UFO Over Las Vegas - Alternative View

UFO Over Las Vegas - Alternative View
UFO Over Las Vegas - Alternative View

Video: UFO Over Las Vegas - Alternative View

Video: UFO Over Las Vegas - Alternative View
Video: Lights over Las Vegas were parachutists, not aliens 2024, September

Las Vegas-based ufologist Stephen Barone captured these amazing footage this week near Area 51 AFB. This is the name of the Nellis Air Force Base, located in the state of Nevada.

“This video was recorded in Las Vegas, NV on the night of February 25, 2016. It was an amazing night with a night vision camera,” says ufologist Stephen Barone. - I started shooting bright lights in the south before it got completely dark. At first I'm not sure what it was, but I decided to shoot just in case. It turned out amazingly, I filmed the flight of four lights, which then disappeared behind the next roof."

“When two more pairs of lights appeared in the north, I knew immediately that something special was happening. I have already shot similar lights in this place. I was surprised by the order in which they flew and the very slow speed."

“And what's most interesting is that I now know their destination because the camera followed them in the direction of Nellis AFB. They flew to a very strange place that I have filmed many times. This is a place where hundreds of lights appear out of nowhere."

“At first I only saw the lights in the south, and the lights in the north were not visible. And finally, the video in the north and south shows planes taking off from the air force base and moving in a narrow corridor. They are definitely planes, because their bright flashing lights are clearly visible,”added Stephen Barone.

"Pay attention, next to each UFO is a wingman," commented the famous ufologist Scott K. Waring. “Flying in pairs is the safest for them, especially if military planes start playing cat and mouse with them. Stephen has an amazing night vision camera that shows fantastic detail. A great tool. Even disguised UFOs cannot hide from him."