When Pra-Peter Drowned. Part 6 - Alternative View

When Pra-Peter Drowned. Part 6 - Alternative View
When Pra-Peter Drowned. Part 6 - Alternative View

Video: When Pra-Peter Drowned. Part 6 - Alternative View

Video: When Pra-Peter Drowned. Part 6 - Alternative View
Video: Питер Паркер после школы Геройские Будни Человек паук Возвращение домой 2017 2024, September

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 -

Let's summarize.

In the previous five parts of the article, I briefly explained the fundamental points by which it is possible to build a picture of certain causal relationships. This means that events can also be restored. First of all, the events that led to the death of the old city on the site of modern St. Petersburg. Analyzing the geology of the area, first of all, the Baltic klint, an understanding comes that at least two catastrophic events have taken place. The first event led to the flooding of the city, in fact, its death. The second event caused the water to drain. At the same time, the second event, which led to the descent of water, retained after itself the modern geological structure and the modern landscape of the area.

I thought for a long time in what form I should make this very final part of the article. Until the last moment, there was an idea to design a table. The table in the left column contains the main parameters, by type as in the article: materials science, botany, zoology, maps, artifacts, and so on. And on the right is the timeline for each parameter, maximum and minimum. Visual, clear and understandable. However, since the article is intended for a general reader who is unlikely to want to analyze some tables there, I came to the understanding that it is better to change the tactics of presenting the material and go from tables with transcripts and comments into a regular story. As it was in the previous parts of the article.

Now I'm going to do this. And all conclusions with comments will be in the course of the text.

So, as it really was.

As I wrote just above, there were two disasters. At least two, possibly more. Even more likely. And most likely, major disasters happen much more often than we can imagine. So, the first catastrophe was global. And its consequences were extremely painful. All my mathematical calculations and cross-analysis speaks in favor of the fact that it was this catastrophe that destroyed the so-called antiquity. All over the globe. After that, the so-called dark ages began in Europe, the surviving population of most of the planet fell back to tribal relations. And about what happened in Russia, or rather in the territories of modern Russia, history is generally silent. This disaster essentially killed the entire past ecumene, people survived locally. It should be noted that the level of that civilization was very high. Today we see heritage in many parts of the world. Based on the artifacts that have come down to us, primarily stone ones, it is clear that the civilization was high-tech and most likely based on different energy principles. With a high degree of probability, it can also be argued that the structure of the planet's atmosphere, as well as the climate, were significantly different from modern ones. Everyone knows that the pressure in amber bubbles is several times higher than now. If we assume that not only the pressure was different, but the structure of the air was different, for example, more saturated with moisture and more ionized, then under the condition of an enhanced magnetic field of the Earth, it becomes possible to generate (generate) electricity from the atmosphere, i.e. without the use of hydrocarbons or other exhaustible resources. It is possible that the transfer of this very energy over distances under those conditions could be different, not necessarily through conductive carriers. I believe that Nikola Tesla did his experiments on wireless transmission of electrical energy based on some old knowledge. And now scientists around the world are looking for such opportunities, too, for a reason. Okay, back to the atmosphere. The higher density (pressure) of the atmosphere and the more humid, that is, the atmosphere saturated with steam in the upper layers, implies a more even climate throughout the globe. That is, the polar regions were quite viable, moreover, most likely there was a zone of maximum comfort. The planet's climate was humid and relatively even. The analysis of artifacts also suggests that the past oecumene was less differentiated than the modern one. There was a single society with a single language,a single worldview, a single way of life, a single architecture and, most likely, with a single language. There were no monotheistic religions. It would be more correct to say that there were no religions at all. Vedism, or as it is now customary to say paganism, is not a religion. This is just a worldview, worldview, way of life, way of thinking and behavior. A pagan does not need faith in God, he does not need to be convinced of the existence of a single God, and even more so in his deputies, sons or prophets. The pagans deified the forces of nature and they daily observed these very forces of nature with their own eyes. And they worshiped them. Respectfully.is not a religion. This is just a worldview, worldview, way of life, way of thinking and behavior. A pagan does not need faith in God, he does not need to be convinced of the existence of a single God, and even more so in his deputies, sons or prophets. The pagans deified the forces of nature and they daily observed these very forces of nature with their own eyes. And they worshiped them. Respectfully.is not a religion. This is just a worldview, worldview, way of life, way of thinking and behavior. A pagan does not need faith in God, he does not need to be convinced of the existence of a single God, and even more so in his deputies, sons or prophets. The pagans deified the forces of nature and they daily observed these very forces of nature with their own eyes. And they worshiped them. Respectfully.

