Interview With Vyacheslav Tokarev About Labyrinths - Alternative View

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Interview With Vyacheslav Tokarev About Labyrinths - Alternative View
Interview With Vyacheslav Tokarev About Labyrinths - Alternative View

Video: Interview With Vyacheslav Tokarev About Labyrinths - Alternative View

Video: Interview With Vyacheslav Tokarev About Labyrinths - Alternative View
Video: Что такое лабиринты. Вячеслав Токарев. Часть 1 2024, September

Interview with Vyacheslav Tokarev, researcher, scientist and traveler, full member of the International Club of Scientists and the Russian Geographical Society, President of the International Public Scientific Research Movement "Arctida Heritage".

Vyacheslav Viktorovich, hello. You are a professional geologist, doctor of technical sciences, participant and organizer of many interesting research expeditions to study ancient civilizations and megalithic culture - pyramids, dolmens, menhirs, labyrinths. Labyrinths are usually perceived by people as some kind of protective structures or an object of decoration in gardens, an object of entertainment (for example, in children's games). You suggest looking at labyrinths differently. How do you yourself feel about labyrinths?

- It's hard to say for everyone at once. You can have fun anywhere, in any bizarre plexus of paths and paths. Some consider labyrinths to be constructions for performing funeral rites, and some - constructions for fishing, and even received grants for such experimental and design developments.


Explanatory dictionaries serve as a reflection of the concepts accepted in society, what labyrinths are. In Wikipedia, a "labyrinth" is defined as a structure (usually in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space), consisting of intricate paths to the exit or paths leading to a dead end.

In the Classical Antiquities dictionary, it is an Egyptian word meaning a complex structure with a confusion of passages and rooms. And V. I. Dahl - labyrinths are again marked as tangled paths, passages or a place from which it is difficult to find an exit, and further he clarifies that they are known from ancient buildings in Egypt and on the island of Crete.

As the results of studying the ancient world show, from the very inception of civilizations, people, for some unknown reason, have always sought to learn labyrinths and similar structures of rotation - circles, cromlechs, ulits, spirals. Their images are found on the rock paintings of antiquity, in the mosaic of floors under the ash layers of Pompeii and on the pages of the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata".


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Why did some incomprehensible confusion so attracted people? I believe that it is possible to simply wander in search of a way out of the impasse if the desire arises in real life in many places. And the labyrinths have always attracted and today they attract by the fact that they show the way out to the Light, the way out of the Darkness of being. This is the way to get rid of sins, from hardships and sufferings, the way out to the highest divine destiny of man.

In your opinion, who invented the labyrinths and what were they originally used for?

- It is difficult to judge what events and thoughts were in the initial times. Some information about the past has been preserved in ancient Greek myths, to which the "Myth of the Minotaur" undoubtedly belongs. There, the construction in Crete in the palace of the labyrinth is attributed to the enlightenment of the oracle, who conveyed to King Minos that with their help he could cleanse himself of the anger of the gods for the deception and thereby get rid of the misfortunes that befell him and the country.

And the labyrinth was built by none other than the great master Daedalus. However, we know this myth from the records of the 6th century AD. I believe that there are many inaccuracies in this late presentation of it, or, in modern terms, it is far-fetched. The behavior of many mythical characters does not correspond to their original image.

Park of Labyrinths, Altai
Park of Labyrinths, Altai

Park of Labyrinths, Altai.

Why did the white bull become the cause of discord in the royal family? And why - a bull? We know that in ancient times the bull was a symbol of the Sun God, which he carried on his horns. And in the myth, this sacred animal is sacrificed. Apparently, the ancient gods gave way to other beliefs, so a new “vegetable garden” had to be urgently set up, rewriting old texts.

Oracle - an intermediary between gods and people, predicted or showed the way through cleansing from sins to the highest good. It turns out that they built labyrinths to teach the gods, to transfer to people some knowledge about the development of the higher worlds, how to achieve perfection for a person in harmony with the surrounding world.

And why is the Minotaur in the myth so bloodthirsty? Have you seen meat-eating cows and bulls? They are known to feed on plant foods. This means that here, too, someone really did not want to pass on certain knowledge further, they were hiding and were "a secret behind seven seals."

Park of Labyrinths, Altai
Park of Labyrinths, Altai

Park of Labyrinths, Altai.

Let us analyze briefly what exactly could it be then? For what reason are the best young men and women selected in the country today, as in ancient times? That's right, for admission to universities. And temples and palaces were often in ancient times a kind of higher educational institutions, where the future elite of the country was brought up. So the best of the best disappeared for a whole long nine years in labyrinthine temples, and the Minotaur was the keeper or, in a modern way, the rector of an educational institution in the capital city of Knossos during the reign of Minos.

So what, then, does The Myth of the Minotaur tell us about? To us, in my opinion, this myth sets out the primary archaic ideas about the period when people were gods, when they could create harmony and development on our planet together. Then the fall of man took place (in our case, Minos deceived the gods, replaced the white bull with another at the sacrifice) and a labyrinth was built to purify from sins and misfortunes.

Speaking about labyrinths, indeed, we first of all remember about ancient Greece and the Minotaur. And what is the geography of the location of the labyrinths around the world? Where are labyrinths most common in Russia?

