The Negative Impact Of Resentment On Human Energy - Alternative View

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The Negative Impact Of Resentment On Human Energy - Alternative View
The Negative Impact Of Resentment On Human Energy - Alternative View

Video: The Negative Impact Of Resentment On Human Energy - Alternative View

Video: The Negative Impact Of Resentment On Human Energy - Alternative View
Video: OSHO: If Somebody Creates Anger in You 2024, June

Could it be that an offense in your soul against someone brings trouble to you yourself? Let's try to understand this issue.

Offended people are rarely lucky. They are rarely lucky. They are rarely happy. Resentment in the soul can attract health problems. After all, resentment is an accumulation of bad thoughts, which in bioenergy are called low-frequency energies. Depending on the reason, this negative is concentrated in the human mental body in various organs, interfering with their work.

Resentment leads to the release of various neurotransmitters into the body, which negatively affect internal organs, health and character. If this is a woman's resentment against a man, she concentrates in the chest area, entailing problems of the cardiovascular system. If you take offense through sex, inflammation can occur in the genital area, and if you are offended at all, your lungs begin to fail. Regardless of gender and age, the liver and endocrine system instantly respond to offense.

In 1984, the Ukrainian researcher of medical cybernetics, academician Valentin Yatsenko became interested in the influence of resentment on the human biofield. Scientists conducted an experiment in the central research laboratory of the Bogomolets Medical University. They deliberately offended people, and then measured their bioenergetic potential with a special device. Scientists have determined that the biological activity, that is, the vitality of the offended person is reduced by 30%. In addition, the results of the experiment showed that offended people are "contagious." They leave behind a trail of negative energy. People who approach the offended one closer than one and a half meters adopt his energy indicators.

A person who is fraught with resentment all the time and does not want to get rid of it becomes negatively energetic.

Freedom from resentment in the soul is a virtue for Buddhists. Buddha, when he noticed some insults, immediately sent his disciple to wash in cold water, wash off bad emotions from himself. The ability to forgive is one of the fundamental values of Christianity. The last day before Lent is Forgiveness Sunday. Its essence is not only to beautifully ask everyone for forgiveness, but also to forgive others. That is why all Orthodox Christians ask each other for forgiveness in order to enter fasting and accomplish it with dignity, not in condemnation in oneself, but in spiritual self-improvement.

Psychics believe that the easiest way is to let go of someone's blame in the energetically strong places of the Earth. For example, we used to build churches in such places. There should be no unnecessary structures at this place. It must have a clear dome of the sky above it.

Promotional video:

How to get rid of resentment in the soul with a candle

It is necessary to imagine an ordinary church candle - a symbol of purification and faith in good, and next to you mentally imagine the person on whom you hold evil. And then mix both images together. This technique will help to let love and forgiveness into the heart.