Female Magic: Heirs Of Ancient Sorceresses - Alternative View

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Female Magic: Heirs Of Ancient Sorceresses - Alternative View
Female Magic: Heirs Of Ancient Sorceresses - Alternative View

Video: Female Magic: Heirs Of Ancient Sorceresses - Alternative View

Video: Female Magic: Heirs Of Ancient Sorceresses - Alternative View
Video: The Extraordinary 2,000-Year-Old Mummy Of Lady Dai | Diva Mummy | Absolute History 2024, September

It's no secret that for our ancestors, magic was an integral part of life. People appealed to the gods, spirits and forces of nature, knew how to control energies and get in touch with the Higher Forces - and thus solved a variety of tasks: they protected their homes from enemies and wild animals, drove away diseases, attracted love.

Of course, the most serious problems were solved by the elite - priests, sorcerers, witches, shamans. In a word, people with special Power and Knowledge. But almost everyone knew the basics of magical art. Moreover, for a long time there was an unspoken division into male and female magic.


This division is not surprising. Indeed, for millennia, men and women actually lived in different worlds and only the last couple of centuries began to develop each other's territories. Whether this is good or not is a separate question. But it was so, and in ancient times the world of men and the world of women were different, like day and night. Interests, goals, tasks of the strong and weaker (conditionally) sex practically did not intersect. Of course, the magic of men and women was completely different.


The strength and thoughts of men have always rushed into the outside world: conquest, victories, prey, protection of a kind from the same aggressors, establishing contacts with former enemies. Men needed magic protection, luck in battle (and later in business) - and they turned to the spirits of their ancestors for support, sought the blessings of the gods.

The woman's world was much smaller - but by no means poorer! Procreation, home improvement, health and well-being of children and other relatives, harmonization of the home and, of course, the support of a man - in order to cope with these tasks (which may seem elementary only to men, and even then at first glance), women turned to the forces of nature, drew energy from mother earth, called on the guardian spirits. Women's magic was constantly improving - after all, mothers passed on their knowledge and skills to their daughters, and they brought something of their own.

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This continuity was not interrupted even in the days when most men turned away from magic. Yes, history knows many great magicians and sorcerers and much less famous sorceresses. But perhaps the reason is that history was also written by men? If we go back to the recent past, we will find that in any village for one sorcerer there are a dozen of sorcerers, witches, healers. This can hardly be considered an accident, agree?


Of course, it's not that women are more inclined towards witchcraft. It's just that men are too categorical. At some point, they got too carried away by science, practicality and positivism - and without regret left the centuries-old magical experience in the past. There are, of course, exceptions, but they only confirm the rule. And so, while men were moving science, and indeed doing specific things, women, like centuries ago, passed on magical traditions from generation to generation.


Almost all over the world, women, unlike men, "did not study at universities." In magical ones as well. So, if the sorcerer noticed a gifted boy, he made every effort to transfer his art to him. In later times, young men comprehend both science and ancient magical practices, which opened up almost limitless possibilities for them. So, in fact, most of the world-famous magicians and sorcerers were brought up. Well, sorceresses, sorceresses, healers simply adopted the experience of their mentors, as a rule, “on the job” - that is, from everyday women's affairs.


In almost every village there was a woman, to whom they went to bewitch a loved one, or avert trouble, or relieve pain. In other words, she was approached on special occasions. But absolutely all girls, girls, old women took part in collective magic rituals, the purpose of which was to ensure the well-being of the clan, to beg for the harvest, and to protect the village from invaders. Men, who have long turned away from magic, calmly sowed, plowed, fought and sometimes did not even suspect that they owe their success, and sometimes their lives, to female magic.

By the way, apart from hereditary sorceresses and witches, little girls and old women were considered the best sorceresses among many nations. Firstly, because they are especially close to another world (some have just left it, having been born into the world, others are about to go back). And secondly, because both girls and grandmothers were considered pure, immaculate creatures (I foresee that many will have objections about grandmothers, but our ancestors believed that since “it was a long time ago and not true”, then take into account not worth it). In some regions, people believed that spirits could speak through their lips. That is why the words of little girls and grandmothers have always been listened to.


For example, if the bridegroom of a young lady did not like her grandmother or younger sister (who had not yet become a girl), the wedding was canceled. Of course, the old woman's advice is valuable already because of her life experience and wisdom, but the sister's disapproval was explained solely by the discontent of the spirits. If the baby cried, was capricious or, God forbid, felt bad in the presence of an outsider, the person was instantly credited to the category of unkind and everyone tried to stay away from him.

Adult girls and women also had their own magic. They performed most of the calendar rituals (most often without the participation of men), performed wedding rituals, rituals associated with childbirth, and engaged in protective magic. So, in different regions (and among the Slavs as well) it was women (the most ordinary, non-professional sorceresses) who made amulets and charms for the home and the whole family.

