Fossilized Footprints Of An Upright Creature In Tanzania That Change Geochronology - Alternative View

Fossilized Footprints Of An Upright Creature In Tanzania That Change Geochronology - Alternative View
Fossilized Footprints Of An Upright Creature In Tanzania That Change Geochronology - Alternative View

Video: Fossilized Footprints Of An Upright Creature In Tanzania That Change Geochronology - Alternative View

Video: Fossilized Footprints Of An Upright Creature In Tanzania That Change Geochronology - Alternative View
Video: Baffling Ancient Artefacts Found In Coal...Incredible, They Are Far Older Than We Thought 2024, September

In 1974, in East Africa, in Tanzania, traces of ancient animals were found in petrified volcanic ash. In the same rock layers a little later, in 1978, traces of upright hominids were also found:


Here is a summary of this find:

Dating, of course, in the style of the official geochronological paradigm. But even in these datings there is a sensation in the scientific world: the ancient hominid became erect almost 2 million years earlier than it was believed according to the theory of evolution.

Although the photographs show that there are only a few centimeters of soil above the petrified layer. Where are the millions of years of sediment accumulation? During this time, at least 100 meters of sedimentary layer should accumulate: over 1 million years at 0.1 mm of accumulation per year (with the lowest rates of soil accumulation)! Or am I wrong in my calculations? And if I am not mistaken, the tracks are very young, not only geologically, but even historically.

Promotional video:

What other oddities can be seen in these tracks? That the footprints are of different sizes, probably male and female, or adult and child. And both walking upright, i.e. this is not an exception. And their growth was simply gigantic by those standards. A small individual had a height of 1.5 m, and a large one - up to 1.7 m. While the growth of australopithecus (also calculated from prints) did not exceed an average of 1.3 m. And in most cases, 1.1 m.


Fossilized footprints from another site at this location. Traces of birds, giraffes, elephants and other animals were found with traces of hominids.


The trail is clearly an upright hominid, not a primate. The primate has a leg shape with a grasping foot structure. And here, even with flat feet, but without a prominent thumb.


According to scientists, these tracks belonged to about such creatures.

These tracks are not the only ones. Scientists have found other fossilized footprints:


Most of the prints were found in Africa. Therefore, Africa is considered the homeland of human ancestors. At first glance, this information allegedly confirms that the theory of evolution is right. And man had an ancestor of the ape-like. The found footprints are an intermediate link between the monkey and modern man, Cro-Magnon. But the footprints do not clearly prove it. There is a hypothesis that these traces of Australopithecus are the traces of the ancestor of both humans and anthropoid apes. One branch developed, the other degraded. Evolution with involution.

My opinion is different. I believe that these prints are of some kind of relict hominids such as Bigfoot or Yeti, big foot, etc. Or a branch of Neanderthals - separate humanoid creatures. Which either disappeared for some reason, or are hiding from modern people due to other abilities: over-developed intuition, instincts with elements of reason, or even telepathy. In general, thanks to those abilities that are in their infancy in modern man.

If you go to the side of creationists, then God (Gods) created many intelligent and semi-intelligent beings. Some species were successful in their design (like modern man), others turned out to be degenerative. They were not bred and their populations dwindled to naught in difficult climatic conditions (like the small peoples of the world over the past 30-50 years). This version also exists, since not devoid of logic. What do you think?

One more question: geological or materials science. How could these traces survive in volcanic ash? Apparently the ash turned to stone quickly. So he was like cement. The rain would wash away all traces. It can be assumed that the ash layer got wet from the underlying soil and gained strength. Either it is mud outcrops of mineral tuff (geo-concrete), which could also quickly turn to stone.

And if so, then it is possible, according to the same principle, to revise the set of strength (duration of petrification) in other rocks and places of the planet. The fossilization processes do not need millions of years - it is enough to mix the soil with volcanic ash, or to spill certain mud (based on burnt ash) that has come out of the depths. It is likely that coal can be the same substance: oil with volcanic ash or clay.

So, to summarize:

- Even according to official geochronology, erect hominids lived much later.

- Petrification of rocks can occur almost instantly, which leads to a revision of their age.

- The footprints in Laetoli in Tanzania cannot be millions of years old, because there are no tens of meters of accumulated sedimentary soil above them.

Author: sibved