UFO Chain Of Transformations - Alternative View

UFO Chain Of Transformations - Alternative View
UFO Chain Of Transformations - Alternative View

Video: UFO Chain Of Transformations - Alternative View

Video: UFO Chain Of Transformations - Alternative View
Video: 2002 Grey Course - Ra Uru Hu - Human Design (w/ transcript) 2024, September

From the analysis of observations, it follows that approximately 90% of observed UFOs are surrounded in flight by some kind of sphere, something like a plasma cloud. In this regard, the French scientists Academician Berger and Professor Vallee put forward an interesting hypothesis.

In their opinion, this "low-temperature plasma envelope" that surrounds the UFO is created forcibly. It is the backbone of UFO flight technology. The UFO itself creates the environment in which it flies, regardless of whether it is in the atmosphere or in space. This environment he creates is a vacuum. The rough scheme is as follows: annihilation occurs at the periphery of the plasma cloud, the mutual destruction of positive and negative particles by microexplosions. And during this microexplosion, a microvacuum is formed for a fraction of an instant. It is in this forcibly created void that the UFO moves. This may explain why UFO designers care so little about the aerodynamic shape of the ship. It does not matter for flight in a vacuum.

If we take this hypothesis as a basis, then a number of riddles can be logically explained. It becomes clear why UFOs can so easily change the flight environment - space, atmosphere, water. It is possible to explain why UFOs penetrate the ice thickness relatively easily. Ice for a fraction of an instant before contact with the UFO body is destroyed by those microexplosions that occur at the periphery of the plasma cloud. This can also explain the absence of a shock wave. The UFO does not push the air apart, does not drive it ahead of itself, but destroys it through annihilation. For the same reason, apparently, UFOs do not leave traces on the water. It can be assumed that the "plasma envelope" is switched on and its power is regulated depending on the need - at high speeds, when passing through a denser medium, possibly for camouflage purposes. Considering that,what we currently know about plasma, it must be assumed that a UFO surrounded by a plasma cloud should be accompanied by a very strong electromagnetic field. Examples of the existence of strong electromagnetic disturbances accompanying UFOs were observed quite often:

- 1957, Baskatong (Canada). All over the city, radios stopped working when a UFO hovered over the city. After his departure, the receivers resumed their work;

- October 1977 260 km from Ryazan. Termination of radio communication between three military aircraft when a UFO appears and its restoration after the departure of a UFO;

- November 1978. During the landing of a UFO 40 km from the capital of Kuwait, not only radio, but also telephone communications were disabled in the whole city;

- September 1982. At a large Pacific Fleet exercise in the Kamchatka region, communication between warships and with the shore was completely disabled for half an hour. On several ships, a passing UFO was observed;

November 1965 is the most impressive case of its kind. The entire northeastern United States, with a population of 36 million, was suddenly plunged into total darkness. Life in eight states was paralyzed for 10 hours. The cause of this "accident of the century" has not been established. Ufologists believe that in this case there was a UFO;

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- in the fall of 1992, a similar incident occurred in a military unit located in the south of Primorye. The personnel of the unit's guard observed a UFO unit flying and hovering over the special object. Electric lighting in the entire unit was turned off, the feeder at the substation was cut off. An attempt to launch autonomous power sources failed. And only 20 minutes after the disappearance of the UFO, diesel generators started up, although they are checked for launch daily and start immediately. This case was recorded in the register of the duty officer with a specific mention of the UFO sighting.

Thus, the presence of strong electromagnetic fields is confirmed by numerous observations. There are even cases when the frequency of the UFO's electromagnetic radiation was measured by instruments. In 1957, for over an hour, a UFO accompanied a US Air Force plane jam-packed with electronic countermeasures. The presence of the object was recorded through five independent channels: - it was seen from the cockpit of the aircraft, spotted by two radars - onboard and ground, and signals from it were recorded by two onboard receivers not connected to each other. The latter made it possible to "grasp" the exact characteristics of the UFO radiation: - frequency from 2995 to 3000 MHz, pulse modulation - 600 Hz, pulse width 2 μs.

Such microwave, microwave radiation inherent in UFOs can also explain the sometimes observed humming character of the sound emitted by UFOs in flight. Human hearing perceives microwave radiation if it comes in impulses with a low repetition rate - about 200-600 Hz. And it will be heard as a buzzing rumble. The wings of a bee oscillate at a frequency of 270 Hz, and a bumblebee - about 400 Hz. UFO microwave radiation can also explain some facts of their impact on living and inanimate nature.