For example, knots knitted and spoke - nauz - for love, peace and harmony, for health, for profit, for protection from the evil eye, and so on. In some regions, the bride went to the wedding practically naked - just wrapped in a fishing net! Such a "wedding dress" was considered the best amulet for a young family - after all, the network consists of many nodes and it is almost impossible to destroy such a powerful defense.


In general, there were a great many rituals related to marriage and personal happiness. Which is understandable: love and a successful marriage are the foundations of the female universe. Each girl knew what flowers and herbs needed to be picked and when, so that she could then weave them into a wreath of her beloved or prepare a love drink for him. Of course, we are talking about harmless, everyday magic, when nothing interferes with the union of the young and for the sake of your own happy future you just need to turn it a little. In more difficult situations, they went to local witches - but that's a completely different story.


When it comes to love magic, the legendary queen of Egypt Cleopatra is immediately remembered. She ruled the empire for more than 20 years, won the hearts of great men, not possessing special beauty. Even contemporaries said that the secret of her overwhelming success and enchanting charm was a special magic, known only to the queen herself. And perhaps they are not far from the truth.

To begin with, the women of Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, even from high-ranking families, rarely received a good education. But Cleopatra was taught by the best scientists and priests. She perfectly spoke several languages, thoroughly studied the culture and religion of different countries, possessed sacred knowledge, into which the Egyptian priests dedicated the talented student.


Add to this a lively mind, ambition, natural magnetism - and you get a magnificent material from which you can mold the perfect sorceress. In this case, Cleopatra herself had to "sculpt" - and she perfectly coped with this task, at a young age, turning from an ordinary girl into a ruler, sorceress and priestess of love.

Contemporaries often mentioned that the Egyptian queen was not at all a classical beauty - but possessed an incredible power of attraction that could drive any man crazy. They also talked about the unusually melodic voice of Cleopatra, which bewitched, forced to obey the will of the hostess.

As for her magical abilities, opinions differ. Some are sure that Cleopatra knew thousands of recipes for potions for all occasions, she was well versed in the magic of aromas: she understood what smell would bewitch a man, which one would make blindly follow the orders of the queen, which one would heal from ailments.

Given the centuries-old medicinal experience of the Egyptian priests, this opinion should not be ignored. But there is also an opposite point of view: as if Cleopatra was just a cunning, calculating person, at best with a subtle instinct in the field of human psychology. Well, that's hard to argue with. Most likely, the Egyptian queen skillfully used magic, psychology, and female charms.

Many researchers believe that the secret of her success lies in a clear vision of her own future, as well as in the combination of a male analytical mind with female intuition. She knew exactly what she wanted, how to achieve the goal and how to accept the inevitable. Perhaps Cleopatra possessed the gift of clairvoyance, perhaps she only had a subtle sense of the situation. One way or another, almost all of her wishes were fulfilled! She concentrated on the goal, clearly presenting every detail, lived the event on the mental level, and then, in due time, everything was embodied in reality. So it was with Caesar and Mark Antony.

And when Cleopatra realized that she was doomed, she began to rehearse death - she founded the Society of Death Aspirants. Together with 12 priests, she tried to tame death, "to cherish it like a domesticated animal, to feed her thoughts every day from her hand." Cleopatra performed mystical rituals in crypts, studied the effects of poisons, embalmed corpses - and her death followed a scenario set by her. However, like all other events of the tsarina's bright life.

If we return to the magic of love, which, of course, Cleopatra possessed perfectly, here she is unlikely to surpass other sorcerers and sorcerers. And perhaps even ordinary women who are aware of their own natural strength. She possessed magical attraction simply because she skillfully used female charms, intuitively knew how to lure and hold a man and always remain the Queen for him.


Surely you have met such women as well. Not necessarily beauties with a model figure. However, men will not let such a lady pass - they look after them, as if bewitched. Although there is no question of any love spell (in the usual sense). What is the secret of such attractiveness? In the natural sexuality that absolutely every woman possesses. But, alas, many modern ladies have this quality blocked.


The reasons may vary. Let's not forget that most of us were brought up in a puritanical tradition: sex only after marriage, if not entirely for the sake of children. Being sexy is like being a woman of easy virtue. "He only needs one thing from you!" - sometimes the aunts shouted after attractive girls. These prohibitions and stereotypes ultimately block natural sexuality. And if a girl also has a personal negative experience associated with intimate relationships, the problem becomes more complicated.

But there is good news: it is quite possible to revive natural sexuality. True, this is not easy, therefore, if you have such a problem, it is better to turn to a specialist in love magic - then, do not doubt, your life will completely change! In any case, you do not need to envy women who fascinate men. Instead, try to truly love … yourself!

Only by loving yourself wholeheartedly will you learn to radiate love - and attract men like a magnet. Get rid of all negative feelings - envy, pity, anger, resentment, anger. Only in fairy tales are witches evil and unattractive. In fact, female magic is the power of love and goodness. So it was before, and now nothing has changed.

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