How Does Creativity Affect Health? - Alternative View

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How Does Creativity Affect Health? - Alternative View
How Does Creativity Affect Health? - Alternative View

Video: How Does Creativity Affect Health? - Alternative View

Video: How Does Creativity Affect Health? - Alternative View
Video: How Creativity And Mental Illness Are Linked 2024, September

It is known that there are various points on the human body, when exposed to which it is possible to harm or benefit certain parts of the body and organs, as well as cause an illness, or help in curing certain diseases. Chiropractors deal with this in great detail.

But needlework is also an involuntary doctor. When we are engaged in this or that kind of handicraft, we act on certain points - the nerve endings on our golden pens, and this, of course, cannot but affect us. So what happens to us when we sew, knit, embroider?

Hand embroidery

It treats headaches and tinnitus, mental fatigue, nervous tension, inflammatory diseases of the genitals, sprains, occupational diseases of the hands and feet, eating disorders, diseases of the urinary system, circulatory and lymphatic systems. Removes spoilage and the evil eye, protects against external negative influences.

Machine embroidery

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Treats hearing disorders, skull injuries and the consequences of concussion. Helps restore intuition.


Treats heart and kidney diseases, nervous headaches, stomach pains, relieves spasmodic muscle pains, bone pain due to old injuries, relieves irritation, anxiety, hunger cramps, drowsiness, hormonal disorders.

It is not recommended to engage in macrame for people with sensitive skin and poor blood clotting.


Treats insomnia, distracted attention, headaches and toothaches, metabolic disorders, chronic respiratory diseases, seizures. It is one of the most effective means for removing damage, evil eye, slander, curse, hypnosis and other directed negative influences.



Relieves tension, nervous tics, helps in the treatment of chronic colds, ulcers, diseases of the stomach, duodenum and pancreas, accelerates treatment for sprains, reduces pain during convulsions, normalizes blood pressure.

You can't breathe smoke. With allergic diseases and special sensitivity to odors, it is not recommended to engage in burning. Also, do not bring home burning work done elsewhere.


Wood carving and painting

Treats myopia, helps with allergic dermatitis, injuries, bruises, hematomas, promotes healing of duodenal ulcers, treats gastritis, bronchitis, shortness of breath, vestibular disorders, liver trauma, wandering kidney, drowsiness, hypotension, nervous cough, various phobias.



It treats polyarthritis, nervous tics, depression, hypotension, mental fatigue, loss of strength, headaches due to overload, aggressiveness, strengthens memory.



The strongest effects are on the eyes, hands and indirectly on the brain.

Heart diseases associated with rhythm disturbances are treated, blood pressure decreases, intracranial pressure normalizes, nervous breakdowns, shocks, headaches, insomnia, fatigue are prevented or alleviated, the tendency to constipation and bloating is reduced, blood composition improves.


Sewing interior items

It treats headaches associated with weather conditions, diseases of the liver, spleen, kidneys, relieves nervous stress, eye fatigue, tinnitus, swelling of the eyelids and fingers, stimulates the activity of the stomach and metabolic processes in the body.


Sewing soft toys, dummies

Treats allergies, depression, aggressiveness, mania, diseases of the digestive tract, lethargy, drowsiness, hand diseases, helps with physical and mental fatigue, impaired coordination, disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, non-hereditary blood diseases, brain dysfunctions, loss of orientation in time, reduces pressure.



Heals headaches, various neoplasms in the body, chills, allergies to wool, pain in the legs and cramps, colds and inflammation of the respiratory tract, diseases of the vocal cords, nosebleeds, poor blood clotting, circulatory disorders in the legs, lethargy.



It treats cardiovascular diseases, digestive disorders, toothaches and headaches, inflammation of the kidneys, diseases of the nervous system, helps with spinal injuries, concussion, promotes an early recovery from depression and helps to endure severe shocks.



It helps to get rid of headaches, toothaches and ear pains, treats colds and heart diseases, sclerosis, retardation of nervous processes, liver and kidney diseases, osteochondrosis, increased fatigue and pain due to old injuries.


Knitting on a fork

Relieves nervous headaches, pain due to old injuries, swelling of the legs, dry skin, helps to restore strength when the body is exhausted, improves the condition of hair and nails, inhibits aging of the body, treats disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, poor blood clotting, nosebleeds, various fears.


Knitting by machines

It does not have a healing effect, but it helps to cleanse the body of accumulated negative energy.



Helps in the treatment of inflammatory processes, headaches, hypertension, leg cramps, sprains, joint pains, polyarthritis, nosebleeds, increased skin sensitivity, disturbances in the vestibular apparatus, lesions of the central nervous system.


Embroidered lace

Treats cardiovascular diseases, chronic diseases without exacerbation, convulsions, post-stress diseases, phobias, abnormal changes in voice, irritability, insomnia, loss of strength, disorders of the vestibular apparatus, obesity caused by disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, inflammation of the digestive tract.


Weaving bobbin lace

Treats inflammatory headaches, toothaches and ear pains, eczema, internal ulcers and wounds, leg cramps, inflammation and bowel disease, inflammation in the urinary system, inflammatory diseases of the nose, general irritability and angina pectoris.

Helps relieve fear, cope with various complexes, inhibits aging of the hearing organs and general aging of the body, relieves tinnitus.



Helps with dysbiosis, prolapse of internal organs, food and tissue allergies, muscle cramps of the face and neck, impaired vision due to nervous shock, reduces irritability, treats coordination disorders, respiratory diseases, inflammation of the lymphatic system, high intracranial pressure.