It is difficult to say what caused the death of that ecumene. Many versions can be composed. What actually happens. Someone relies on the Vedas, which describe interplanetary wars, someone talks about cosmogenic reasons, in general, I will not go into it. Moreover, I don't know. It's fair. And nobody knows. And that's fair too. However, there are a number of facts that can tell us something. As I showed in the geology section, there are ring-like structures on the surface of the earth. The doctor of mineralogical sciences honestly said that he did not know. And I also honestly say that I do not know. What is it and where are these very ring structures from. I will only note that there are a lot of them. And not only in the St. Petersburg region. At first glance, it looks very much like the traces of the strongest air explosions, but is this so? We need case studies. You need to drill, dig, extract cores,check for radiation, watch the mineralogical composition, and so on. This should be done by institutions.

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So that's when it happened. According to my estimates, in this case, the arrival of the Ruriks should be considered the reference point. We have it. In the world, it is most likely necessary to take the formation of monotheistic religions as a reference point. They all actually rely on Christ. And the fact that, for example, Islam is 600 years younger than Christianity is just a mess in the calendars of times, and secondly, a banal desire to make your rights to faith and the power accompanying it older. This means that for the territories and material values belonging to the authorities. Later, as well as earlier times, are excluded by a number of factors. However, some caveats are worth making. The fact is that, according to the Tale of Bygone Years, most of the Ruriks were Kiev princes. I do not have much confidence in the Tale of Bygone Years, but the fact of the existence of Rurik should be recognized. A whole dynasty of kings was Rurikovich. But, the status of the Kiev prince could not necessarily mean the physical existence of a city with such a name on the Dnieper. Moreover, there are no traces of the ancient city on the Dnieper. And archaeologists cannot really find anything there, and they cannot find Kiev on maps earlier than the mid-16th century. With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that one of the names of the old city on the site of St. Petersburg was Kiev. At least for the Russians, the inhabitants of our territory. By the time Rurik was called up, the city had already died. But the memory of the city was still very fresh. And, most likely, Rurik had something to do with those in power from that dead city. That's why he was called. He had authority, authority based on the bright and kind memory of the old city and the good old days. And in Europe, this city was remembered. Most likely he lived there,or ruled, and maybe in some other way, Isa was associated with this city. He's Jesus. After some time, someone from among the people who worshiped Isa created a Prophet out of him, and even later he was turned into the Son of God, and so on. This is how Christianity arose in southern Europe. Those who restored the city in the 18th century were still well aware of this and the ruins of the largest city temple were named after this very Isa of Kiev. Then, when the need arose to write a new history, this temple was renamed in honor of a Syrian hermit named Isaac. To make people less indignant, they just found someone whose name sounds similar. As for the Rurik brothers from the Tale of Bygone Years, I would not seriously consider them. I read a lot of versions of them and everything is very muddy there. The new chronology proves that they are just phantom representations of the division of a single metropolis into three parts, into three hordes (lands). By the way, one of the hordes (lands) was called Blue, and one of Rurik's brothers was called Sineus.

So there is dating. As for Rurik, as I showed in the corresponding section in part 3, according to the calculations of geneticists, he lived in the interval between 1150-1460 years.

According to the authors of the New Chronology, he lived in the first half of the 14th century. We will not consider the official dates based on the Tale of Bygone Years and a number of other chronicles, they are incorrect. As I wrote above, all the chronicles that have come down to us are not originals and are replete with inconsistencies, contradictions and even absurdity. If some monk wrote that the sun rose square on such and such a day, now historians would find a lot of versions-explanations of this phenomenon. In truth, what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax. And do not care what nonsense. How many nonsense we have. According to modern chronology, based on chronicles and chronicles, the Moon at different times revolved around the Earth at different speeds. And the fact that astronomers are outraged by this fact is worse only for astronomers. Actually, the very idea of creating a New Chronology arose initially from attempts to explain the acceleration of the Moon. As for Christ, according to the authors of the New Chronology, he lived in the second half of the 12th century. That is, according to the New chronology, the distance between Christ and Rurik is one and a half centuries. It may very well be. Here I will not voice any of my thoughts, especially since they are not. I will not argue with geneticists, nor with the authors of the New Chronology. And in general, there is no point in arguing anything. These debates can be endless. What is important to me is that the city died no earlier than the end of the 12th century and no later than the beginning of the 14th century. This is if according to the New chronology. According to traditional history, the distance between Christ and Rurik is 850 years, this is too much. Moreover, geneticists deny this and a number of indirect signs that I showed in the sections of this article deny it. This is the degree of granite erosion, snow during excavations on Okhta, and the age of the forests, and the thickness of humus, and so on.

