Mortido Is An Instinct For Self-destruction. Signs - Alternative View

Mortido Is An Instinct For Self-destruction. Signs - Alternative View
Mortido Is An Instinct For Self-destruction. Signs - Alternative View

Video: Mortido Is An Instinct For Self-destruction. Signs - Alternative View

Video: Mortido Is An Instinct For Self-destruction. Signs - Alternative View
Video: Intellect or Instinct: A Contemporary View of the Death Drive | The New School 2024, September

At first, Freud challenged the death instinct inherent in man. It was described by Sabina Spielrein at the beginning of the 20th century. Freud recognized only the instinct of life, the great Eros, libido. The instinct of self-preservation and love. But then the scientist realized that somewhere in the depths of the subconscious there is a death program. She just is - that's all. And at a certain moment, say, in old age and decrepitude, this program turns on. It's time to leave this world. The cycle of earthly life is over. And the old people calmly talk about death, prepare for it, the joy of life fades away and is replaced by quiet humility. This is normal. Or mortido turns on if the meaning of life is lost. Events took place that made the further struggle for life senseless. Loss of a beloved person or social position …

But the death instinct is also manifested in an unaltered person. “There is rapture in battle and a dark abyss on the edge,” the poet wrote. Sometimes a person is drawn to risk, to danger, and “he, rebellious, is looking for storms” and thrills. Stands on the edge of an abyss or jumps over it. He drinks and smokes, although he perfectly understands the degree of risk. Sometimes he commits risky actions, recklessly on the road, goes to a red light … It seems to be negligence or stupidity. But in fact, this is how the death instinct manifests itself. Or here: the vitality of a young and generally healthy person disappears. Depression begins, bad thoughts and even intentions come. And sometimes there is no depression. But in the results of psychological tests, a person shows a passion for the topic of death; somewhere in the subconscious, a dark, quiet melody sounds - in the background, implicitly, so we do not give ourselves an account,that almost inaudible music is playing nearby …

You can "turn on" this death instinct deliberately. Or you can - by accident. Anthropologists describe the influence of "corruption": a person loses the will to live, experiences strong fear, sometimes unconscious, and then dies for no apparent reason. And the shaman just pointed a bone at the person! Or the village sorcerer looked askance … Sometimes the mortido can turn on after a strong shock, loss. And sometimes a person himself provokes the inclusion of mortido by passion for the theme of death, dark music, tragic poems … So the song of the Hungarian composer about the meaninglessness of life has become a "suicide anthem." People listened to this sad song and made a decision to die. They were already feeling bad, and these gloomy howls included mortido …

Signs of mortido work can be noticed, although the person himself often does not notice them. But he often talks about death and is inclined to remember the dead for no reason. Too often lists those who have died. And shows excessive interest in conversations on this topic.

The person loses interest in the joys of life; he is not too attracted to what used to please and amuse. He tends to philosophize; but the whole philosophy is reduced to reflections like: “maybe it's good there!” - about the afterlife. In his speech, the themes of death flicker - too often.

The man began to get injured frequently and get into accidents. Conflicts occur more often; permanent losses and work problems can also begin.

There is either a strange mobility, activity, a tendency to change places, "cockroach races" - does not sit still at all. Or the other extreme - a person lies or sits all day. It is difficult for him to move, go somewhere.

Alcohol abuse may begin; but alcohol does not bring fun. There are deviations in eating behavior: a person either eats too much, or loses interest in food. But all this is implicit; it is not immediately possible to notice it.

Promotional video:

“I'm tired”, “I'm tired of everything,” “leave me alone,” these phrases flash. Otherwise, everything is as usual, but these warning signs may indicate that the Mortido program has turned on. Self-destruct program. Sometimes you can “turn it off”, sometimes you can't. And you can "turn on". But here are the signs of this instinct at work. Which exists just as the instinct of life and love exists. It's just that it's not studied enough yet …

Anna Kiryanova