Difficulties Of Realizing The "world Of Souls" And "traps" At The Astral Level - Alternative View

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Difficulties Of Realizing The "world Of Souls" And "traps" At The Astral Level - Alternative View
Difficulties Of Realizing The "world Of Souls" And "traps" At The Astral Level - Alternative View

Video: Difficulties Of Realizing The "world Of Souls" And "traps" At The Astral Level - Alternative View

Video: Difficulties Of Realizing The
Video: The Astral Plane | 5e Dungeons & Dragons 2024, June

In this article, we would like to share with you the difficulties of our awareness at the physical level, of those "movements" that occur outside the reach of our physical world.

We will not touch upon those “ideal” departures into the world of souls, but rather touch upon other “deviations” of leaving the body after death.

The following options were noticeable here. We hope we don’t need to clarify how this can be traced? And what tools are used for this?

First. Traveler souls

The “belonging” of certain souls to other civilizations, life or existence, which is located at some “subtle” level of the structure of the materials around us, is clearly traced. This is not the world of souls, these are completely real worlds, with the perception of matter, but different or completely different from our world. And with other possibilities.

Such souls come, incarnate in human bodies, as researchers, observers, to collect information about various DNA, etc. There are just travelers, as if from the boredom of their existence they plunge into our world, experience earthly sensations and emotions.


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Second. Captured and used souls

Roughly speaking, these souls are also caught by other extraterrestrial civilizations, which are more aggressive. Plunging their "slaves" into tangled lies and illusions. And they are sent for incarnation in our earthly world and human bodies.

Sometimes it is possible to trace the moments when random traveling souls of a loner from other civilizations who find themselves in the sphere of influence of these parasitic civilizations get to them.

And, of course, in their "diet" there is a large part of our earthly souls, which cannot go into the soul world because of their own convictions.

But it is precisely these beliefs that are imposed by representatives of these parasitic extraterrestrial races. And the most difficult thing is to discover, here we cannot control it being in a state of being in physical bodies. People simply do not believe in the importance of some kind of thin layers, subtle matter, etc. And it feels like these civilizations are making a lot of efforts to impose various kinds of beliefs in our civilization that lead us astray.

Why do you think people do not remember their existence before being born in bodies? All the same beliefs. It is impossible, neither right nor right. Adults themselves "do not allow" children to remember this, a vicious circle, and consciousness is formed from birth in the form of "impossible" amnesia.

This process itself is difficult to explain in a nutshell, a separate huge topic for discussion.

And after the death of the body, the soul, separating from the body, is so convinced of something that this subtle "path-transition" to the more subtle world of souls is blocked.

And the soul remains to exist on the near-earth world, in the "nearby" structures of matter. The very ones where all the activities of these parasitic civilizations take place. And they are simply masters to deceive and immerse themselves in illusions.

If you want a saint, you have a saint on you, or maybe you are just an alien, and you are doing your duty in the form of an embodiment, please. Now look how much “wrong” you did during your incarnations, karmic debts, contracts, how much you violated, but come on, fix everything. And again, incarnations with connections and withdrawn energies from the soul, which is created due to the experience of the soul received.

Separate information

The soul has a connection with its divine principle, there is always an energetic connection with a source of energy, which is available only to the soul itself. And she "transforms-cultivates" this energy through her experience, into the energy of certain characteristics.

And these parasitic extraterrestrial civilizations have learned in various ways to "harvest" the necessary energy using our souls or beings living in other structures of matter.