What happened next. As I wrote, the city died. Killed by a global catastrophe. Then many cities perished. At the time of the catastrophe, there was a terrible cold. In order for snow from the conventional 13th century (let's take the average value) to lie for 7 centuries and not melt, there must be several conditions. First, the temperature of this very snow is initially very low. Up to minus one hundred degrees. Maybe more. However, for snow to fall at this temperature, there must also be conditions. This is the collapse of the atmospheric water-steam dome. It rained down in ice hail from the lower atmosphere (warmer) and fluffy flakes with crumbs from the upper layers. It was this snow from the upper layers that was frozen. At the same time, at the initial stage, at the first moment, there was a chilled rain in the form of mud. All the dust that was raised into the atmosphere condensed on the water droplets. And there was a lot of dust. And there is a lot of sand. There were strongest hurricanes. Hundreds or thousands of volcanoes woke up at the same time, the earth cracked in a series of endless earthquakes, tsunamis passed in coastal zones. It is possible that some waves could roll over the low-lying areas of the continents for very long distances, collecting dirt along the way and turning into mudflows. The boundaries of such a mudflow are now clearly visible in some places, especially in Kazakhstan.


In Eurasia, especially along the beds of Siberian rivers, the same Ob, for example, the water could go far enough. Thus, Kasparral (the modern Caspian and Aral Seas) was formed, most likely Baikal, Balkhash, etc. At the same time, a high water level stood for some time, forming temporary seas and lakes. It was along these seas that seals actually got to Kasparal, Baikal and Baltic. Smelt with some types of molluscs also came to the Baltic. As for the catfish, which I wrote about in part 1 of the article, they originally lived in the Baltic, which was a lake, and in the rivers of the Baltic basin. And in the newly formed Ladoga and Onega they got already from the Baltic. And in the closed today lakes of Finland. And the catfish got to Volkhov and Ilmen from Ladoga. True, not along the Neva, the Neva has not yet been. By the way, I forgot to mention in part 1 of the article, there are catfish in the Luga River. Few, but there is. They are also in the relic stage there. Remember in 4 parts of the article I showed the medal for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Peter the Great with Rurik


there are Nevsky Lakes and there is a river from the Baltic to Ladoga, part of this river is now Luga. It seems that the catfish migrated along this river. Although they could have gone through Vuoksa, it also connected the Baltic with Ladoga until the middle of the 19th century. Okay, let's move on. Gibraltar was pierced, water poured from the Atlantic into the Mediterranean and then broke through the new Bosphorus (there are traces of two more straits besides the current one) into the Black Sea. Most likely, at some fleeting period of time, the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and Kasparal were a single water area. In huge lowlands, especially in the coastal zone, everything was lost and washed away. All humus and the whole biosphere are washed away. In the Mediterranean and Black Seas, all this washed away biomass rots at the bottom, forming a lifeless hydrogen sulfide layer. Now these washed away areas form the locations of salt marshes, sands and stones. At the same time, the elevated territories almost did not suffer; the old relict humus has been preserved there. This is a black earth zone. In the Mediterranean and Black Seas, all coastal cities were submerged. Nowadays diving is flourishing in these seas and everyone can admire the ruins of ancient cities. And even V. V. Putin dived for an amphora. At the same time, the level to which the water rose is well traced in the Black Sea. The maximum values were in the eastern part of the sea, where at the peak the water rose above 150 meters. There was a large bay on the Turkish coast. This state of the Black Sea is reflected on a gold tray kept in the Hermitage. Photo is clickable, toponyms are read. Nowadays diving is flourishing in these seas and everyone can admire the ruins of ancient cities. And even V. V. Putin dived for an amphora. At the same time, the level to which the water rose is well traced in the Black Sea. The maximum values were in the eastern part of the sea, where at the peak the water rose above 150 meters. There was a large bay on the Turkish coast. This state of the Black Sea is reflected on a gold tray kept in the Hermitage. Photo is clickable, toponyms are read. Nowadays diving is flourishing in these seas and everyone can admire the ruins of ancient cities. And even V. V. Putin dived for an amphora. At the same time, the level to which the water rose is well traced in the Black Sea. The maximum values were in the eastern part of the sea, where at the peak the water rose above 150 meters. There was a large bay on the Turkish coast. This state of the Black Sea is reflected on a gold tray kept in the Hermitage. Photo is clickable, toponyms are read.


