3 orders of magnitude. This difference is explained in different ways (including the presence of a dark mass, which is not entirely true). It is believed that the missing mass may be due to neutral or ionized hydrogen, or it is assumed that these clusters may be in a dynamically unstable state. But, as the author suggests, the difference in the definition of mass is due to the inaccurate definition of cosmological distances. The distances determined are based on the Hubble constant. But the Hubble constant itself directly depends on the age of the Universe.

The formula for the dependence of the Hubble constant on the mass of the Universe


M = c ^ 4 / 2yH

Designation in formulas 20,9,22

T - Age of the Universe = 291 604 086 700 years.

H - Hubble constant = 3.3236 km / s per Mpc.

Promotional video:

C is the speed of light.

Y - Gravitational constant = 6, 6719677 * 10-8 cm ^ 3 / g * sec ^ 2

M - Mass of the Universe = 1.857 * 1057 grams

P. - number pi.

Density (at this time) of the Universe = 1.7475 * 10-32 g / cm ^ 3

Accepted calculation formula

used to be like that.

L / Lo = 1 / 7.5 * M / Mo

Then the coefficient was changed to

L / Lo = 1/30 * M / Mo

The formula for determining the mass from the luminosity adopted by Genkin I. L. and Genkina L. M {}

The author changed the coefficient to another one, closer to the real 1/60. Subsequently, with the recalculation of all the parameters in the catalogs, and the determination of more accurate data, it is possible to refine this coefficient specifically for each model of galaxies.

The author adopted another more correct coefficient equal to 1/60 formula (31)

L / Lo = 1/60 * M / Mo

Designations taken in formulas 29,30, 31, 32, 33.

Mo - Mass of the Sun = 1, 989 * 1033 grams

Lo - Luminosity of the Sun = 3, 90 * 1033 erg / sec.

- Virial mass of galaxies.

Re - Effective radius.

R - Radius.

Bv is the radial velocity dispersion.

y - Gravitational constant.

And the calculated masses are given in Table 12, and the virial mass is calculated

by F. Zwicky's formula (32). Attracted

Mvt = 3 * Re * Bv / y

where the effective radius is taken as (33). Attracted

Re = 3R

Based on these formulas and the Hubble constant calculated by the author, new cosmological distances to clusters are calculated. As well as their radius, luminosity, masses and the ratio of virial mass and luminosity. All results are summarized in table # 26 and table # 28. Where it is seen that the largest ratio of virial mass and luminosity does not exceed 5.73, which indicates the possible correctness of the solution, and some inaccuracy as a result of the calculations lies in more accurate data definitions for a new, more accurate value, the Hubble constant. Calculated values of the Author and according to Karachentsov.

The data in table No. 26 and No. 27 and No. 28 are given. Ideally, the ratio of virtual mass to luminosity should be 1.0, it is simply necessary, more careful calculations (the author does not have this opportunity) then the values will be closer to 1.0


Table 25 Values of the Hubble constant taken by different authors at different times.


Table 26 Distances to galaxy clusters calculated by AV Basov and the author.


Table 27 Current, currently accepted values for galaxy clusters.


Table number 28. Determination of Virial and Optical mass of clusters according to Karachentsov and the author. Difference in optical and virial mass.

All values are in table 28. calculated by the author. As can be seen from Table 28. in the clusters, according to their characteristics, they are selected, completely different, according to the ratios of virial mass and luminosity from 256 to 1580 according to Karachentsov. And according to the author's estimates, only from 0.15 to 5.73. If we correctly recalculate in all catalogs (NGG and others) based on cosmological formulas of dynamic physics, then everything will finally fall into place. And if there are fluctuations, then within the limits of a reasonable and justified error, a maximum of 1.2.

Note: Recalculations have been made for the Messier catalog and for spiral galaxies. All of them are given in my book, but here I will give only two fragments of calculations, one from the Messier catalog and one on spiral galaxies.

In the table, the distances are indicated: in the top line these are the modern distances accepted by the scientific community, in the below are the distances calculated by the author, true values and real ones.


From the book: "Physics and Philosophy of the Real World for Representatives of the 5th and 6th Races"