Signs Of Energy Strength - Alternative View

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Signs Of Energy Strength - Alternative View
Signs Of Energy Strength - Alternative View

Video: Signs Of Energy Strength - Alternative View

Video: Signs Of Energy Strength - Alternative View
Video: Are you ENERGY SENSITIVE? (3 signs) 2024, September

There are people, after contact with whom you feel a breakdown and depression. And there are those that cause us a state of physical and mental recovery. It is noticed that next to them our life begins to change significantly for the better. And all thanks to the influence of their powerful positive energy. How can we recognize such personalities in our everyday environment?

Such people rarely get sick

Any ailment, even the most insignificant, is the result of a "breakdown" in the aura. If a person often feels unwell, if he has chronic ailments, then, of course, there is no need to talk about any strong energy. If a person looks healthy, does not complain about anything, rarely goes to doctors, then he can become an energy donor for you.

They are strong physically

Such people are not only healthy, they have physical strength and endurance. For example, they can walk a long distance "at a time", lift weights that are beyond the power of others … Often they seriously go in for sports, prefer active rest. Energetically strong personalities rarely complain of fatigue or overwork. They take significantly less time than others to recover from exercise. They sleep little because they just don't need a lot of sleep.

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They are incredibly lucky

Many people work in the sweat of their brow to achieve at least some success or make money, and even then they do not always achieve results. If there is a person in your environment who does not seem to make much effort, but nevertheless he is successful and all his projects are carried out like clockwork, and there are no particular financial problems, then his energy level is certainly higher than that of the average individual.

They don't attach much importance to life's problems

It is almost impossible to hear complaints about life's difficulties from them, and many of us "sin" with this. Of course, they also have problems, like everyone else, but they do not dwell on obstacles and overcome them in a "working order". Therefore, they always radiate positive. By the way, even in times of crisis, they manage to stay afloat. With personal and family life, everything is usually also relatively in order, since they are not inclined to make a drama out of small troubles, and they intuitively repulse problem partners, therefore they have high-quality relationships.

Others are drawn to them

Such people are said to have magnetism or charisma. Communication with them inspires, stimulates to act, create, change your life. It's easy to fall in love with them. And all because they "recharge" us.

They are able to lead others

These people do not put pressure on anyone, do not intimidate, do not commit violent actions, nevertheless, they are always surrounded by a "retinue" and occupy leadership positions. Only a truly strong person can become a real leader.

They are open to the world

People with strong energy are never afraid to try something new. They are always ready for changes, experiments, expanding horizons. For them, it is not at all a big problem to change their job or place of residence, to dramatically change their personal life. They tend to be easy-going and love to travel. Their motto is "movement is life". They see the meaning of life in development and constant transformation.

How to become an energetically strong person?

Yes, being around such a person is very useful and pleasant. But remember that even without you there are many who want to "feed" from it as from a "battery". In the end, "vampires" like you can deplete the biofield of such a "donor", and he will at least refuse to communicate with you.

It is better to try to "build up" your energy on your own. It's not as difficult as it sounds. Here are some guidelines.

First, you need to change your views on the world. Stop dwelling on the negative - it is in the life of each of us, but you can treat it in different ways. Try to highlight the good, not the bad. There are practically no unsolvable problems.

Try to change your life. If you are not satisfied with something in it, look for more acceptable and desirable options. If you need to step out of your comfort zone in order for something to change, do it. As the saying goes, those who do not take risks do not drink champagne!

Try to lead a healthy lifestyle - do not "seize" stress, exercise more physical activity.

Do what you love. If there is no way to make your favorite occupation your main job, make it at least your hobby. There must be something "for the soul" in a person's life.

Don't look for "donors" for yourself. Be self-sufficient. Engage in spiritual practices, meditate, learn to receive energy from the world around you - and then you will no longer need "batteries". And health, love, success and other benefits will themselves come into your life.