- I find it difficult to answer the question where on our planet there are no labyrinths and similar structures of rotation. If in some area such calculations, structures, patterns or symbols were not found, it means that they have not been looking for enough.

Park of Labyrinths, Altai
Park of Labyrinths, Altai

Park of Labyrinths, Altai.

In Russia, traditionally, for many years, labyrinths have been explored in the North-West region along the shores of the Barents, White and Baltic seas, Onega and Ladoga lakes. For that the mountains of the Caucasus were considered far from similar designs, but even there in 2000 a large book-monograph “Dagestan labyrinths. On the problem of autochthonousness and topology”by the famous scientist, architect S. O. Khan-Magomedov.

In the church decoration of Orthodox churches until the 17th century, icons depicting labyrinths were widely represented, on which a person was placed in the center, and in front of him were opened spiral paths of the most difficult exit either to the City of God at the top of the icon, or to be thrown into the terrible jaws of Satan the Devil. And they called the labyrinths in Russia "Babylon", "Jerusalem" - after the places where the gods were believed to live.

As a result of well-known church reforms, these icons were destroyed, only two survived - the Spiritual Labyrinth and the Way to Paradise in the New Jerusalem Monastery (Moscow) and in the Kazan Cathedral (St. Petersburg).

Do you know of mystical cases associated with labyrinths? If yes, please tell us

- By labyrinths, we mean, first of all, various complex structures of rotation inherent in all basic models of the origin and development of the Universe. Entering them, we, willingly or unwillingly, come into contact with the Unified energy-information field of our entire Universe, which means that we can influence the natural and social environment around us.

During their passage, mystical cases happen constantly and are noted by almost all participants, and only a brief listing of them can take many pages of text. These are changes in weather phenomena, the arrival of forest animals (squirrels, hares, moles) and birds to the labyrinths, the growth of lush vegetation, deep noise sounds, soft thermal sensations.

Labyrinth, mountain Beshtau
Labyrinth, mountain Beshtau

Labyrinth, mountain Beshtau.

And what happens to the participants: in a matter of hours of classes, people often undergo colossal changes in the psychotype of the personality, they can view them in mental images and rebuild the lines of their fate. Because of the mysticism that happens in the labyrinths, we jokingly call them "great pimps." Fingers on hands will not be enough to count the number of family unions created after their passage and children born. In addition, in the labyrinths, the issues of getting rid of various harmful addictions - drunkenness, smoking, gluttony - are very effectively solved.

Do the locations of the labyrinths carry some kind of energy? Is there any impact on the environment, on humans?

- Energy in labyrinths manifests itself in everything at once. Everything that can revolve and revolve - pendulums, different frames and indicators - moves and oscillates there. Working on labyrinths with GDV (gas-discharge visualization) devices, we see significant changes in the biological fields of people, plants, rocks and aquatic environments on computer monitors. By experimenting with the perception of time streams, we can note changes that go beyond statistical errors.

Is there a connection between the labyrinths and previous civilizations on Earth, or even with alien civilizations?

- Yes, there is no doubt. After all, people are the main aliens on planet Earth. Here we hide in clothes, build houses from an aggressive hostile natural environment. And wandering through the stellar worlds, we learn the laws of the Universe and apply them in the construction of our temples, one of which, undoubtedly, are labyrinths.

Labyrinth on Bolshoy Solovetsky Island
Labyrinth on Bolshoy Solovetsky Island

Labyrinth on Bolshoy Solovetsky Island.

The mystical properties of labyrinths, perhaps, can be compared with the properties of pyramids. Do you see any parallels in this comparison?

“Both pyramids and labyrinths can rightfully be called radars of distant worlds. They include a person in the channels of the torsion fields of the Universe, through which we can almost instantly see and feel any currents, the slightest echoes of the beating of the living hearts of its inhabitants. We have now developed a new model of the Universal Temple, which includes the Pyramid and the Labyrinth in a single whole. In 2019, we plan to start building similar structures.

Can the pattern of labyrinths carry hidden messages? What can be encrypted there?

- Man is born in the image and likeness of God, and the labyrinth is a model for the construction of the Universe, it is the projection of the torsion energy-information field flows onto the horizontal earth's surface. In our classes at the School of Labyrinths, we learn to reveal in each pattern these hidden messages and how life is arranged, lives and develops in all its manifestations. And the first lesson from which training begins is "Labyrinth, like a living cell of Nature and Man."

How can mazes be used in the modern world? How can they benefit the common man?

- If a person wants to develop, to be in harmony with the constantly changing vibrations of the Cosmos and the modern world, the practices of the Labyrinths can have their feasible impact and come to the rescue. However, one must always remember that this is just one of the tools, and each of us decides for himself what he should be, whether to take the path of love, peace and goodness, or to go through the formation of selfish, disastrous motives.

Labyrinth, Suoranda
Labyrinth, Suoranda

Labyrinth, Suoranda.

You are the President of the Arctida Heritage International Public Research Movement. What is the main purpose of this movement?

- We study the heritage and technologies of the past civilizations of the Earth, we are looking for those positive solutions that could help for modern development, overcoming various crises and disasters.

Vyacheslav Viktorovich, thank you very much for the interview. I hope to continue discussing this interesting topic in the future

Interviewed by Elena Krumbo