After the disaster in the southern and temperate latitudes, it rained continuously for several weeks, which flooded all low-lying areas, including the cities, with streams of mud. By the way, this also applies to Moscow, it was at this time that it was covered with a multi-meter layer of mud. And not only Moscow. Many old cities, all over the globe, especially the low-lying parts.

Further about the snow on Okhta. So, this super cold ice with snow should gain a certain mass. This follows from the conditions for its preservation for 7 centuries. That is, the volumes must be large. Third, this is what should be excluded, or minimized as much as possible, the influence of heat from the bowels of the Earth. That is, this super-cold volume of snow and ice must fall on the soil with low heat-conducting properties. The stone is excluded. Water is excluded. Only loose and dry substance. That is sand. And there is just a lot of sand. Multi-meter layers. In general, it turned out well. Well, and the last, fourth condition - all this must be securely covered with a good blanket. The role of such a blanket was played by clay, which was applied by streams of water. It, like a hydraulic lock, excluded the penetration of moisture, which means heat. In general, under these conditions it is quite possiblethat the snow could last 7 centuries. Could it be more? Well, maybe another hundred or two hundred years, you can admit it. But more unlikely. And it is absolutely certain that the snow would not have lain for thousands of years. By the way, more about snow and ice. The ice of Antarctica and Greenland was formed at this time. In the lowlands, creating a solid ice sheet. There were ice in the mountains before. And Siberia, Chukotka and Alaska also froze over in this disaster. At the same time, if in the St. Petersburg area the super frost was short-term (most likely several hours) and mainly in the form of frostbite precipitation from the upper layers of the atmosphere, then at the poles and at the epicenter of the disaster (if we accept the cosmogenic version), the hellish cold could be prolonged, many days and even weeks, with temperatures on the earth's surface below minus 150 and even, possibly, up to -200 degrees. The same mammoths froze instantly,with grass in your mouth. At the same time, atmospheric vortices did not let dirt, sand and dust into the zone of the poles, precipitation fell there, almost crystal clear, from the upper layers of the atmosphere. The first days after the disaster, the layer of snow and ice at the poles could grow up to ten meters per day. In the area of the epicenter of the catastrophe, on the contrary, the precipitation was mainly from supercooled mud, and it was there that the thickness of the mud should be maximum. Now such in the center of Siberia in the Oymyakon area, apparently somewhere there was the epicenter of the disaster. Or one of the epicenters. And farther from the poles and the epicenter (epicenters) of the disaster, it rained. The well-known biblical flood describes just this event. Given Noah and his ark, it is logical to assume that this event was expected. And this is what it was - a space object, a series of space objects,an interstellar war from the Vedas or something else, I don't know.

By the way, I often refer to the New Chronology, and its authors, Anatoly Fomenko and Gleb Nosovsky, do not exclude the death of the old ecumene as a result of something catastrophic. Another thing is that they do not comment on this in any way, saying that this lies outside the framework of the New Chronology. This is a literal quote by A. T. Fomenko in one of the last interviews. And they date the possibility of the death of the old ecumene no later than the 9th century. Actually, the entire New Chronology begins from the 9th century.

Move on. After some time, everything calmed down and those who survived began to divide the old inheritance. Not just rags and trinkets. First of all, the earth. And how the lands are divided, we can see well now on the example of the former republics of the USSR. Whom they fed the most, they became the most ardent defenders of independence while indiscriminately groaning the past. To legitimize the usurpation of power and territorial claims, you need to come up with a new religion, new heroes, a new history, come up with a new language, come up with new names for cities, rivers and lands, and it is better to transfer the old names to new places, change the spelling rules and spelling, severely suppress dissent, destroy all old books, monuments, … Then I put three dots, I am sure each of you will easily continue this list.

We see this in our history. The arrival of the Ruriks, fragmentation, planting a new faith, periodic calendar changes, and so on. And it's the same in Europe. I am sure that the rest of the ball was the same.

