Ice Age Or Global Warming: What You Need To Know About Climate Change On Earth - Alternative View

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Ice Age Or Global Warming: What You Need To Know About Climate Change On Earth - Alternative View
Ice Age Or Global Warming: What You Need To Know About Climate Change On Earth - Alternative View

Video: Ice Age Or Global Warming: What You Need To Know About Climate Change On Earth - Alternative View

Video: Ice Age Or Global Warming: What You Need To Know About Climate Change On Earth - Alternative View
Video: Could Global Warming Start A New Ice Age? 2024, September

Exactly 35 years ago, in August 1981, scientists warned humanity about the threat of global warming on Earth. Its anomalous consequences are becoming more tangible. And yet there is no effective solution to the problem. In addition, in recent years, information has accumulated about new causes of this dangerous phenomenon and apocalyptic scenarios for the development of events have appeared.

Greenhouse effect +

Today every schoolchild knows about greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect. But it turns out that an increase in the concentration of CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere is not the only culprit in global warming.

“When global warming was announced 35 years ago, greenhouse gases were considered the main cause of this phenomenon,” Pavel Sukhonin, an ecologist and member of the Expert Council of the Committee of Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecology of the State Duma, said in an interview with RT. "But at that time, three more factors were not taken into account: electromagnetic smog, environmental pollution of water surfaces and power lines."

This three-headed hydra heats the planet like greenhouse gases. The mechanics of the process were explained in an interview with RT by Pavel Sukhonin.

We all remember the classic experience from physics lessons - the rotation of the frame in a magnetic field. If an additional electromotive force is applied to the frame, it will begin to rotate faster. “The Earth, like a frame, rotates in the magnetic field of other planets. And the electromagnetic smog generated by the entire energy system of the planet is an additional electromotive force. In theory, the Earth should rotate faster, but because of its huge mass, this rotation does not take place - as a result, heating occurs, Pavel Sukhonin specified.

Water, like forests, is the lungs of the planet. And pollution of water surfaces is fraught with environmental problems. As you know, in the Pacific Ocean there are two seas of garbage of a colossal area. And, according to Pavel Sukhonin, this part of the ocean no longer produces oxygen, but rather absorbs it from the atmosphere, thereby increasing the amount of carbon dioxide.

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Power lines also contribute to the global warming bank. As an example, we can take the famous power transmission line from the Volzhskaya HPP to Moscow - 1,500 kilometers long and 500 kilovolts in voltage. It forms a powerful electrostatic field. “Between the ionosphere and the power transmission line, there is an ion shield, through which moist air masses cannot break through,” Pavel Sukhonin specified. This leads to the fact that moist air masses coming from Europe cannot penetrate this shield and do not fall in the Pamirs in the form of precipitation. As a result, the Amu Darya, Syrdarya and the Aral Sea are shallow.


An antidote to the negative effects of power lines was found in Japan. There, at one time, due to the huge number of power lines, a phenomenon arose that was jokingly called the "Japanese electromagnetic anomaly" in the scientific world - so serious were the climate changes. But 20 years ago, the Japanese at the state level decided to convert all power lines into cables. And the climate has recovered. “After that, folk weather signs began to work in Japan again,” concluded Pavel Sukhonin.

Weather forecast

Recently, weather forecasters' messages resemble reports from the front - suffice it to recall the recent Moscow tropical downpour. If you look into the recent history of the world's weather reports, the picture is completely apocalyptic.

Abnormal heat in Russia in 2010 with large-scale fires and smoky smog in the capital and its environs. Abnormal frosts in Europe and Russia in 2012 and in the USA in 2014. Abnormal snowfalls in 2013 in the United States and 2014 in Japan. Unprecedented snow in Israel and Palestine, South Africa and Saudi Arabia. Hail with a pigeon's egg in Holland last month. 2013 floods in Europe and the Far East, more reminiscent of the biblical flood. And the floods in Brazil and Peru, in China and the USA, are not inferior to them in destructive power. This blacklist goes on and on.

