In Search Of The World's Treasures - Alternative View

In Search Of The World's Treasures - Alternative View
In Search Of The World's Treasures - Alternative View

Video: In Search Of The World's Treasures - Alternative View

Video: In Search Of The World's Treasures - Alternative View
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As the guns rumbled and the bombs exploded in World War II, a secret occult battle unfolded between Nazi Germany and the United States of America. Roosevelt and Hitler fought for unrestricted power over the civilized world.

Both sides tried to capture such shrines of Christianity as the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant. This is the opinion of the historian and researcher William Henry, which he stated in one of his books.

Henry believes that after the war, US President Franklin Roosevelt and the Prime Minister

British Winston Churchill hid from the public the fact that the Nazis relied on the occult in their struggle. “They forbade the fascist bosses to announce this at the Nuremberg trials,” the historian says. "The allies were afraid they would have followers."

Understanding the real nature of the terrible war and the reasons for the victory over Nazism allows us to re-evaluate this world event. “Since Nazism turned out to be what it really was - an occult religion, so you can call the Second World War a crusade, which was not and will not be in the next 50 years,” says Henry.

At the end of the 30s, German intellectuals plunged headlong into paganism and occultism. “They had a belief that the lost continent of Atlantis was the birthplace of the first civilization,” Henry says. - Their dogma proclaimed the idea of the origin of the Germans, or Aryans (as they called themselves), from Atlantis. They were convinced that the inhabitants of the sunken continent were blond aliens. According to eyewitnesses, Hitler and his supporters entered into contact with the gods of this submerged country."

The Nazis believed that Hitler was the messiah who would manage to create the millennial Reich or the Aryan golden age, during which they, the Nazis, would become godlike. This can explain the fact that during the war, the German authorities spent huge amounts of money on the search for shrines.

But Hitler had rivals who were eager to find these relics first. As a young man, Franklin Roosevelt bought shares in a company that was trying to find the treasures of the Knights Templar, warlike monks who proclaimed themselves guardians of Christ.

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Already as president, Roosevelt came under the strong influence of the Russian artist Nicholas Roerich, who believed in the legend of Atlantis and that the superbeings that once ruled the ancient kingdom took refuge in Mongolia.

In 1934, Roosevelt sent an expedition to Mongolia. Officially, her mission was to research the flora of the country. In fact, they were trying to find traces of the inhabitants of the ancient continent, and perhaps even Jesus himself.

We still do not know the results of the search, but there is information that a black stone, known as the Stone of Destiny, was brought to America, which came to Earth from Sirius. According to legend, the stone was in the hands of the rulers of Atlantis, then passed on to King Solomon. “The stone was hidden in a tower in Shambhala, in Tibet, it emitted waves that influenced the fate of the world,” Henry writes in his book.

The historian suggests that the American president did possess some of the secrets of Atlantis. This can explain the tremendous advances made by American science in the postwar years. “We built our own Atlantis,” says the author of the book.

Larisa Muravskaya