Let's get back to our topic. Time passed, nature was gradually recovering, people too. A period of renaissance, revival began. Since there was an aggressive introduction of monotheistic religions, in fact there was a grandiose civil war. She did not know the borders of states. She was within the whole oecumene. Hence the Crusades and the like. Moreover, the pagans were not whipping boys, in a number of cases they snapped back with dignity, but in general the dynamics was in favor of monotheism. I write monotheism because there was no division of religions at that time. The Koran was one and only holy scripture, there were no Gospels yet, Mohammet and Jesus were two equally venerated prophets. The Gospels will be written later, when the papal part of Christianity decides to become independent and move to Rome dug out of the mud. Due to the civil war and a series of aggressive campaigns, all cities were overgrown with walls and defensive ditches. Fortresses were also set up along the borders and on trade routes. And the trade routes were mainly along the water areas. Actually, in an interesting location along the Baltic coast, the fortresses of Vyborg, Tallinn (Vyshgorod, Kolyvan, Revel) Narva (Ivan-city), Kingisepp (Yam, Yama, Yamburg), Koporye, Ladoga (Staraya Ladoga) and others were installed. Later, some of them will move away from the coast in view of the rise of the Baltic cliff and will lose their functional significance. The discoverers sailed across the seas and oceans, the pioneers went over the mountains and valleys. The memory of the good old days was still fresh at that time, and written media from the past era still existed at that time. Remember,I wrote about the map of Christopher Columbus with which I redrawn my famous Piri Reis map? At this time, the first post-disaster maps are drawn and the first globes are released a little later. I showed some of them in the article. At the same time, at first, information from old media was transferred to new maps, like the same Arctida, for example.

The destroyed cities were rebuilt and dug up, and in those cases when the city could not be restored, it was founded on a new place. This is how all the "New" cities appeared. Naples, Veliky Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Nevel, etc. And Kiev on the Dnieper appeared just like that. At the same longitude as Pra-Peter. And the Dnieper River in Kiev apparently very well resembled the Pra-Peter on the Tosna River. And now St. Petersburg on the Neva is very similar to Kiev. In Kiev, the Lavra was built as the St. Petersburg antediluvian Lavra (now the Smolny Cathedral), stylistically as close as possible, and even with a similar tower. By the way, both cathedrals still have sun signs instead of crosses, this is a pagan heritage. And it was at the beginning of the 14th century, if we accept the version of the New Chronology, according to which Yaroslav the Wise (the founder of Kiev) is a duplicate of Batu and Ivan Kalita. Ivan Kalita died in 1340.

However, life was still not calm. After the most powerful catastrophe, the Earth could not calm down for a long time. Aftershocks took place everywhere. Moreover, in some locations, these aftershocks were of a systemic nature and with serious consequences. From what is documented, this is the Caucasus region, the Mediterranean region, the entire Baltic, I think in general the whole ball has been shaking well for several centuries, just written evidence has not survived. So, in the area of the modern Gulf of Finland, in the era of Bytya, the underage Alexander Nevsky shook well, it also reverberated in Kiev on the Dnieper. And in Vladimir it was shaking. This is if you believe the Tale of Bygone Years, as I pointed out in 4 parts of the article. One of the consequences of this aftershock was the swelling of the Baltic glint. And the Koporye fortress moved 12 km from the coast and rose 100 meters above sea level. Or rather not so. At first, it rose by 50-70 meters and crawled away from the coast by 8-10 km, this is the level of a large klint of a relatively small klint in this place. And it was at that moment that the "Germans" came running to Koporye to see what had become of the fortress. They looked, they see ruins, now it's far from the sea, the fortress is abandoned as unnecessary. But like all self-styled people with a heightened sense of greed, they decided that there was nothing to waste for good and left some of the soldiers to guard and restore what was left. At the same time, the first thing they did was put their church there. Otherwise, we would not know anything about the fortress. Our whole history is entirely the history of churches, and in the presentation of different monks. Now we take this event as the foundation and construction of a fortress. And it was in the first half of the 14th century, that is, 100 years later than the chronicle was writing (the earthquake according to the Tale of Bygone Years was in 1230), again if we rely on the New Chronology. The dates in the annals are wrong, you need to rely on the names. According to the new chronology, Alexander Nevsky is the son of Batu. And Batu is a tracing paper, or, in terms of the New Chronology, a phantom reflection of Ivan Kalita. As well as Yaroslav the Wise - the founder of Kiev according to the Tale of Bygone Years, is also a duplicate of Ivan Kalita. That is, after the founding of Kiev, it shook in the next period of time. The city was still young and small, apparently a couple of churches (the Lavra under construction) and some kind of monastery with a courtyard behind a fortress fence. By the way, it is worth noting here that it is quite possible that the earthquake in Kiev, described in the Tale of Bygone Years,nothing more than a phantom reflection (duplication) from the Novgorod first annals of the earthquake in Novgorod. That is, one of the regular monks of the scribes of the Tale of Bygone Years could simply invent it. At the same time, leaving the dating of the event in numbers, rewriting from a pagan holiday to a Christian one (pagan Easter on the Annunciation). I like this option more, because there is no Kiev on the maps until the middle of the 16th century. And so it will have to be understood that after the earthquake Kiev went into oblivion for two centuries. Which is strange and rather doubtful. Actually, official historians say so, only they attribute the devastation and oblivion of Kiev to its plundering by Batu. Accordingly, the city did not exist for another hundred years longer, that is, for 3 centuries. Imagineit is as if now they suddenly remembered and began to restore the city that ceased to exist under Peter the Great. First, why all of a sudden? Secondly - what for? And thirdly, there would have been overgrown with a century-old forest long ago.

