Holy Light: Can Scientists Explain The Descent Of The Holy Fire? - Alternative View

Holy Light: Can Scientists Explain The Descent Of The Holy Fire? - Alternative View
Holy Light: Can Scientists Explain The Descent Of The Holy Fire? - Alternative View

Video: Holy Light: Can Scientists Explain The Descent Of The Holy Fire? - Alternative View

Video: Holy Light: Can Scientists Explain The Descent Of The Holy Fire? - Alternative View
Video: Miracle of Holy Fire - Debunked 2024, September

The descent of the blessed fire has a scientific basis, scientists have proved it.

The first written evidence of the descent into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem of the "Holy Light", as it was then called, dates back to the 9th century. It is ignited in a kuvukliya, a small temple built on the site where Jesus was taken down from the cross and where he was miraculously resurrected. In the presence of Orthodox hierarchs who, for the sake of the purity of the experiment, even undress in advance. At the same time, in the first minutes the fire does not burn, they even wash with it.

Of course, skeptics try to prove that priests carry matches under their clothes. And scientists are looking for a scientific explanation for the miracle. Abbess Georgy (Shchukina), abbess of the Gornensky Monastery, one of the most famous pilgrimage sites in Jerusalem, says she has met a huge number of such enthusiasts from science. Someone, for example, measured the combustion temperature of the divine fiery essence transmitted from candle to candle and found that it was no more than 40 degrees. In fact, it is plasma, not fire. This state of matter, by the way, cannot be achieved without laboratory conditions.

One of the ceremonies was unofficially attended by an employee of the Kurchatov Institute (Moscow) with an oscilloscope. And a few minutes before the fire descended, he registered a single discharge with a device that recorded the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. The strange long-wave impulse did not repeat itself. That scientist still does not know what was the reason for the discharge. And others, dealing with physical problems, recalled: such discharges occur at the site of faults in tectonic plates. By the way, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher stands just on one of them. So science has not registered any matches in the hands of the priests.

As the Federal News Agency reported, chemists have proposed several ways to create fire without matches. The simplest method is to mix concentrated sulfuric acid with potassium permanganate powder. If this mixture is applied to a flammable object, say, a sheet of paper, it will immediately catch fire. Part of the resulting slurry is applied with a wooden or glass stick to any hot object, be it a sheet of paper or natural fabric. This item instantly ignites after being applied. They also managed to find an answer to the question of why the Holy Fire does not burn the hands of believers, as the media write. This effect can be achieved by mixing boric acid, ethyl alcohol and a drop of concentrated sulfuric acid. If you set fire, for example, a linen thread soaked in such a solution, then a flame will arise that will burn, but not burn:the combustion of boric acid ester occurs at a low temperature. But there is a catch: thousands of believers come to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher with their candles, which are not saturated with anything. And the flame from these candles, according to their testimony, really does not burn!

By the way, the nuns of the Gornensky Monastery said that once the fire went down not in the kuvukliya, but directly on the stone gate to the temple. Then, as they say, the usual order of "making" the fire was violated: excessively religious leaders drove out the crowd of Arab teenagers, who met the fire with singing, dancing and drums. So the divine fire, whatever its nature, is the same for all. And its convergence every year gives us hope for another 365 days of human existence.