The Venusian Base And The Strange Mummy From Mount Brown - Alternative View

The Venusian Base And The Strange Mummy From Mount Brown - Alternative View
The Venusian Base And The Strange Mummy From Mount Brown - Alternative View

Video: The Venusian Base And The Strange Mummy From Mount Brown - Alternative View

Video: The Venusian Base And The Strange Mummy From Mount Brown - Alternative View
Video: PLANTS VS ZOMBIES 2 LIVE 2024, September

On Brown Mountain, which is located in North Carolina (USA), strange lights have been seen for at least a couple of hundred years.

When cameras appeared, these lights could sometimes be photographed and even filmed, but even then it was unclear what it was - some kind of surface electricity, lightning or supernatural phenomena.

And after the incident with Ralph Lael, these lights began to be associated exclusively with the activities of aliens, believing that an alien base was hidden in the bowels of Mount Brown.

Until 1961, Ralph Lael was an unremarkable furniture salesman from Hickory, North Carolina. But one day, he heard stories about the fires from Mount Brown and became infected with the desire to investigate this phenomenon.


Lauel made several ascents of the mountain, before finally one night, face to face with the lights:

“I’m afraid and don’t know what to do,” he wrote in his diary. “One ball of light is moving in front of me, it’s only 10 feet away from me and is so bright that I can read a newspaper.”

Lael went on to describe in detail what he sees:

Promotional video:

“A ball measuring 10 feet by 12 feet, almost perfectly shaped, with a blurred brownish spot in the center. The ball hangs in the air, and this brown spot seems to have three arms or tentacles sticking out from different sides."

As Lael looked at the levitating, radiant ball, he felt something unusual, as if the ball was scanning his body. Then the ball flew further into the thicket of trees, and the stunned Lael was not frightened and followed him.

After running some distance behind the ball, Lael saw how he dived into a small cave, and in the cave itself there was a large boulder near the wall and it split into two halves, letting the ball go further.


When these "doors" began to close, Lauel managed to run forward and found himself in a strange labyrinth of "shimmering crystal tunnels". The tunnels were carved into the rock "with laser precision," and somewhere at the end of the tunnels a yellow light flickered.

Lauel walked through the tunnels and found himself at a source of yellow light. It was a massive "room" and from somewhere above came the voice "Don't be afraid of anything. There is no danger for you here."

From somewhere a chair came out, in which Lael sat down, and a voice began to tell him about the planet Venus and that there is life on it and that it was from Venus that those who now communicate with Lauel flew in.

Also, the voice said that humanity itself did not arise on Earth, but on a planet called Pewam. This planet was destroyed in a terrible nuclear disaster, but part of the population managed to escape.

The voice warned that now humanity on Earth has come to a tipping point that could repeat the same mistake and that the Venusians on Earth are now trying to prevent this.

And if this fails, then … to destroy people in order to keep the Earth safe and sound.

Brown Mountain Lights
Brown Mountain Lights

Brown Mountain Lights.

The shocked Lauel was then told to leave the cave and be silent about everything he heard, and then on his next visit he would be told even more information.

Lael did so, and two weeks later entered the cave again. He was again met by a mysterious disembodied voice and offered this time to fly in their spaceship to Venus. The ship was at the same base in Brown Mountain.

Lael immediately agreed and the luminous ball as a guide led his home to the place where the ship stood, after which Lauel sat inside and the ship flew into space with great speed. On Venus, Lael was met by a whole crowd of aliens who looked like people, but seemed to the man much more beautiful.

The Venusians crowded around him like the Papuans around a white man, and Lauel noticed that they were all men (were they no clothes?). Then Lael saw a woman nearby and she seemed to him the most beautiful creature that he had seen in his life. The woman looked at him so intently and charmingly, as if she were hypnotizing.

Then she called Lauel over to her, took him to a small room where they made love. After that, Lauel was shown various buildings, and they told him about the races living among the stars (and there were a lot of them).

But then everything suddenly ended, Lael was again seated in the ship and sent to Earth.

When Lael began to leave the cave with the guide balloon. he suddenly saw on the floor of the cave the dried up mummy of a small humanoid creature.

He asked the ball what it was, and he only answered him that a person can take this mummy to him in order to have proof of everything that happened.


The mummy was just over a meter long and had a large head with a large bared mouth. The creature's arms were much longer than his legs. Brown picked up the mummy in his arms and carried it out of the woods, and then brought it to his home. There, he immediately described everything that happened to him, so as not to forget the details, and took photographs of the mummy.

A few years later, Ralph Lael published a book called "The Lights of Mount Brown", where he described his story and published one photo of the same mummy. And this is the only photo of her that has survived to this day.

When asked where the mummy is now kept, Lael replied that he keeps it in a large glass cabinet in his furniture store. Over the years, public interest in this mummy grew and soon Lael's mummy became interested in the FBI or much higher.

Lael began to complain that he was being watched by some people similar to the notorious Men in Black, and then someone began to spread various vile gossip about Lael.

Ufologist Allen Greenfield later said that in the 1970s a strange man came to him and tried to convince him that Ralph Lael is an inveterate alcoholic and has long suffered from hallucinations on this basis. Therefore, they say, we must stop believing in his stories.

And a few years after that, in 1978, Ralph Lael died suddenly, and soon his furniture store was razed to the ground by bulldozers for some far-fetched reason. Since then, no one knows where that strange mummy went.
