The Woman Was Found To Be Allergic To Sex - Alternative View

The Woman Was Found To Be Allergic To Sex - Alternative View
The Woman Was Found To Be Allergic To Sex - Alternative View

In the Spanish city of Alicante, a woman was admitted to the hospital with a rare form of an allergic reaction after having had oral sex with her partner. This is reported by ScienceAlert with reference to the publication in the scientific journal BMJ Case Reports. A 31-year-old Spanish woman complained to doctors about bouts of vomiting and breathing problems that began after intercourse. The doctors suggested that the patient had anaphylactic shock (acute allergic reaction - editor's note), and sent her for examination.

The woman said that she had been allergic to penicillin since childhood, but she could not remember any cases of taking suspicious food or drugs. Then the doctors examined her 32-year-old partner. As it turned out, the man was treating an ear infection and four hours before sex he drank an antibacterial agent, the main component of which is amoxicillin (an antibiotic of the penicillin group). Presumably, the allergic reaction began after the drug entered the woman's body along with the sperm. As a result, the patient spent seven days in the hospital. The publication notes that the case has become unique in its kind.

The doctors wished to publish the story in the media to prevent similar cases and to draw attention to the importance of precautions during treatment. In 2015, a resident of the American state of Utah, Alexandra Allen, was reported to be allergic to water. The disease turned out to be so rare that only about 50 such cases were found in the medical literature.