It is difficult to determine when the second uplift, or, more correctly, the swelling of the Baltic cliff occurred. There are at least two recorded episodes here. It is possible that there were two stages. Maybe more. The last phase was slow and decaying. The fact is that powerful earthquakes are the norm for the Baltic. In the area of St. Petersburg, there is a junction of two geological platforms - the Scandinavian shield and the Russian platform. In this case, as many as four systems of deep faults are formed. By the way, one is drawn to Kiev. Ladoga generally shakes regularly, almost annually, especially the northern deep-water part. Not much, really. Not much yet. The Geodynamics Laboratory of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences has collected data on the seismicity of the Baltic Sea region from Kaliningrad to St. Petersburg. As a result, a catalog of 1000 events for the years 1497-2005 was compiled. So, going back to strong earthquakes. At least two are described. One in 1497, the other in 1540. Both are recorded and noted by the Swedes. Officially, they were assigned 7 points on the modern Richter scale. Nobody knows where the epicenter of the earthquakes was and how many points were along the line of the Baltic glint, especially in the Koporye region. By the way, in 1976, that is, quite recently, the same 7-point earthquake was off the coast of Estonia, and the coast in this place is just on the Baltic klint.that is, quite recently, the same 7-point earthquake was off the coast of Estonia, and the coast in this place is just on the Baltic klint.that is, quite recently, the same 7-point earthquake was off the coast of Estonia, and the coast in this place is just on the Baltic klint.

I think it would be correct to compare the residual swelling of the Baltic klint with the earthquakes of 1497 and 1540, especially since this fits very well into the reconstruction of events. The dates most likely need to be recognized as correct or close to correct. This is Europe, the 15th and 16th centuries, the Christian calendar has already been adopted and entered into circulation, the sciences are already developing, even universities have been created, the chronicles are already written not by monks, but by specially trained people in different areas of activity. That is, the degree of bias in these written sources is significantly less. Especially in this matter (earthquakes).

Before I forget, I'll be distracted. The reason that now in the quarries around St. Petersburg all the granites are cracked, which I wrote about in 4 parts of the article, is precisely the cataclysm of the conditional 13th century with subsequent aftershocks. At first it shook so that the whole earth was shaking, then added several more times. At the same time, some granite massifs could well have been born precisely during the cataclysm of the 13th century, and crack already from aftershocks of the 15-16th centuries.

Tectonic movements along the Baltic Klint took place throughout the 16th century. Remember, in part 1 of the article, I wrote about the massive release of some corcodiles that ate people. I think this is due, among other things, to tectonic shifts. According to the chronicle, this is 1582. At this time, the Volkhov was much fuller and deeper than now. The Neva was a wide strait of the Bosphorus type, water flowed from the Baltic to Ladoga (Lake Nevo). It was at this time that Lake Peipsi separated from the Baltic, Ladoga acquired its modern shape. At the same time, the Finnish lakes became isolated from the Baltic, the ichthyofauna of these reservoirs became relict (isolated). The ledge of the Baltic klint was bare and sandy during this period.

Unfortunately, the format of the LiveJournal limits the volume of the text and I have to make one more part of the article.

Read the conclusion here.

Author: zodchi1