What surprises can we expect from the weather in the future? “In the next twenty years, the line between winter and summer will be blurred,” Pavel Sukhonin said. - The so-called spring is waiting for us. And the contrast between dry and rainy areas will continue to increase.”

The ocean is overflowing

The most widely spread horror story of global warming is the melting of ice and a catastrophic rise in the level of the World Ocean. Some experts promise complete disappearance of the Arctic ice by 2030-2050. As a result, the Atlantic coast of the United States and the coastal regions of Uruguay and Peru, the Netherlands and Denmark may go under water. London and Venice, Alexandria and Cairo will disappear from the world map. Already, the Peruvian city of Huarazu is on the verge of extinction - it is threatened by flooding from a melting glacier.


Along with the onset of high water, destructive tornadoes, forest fires, extreme frosts and droughts will come. The migration of tropical insects to the north will begin, which will bring with them exotic diseases. Due to a change in the usual habitat, up to 30% of animal and plant species can disappear.

But this is not the worst thing.

Methane apocalypse

It should be noted that the predicted disasters are just models for the development of the situation. And they are all approximate. Including the most apocalyptic ones - like the destruction of biological life on the planet. Methane will be to blame for the death of all living things.

“A huge amount of methane is dissolved in the water column,” Pavel Sukhonin explained. - Over the past 10 years, the temperature of the World Ocean has increased by 1.5 degrees. When the water is cold, the methane dissolved in it is bound; when heated, the methane comes out of the water. So, under the ice in the Spitsbergen area, because of the heating of the water, methane accumulates, it finds some cracks, it breaks out through them, strong heating occurs along the road, the methane ignites - and from under the ice fire methane torches 80-100 meters each height. Norwegian scientists have captured these methane geysers. So, the most apocalyptic scenario is when, at a certain level of water heating, the release of methane takes on the character of a chain reaction, then the atmosphere will become methane, and all biological life will perish."

Where to run?

Of course, you can't hide from a global flood. But less global natural disasters can wait out if you know the places. What parts of the earth are least prone to natural disasters? In terms of the sum of the factors, researchers give preference to Australia, Scandinavia, the Balkans and our Central Russian Upland.

In the high-risk zone, according to Pavel Sukhonin, are the USA and Japan, followed by the Far East and Europe.

Ice Age as salvation

Some researchers frighten humanity not with global warming, but not less with global cooling. However, there is a silver lining.

“There is statistics that the astrophysical factors of the Sun's activity are decreasing at intervals of 600 years,” said Pavel Sukhonin. - And now the Sun is decreasing in activity, and in 15-20 years we will have a small ice age. And this will be our salvation from global warming."

Government and business guarding nature?

In the meantime, the ice age did not come to our aid, the powers that be took up the fight against global warming. This year, the Paris Agreement was signed, under which the countries agreed not to raise the average temperature on the planet by more than 1.5 degrees. True, all the Paris agreements, like the Kyoto Protocol before, are of a recommendatory nature.


However, not all so simple. "When the Paris Agreement comes into force in 2020 against businesses that do not pursue an active environmental policy, then border control measures can be applied to such companies," Anton Galenovich, head of the working group on climate policy of the Association of European Businesses, said in an interview with RT. And this will make the business think seriously.

By the way, we must pay tribute to the cleverness of entrepreneurs. They were among the first, even before the publication of the conclusions of scientists, sounded the alarm about global warming. “Large reinsurance companies were the first from the business community to draw attention to the threat of climate change,” said Anton Galenovich. "They saw it from the statistics and their insurance claims data - they had to pay much more for the damage caused by climate change."

It remains to be hoped that if not the arguments of reason, then at least a dry calculation will make humanity seriously think about the threat of global warming and take all the necessary security measures.

Ilya Ogandzhanov