A somewhat different hypothesis is the hypothesis of the presence of time density. The experiments of the astronomer of the Pulkovo Observatory N. A. Kozyrev showed that time, in addition to the well-known property - flow, has one more thing - density. We measure the current with a clock, the density of time - with a galvanometer (a spider's thread). A simple experience that astonishes the uninitiated - in one room sugar is put in tea or a test tube of acetone is poured on the floor, and in another room a light beam is deflected on a sensitive galvanometer. A total eclipse of the moon begins - the galvanometer clearly records the phases. How is this explained?

It turns out that any change in the organization of the physical environment, in other words. heating or cooling of any body, entails a change in the density of time. It, in turn, quickly spreads in space and, meeting other bodies on its way, changes their state, or rather, their organization or entropy. The properties of time density turned out to be so amazing that they can turn our understanding of the world around us. The change in the density of time is transmitted in space instantly. In theory, this means the possibility of a clear and instant connection between civilizations separated in space at any distance.

At the Pulkovo Observatory, a number of experiments were carried out, proving the possibility of measuring the changes in the density of time emanating from very distant stars. The telescope, tightly closed for light rays, was aimed at the point of the sky, where one or another star should have been. The point was calculated. And each time the galvanometer recorded a powerful burst of time density. The telescope was slightly pulled aside - the arrow returned to zero. These experiments are described in the collection "Problems of Investigation of the Universe" No. 7, 1978.

If the proposed N. A. Kozyrev should further develop the hypothesis of the presence of time density and link it up with the one proposed by V. N. Pushkin's new concept of the device of nature, it is possible to offer another version of the energy inherent in UFOs, which allows them to fly at super speeds, in different environments and at super distances. The essence of V. N. Pushkin in that. that just as the masses of physical bodies form a gravitational field, so the thinking beings of the Universe form an information field. Individual information fields interact with each other, connecting through a common field. Life on the planet Earth was brought, but not in the form of molecular structures, but in the form of information fields that influenced the evolution of terrestrial matter. In confirmation of this bold hypothesis, one can cite experiments on the transfer of information from living matter at the cellular level (microbes) to other microbes at a distance, in a non-contact way, carried out in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok. Kozyrev offers a version that the brain of living beings has the ability to emit and receive waves of time density. They are practically not shielded and are transported instantly to any distance. Information is transmitted in the form of images, thoughts, pictures. In this unique phenomenon, the density of time plays the role of a bridge connecting intangible information and matter. Of interest in Kozyrev's hypothesis is the connection between entropy and time density, namely, a change in the entropy of matter leads to the appearance of a time density wave. In turn, the entropy of a substance can be influenced by energy. Next, we turn to Einstein's theory, according to which time and space are closely interconnected. From this relationship, you can build a flight scheme for a hypothetical interstellar ship, in which energy, entropy, time and space are interconnected. When energy is released, a change in entropy occurs, which in turn leads to a change in the density of time, and this affects space in the direction of its rarefaction. Space, perhaps, is thinning until it disappears completely. The spaceship that caused this chain of transformations moves out of space. And further, we can assume that after entering the outer space, it is only necessary to reorientate and leave it in another space, many light years from the initial location. The hypothesis is already very fantastic,but in a number of hypotheses explaining the UFO phenomenon, and it takes its place. And the ability to be included in the universal information field of the Universe, perhaps, can serve for orientation in out-of-space.

Next hypothesis. The German magazine "Space and Time" has published a series of articles that tell about the experiments of the English engineer-inventor John Searle with rapidly rotating disks, consisting of many specially designed magnets. Spun up to a certain speed, such disks began to rotate further by themselves, without any visible energy sources, acquired lifting force, rapidly soared into the sky (one even broke the roof of the laboratory) and, like UFOs, silently moved over long distances. From the eyewitness testimonies given in the magazine, it follows that the edges of the self-rotating discs heated up and emitted some kind of glow, and torn out clods of earth remained at the start site. Perhaps an English engineer was lucky enough to discover some unknown way of accumulation, or maybeeven discover some new kind of energy distributed in space. Perhaps in this case there was a meeting in something like pumping out energy from a vacuum, as a result of which the temperature of the surrounding space changes, and the bodies controlled by the inventor acquire the ability to move in any direction.

Further, it is even more interesting - the disks were destroyed, the documentation burned down, and the inventor, although he is alive today, is deaf and in such a state that he cannot explain the principle of operation of his "electromagnetic disks", assuring that he got the main idea from the stubbornly repeated in childhood " prophetic "dreams. Then he did not understand their meaning, but later, having received a technical education, he realized what was what. Who instilled these ideas in him and who then tried to make sure that nothing came of it - it remains a mystery at the moment. At the same time, original photographs of the disks and their flight tests have been preserved, there is evidence of people who took part in them. Perhaps these were analogs of UFOs built by an earthling.

A. Lukyanets

Especially for SaLiK.biZ