When Will They Start Cloning People In Russia - Alternative View

When Will They Start Cloning People In Russia - Alternative View
When Will They Start Cloning People In Russia - Alternative View

Video: When Will They Start Cloning People In Russia - Alternative View

Video: When Will They Start Cloning People In Russia - Alternative View
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New technologies will appear in the near future.

Mass cloning of human cells will begin in Russia in the next 10 years. Alexey Deikin, Deputy Head of the Shared Use Center of the Institute of Gene Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke about this in an interview with News.ru. We are talking about the so-called therapeutic cloning. The essence of the method: doctors take an egg from a woman, remove the nucleus from it and replace it with another nucleus, for example, skin or connective tissue cells.

After these manipulations, the cell begins to divide and an embryo is formed. Stem cells are isolated from it. They can be used for research and treatment of various diseases. For example, native stem cells are effective in the treatment of diabetic foot. This is a complication of diabetes mellitus, in which trophic ulcers are formed on the legs. Also, with the help of them, it will be possible to grow any artificial organs for transplantation.

The world will start creating in 10 years, such a forecast in an interview with News.ru was given by the Honored Doctor of Russia, geneticist Evgeny Lilin. This technology is already being mastered in Japan, the USA, and South Korea.


Reproductive cloning (creation of a living double) of a person is prohibited by law in all countries of the world. In Russia, this norm is enshrined in the law "On a temporary ban on human cloning." The corresponding amendments were made to it at the end of March 2010.

The situation is likely to change in the near future. At the end of August this year, the State Duma ordered an expert and analytical study on the latest reproductive technologies. Experts will have to analyze the possibility of using human cloning in our country, genome editing and cryogenic resurrection. The corresponding document is posted on the public procurement website. The authors of the future study should create norms for the use of assisted reproductive technologies and measures of responsibility for their violation.

Meanwhile, Evgeny Lilin was skeptical about the idea of a possible reproductive cloning of a person, although he assured that, technically, there is such a possibility and it is "relatively easy" to do it.

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Veronica Vorontsova
