The Rockefeller Museum Hides Sensational Evidence Of Ancient Alien Contacts - Alternative View

The Rockefeller Museum Hides Sensational Evidence Of Ancient Alien Contacts - Alternative View
The Rockefeller Museum Hides Sensational Evidence Of Ancient Alien Contacts - Alternative View

Video: The Rockefeller Museum Hides Sensational Evidence Of Ancient Alien Contacts - Alternative View

Video: The Rockefeller Museum Hides Sensational Evidence Of Ancient Alien Contacts - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Ancient Artifact's Extraterrestrial Origins (Season 12) | History 2024, September

Fans of the extraterrestrial theory were indescribable delight after the messages appeared on the network about ancient Egyptian artifacts discovered in the house of the famous Egyptologist - Sir William Petrie. They say that these artifacts are the final and indisputable proof of alien contacts, capable of rewriting not only the history of Ancient Egypt known to us, but the entire history of mankind. Like many other "controversial objects", this cryptic evidence is kept in strict confidence.

So where do you start? Perhaps, from the video Paranormal Crucible on the YouTube channel, allegedly filmed to show people the ancient Egyptian artifacts and sculptures found on the Giza plateau.


The popular Internet portal UFO Sightings Daily reports that all of this was removed from the Petrie home in Jerusalem by "officials from the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum" after the first reports of the sensational discovery appeared.

According to Intellihub News, allegedly "extraterrestrial" artifacts have been discovered in a secret room in Sir William Petrie's home. According to UFO researchers, some of them contained symbols from the "other world".

It is sad that the famous Egyptologist found the final proof of extraterrestrial life just before his death in 1942, but instead of making his discovery public, for some reason he decided to hide the artifacts in his home.

Now, according to various sources, all these treasures, along with other discoveries that contradict official history, were taken into custody by the Rockefeller Museum in order to hide them from humanity forever.

Inquisitr decided to conduct his own investigation and found out that the famous Petrie Museum of Ancient Egyptian Archeology contains the largest collection of ancient Egyptian and Sudanese artifacts, including, for example, "the oldest linen" and "the oldest dress" (dating back to the fifth millennium BC).

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The Petrie Museum exhibits early examples of the metallurgy of ancient Egypt. However, as the Inquisitr points out, the museum has NEVER had an exhibit featuring "alien artifacts" or items from a secret room in the Jerusalem residence of the Petrie. Perhaps because, say UFO and alternative science researchers, they contradict conventional history. Like many other things that run counter to official science, these artifacts are also hidden from society. Naturally, sensational stories require proof.

According to the editor of Intellihub News, the ancient Egyptian artifacts that were stored in the Petri house in Jerusalem show a direct connection between the ancient Egyptians and advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. Among the artifacts - now all of them are kept in the Rockefeller Museum - two mummified bodies approximately 122 cm long. There are rumors that these mummies may be the remains of "alien" guests of the Earth. As reported by Intellihub News, the physical features of these bodies may indicate their alien nature. The website's editor writes that the anomalous skeletons are like "a typical alien": elongated skulls, large eye sockets, long arms.

But the mummified remains are not all. The site claims that the artifacts included "high-tech" mechanical devices and a gilded spherical object with strange inscriptions. The Intellihub News editor says the high-tech devices have "a complex mechanism consisting of a gold-plated coiled tube and several adjoining gilded balls and crosses." Maybe the mentioned artifacts are part of the "interstellar navigation device"?


Intellihub News also cites the example of the temple of Seti I and his son Ramses II in Abydos, where we can see the so-called "flying machines". Among them are images of quite modern vehicles - helicopters, submarines, airplanes. The only problem is that these "modern" machines are thousands of years old. Of course, scientists say that these are not airplanes at all, and they attribute everything to a psychological phenomenon called pareidolia.

However, there are other mysteries associated with aliens during the time of Ancient Egypt. Maybe we find them only because we really want to find at least some evidence of ancient contacts with aliens?.. Well, perhaps. But there is also more interesting evidence. For example, you can look into the Tully papyrus, which mentions the exciting story of the reign of Thutmose III, when a massive UFO appearance was observed in the skies of Ancient Egypt:

“In the 22nd year, in the third month of winter, at the sixth hour of the day, the chroniclers of the House of Life saw a fireball in the sky … A fetid breath escaped from his mouth, but he had no head and he was silent. Its dimensions were approximately genus in length and the same in width [46 m - approx. transl.]. At the sight of this miracle, the chroniclers were frightened and fell down … When the ball left, they went to the palace of the pharaoh and told about what they had seen in the sky.

His Majesty [ordered] to observe the ball … And he himself began to reflect on its meaning and meaning. He commanded that an entry be made in the scroll of the House of Life. A few days later, the same balls appeared in the sky in great numbers. They eclipsed the sun with their radiance and brilliance. The balls moved freely in all four directions … The army, led by the pharaoh himself, watched them for a long time. All this happened after dinner. Then they climbed even higher and withdrew to the south, and fish and birds began to fall from the sky. Never before since the founding of our Earth has no one seen such a miracle …

To appease the Earth, the pharaoh ordered to bring incense to the altar of Amon-Ra, the god of two lands, and to light them … Everything that happened that day, he ordered to be recorded in the manuscript of the House of Life, so that the memory of this will remain forever."

Translation by Elena Muravyova for
