For You News From The Other World, Or The Phenomenon Of Electronic Voice - Alternative View

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For You News From The Other World, Or The Phenomenon Of Electronic Voice - Alternative View
For You News From The Other World, Or The Phenomenon Of Electronic Voice - Alternative View

Video: For You News From The Other World, Or The Phenomenon Of Electronic Voice - Alternative View

Video: For You News From The Other World, Or The Phenomenon Of Electronic Voice - Alternative View
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Noise on the recording, figures and faces that look like distortions of a television signal, incomprehensible, like “deaf” phone calls … These may be attempts at contact by residents of another world. Meet the electronic voice phenomenon.

Researchers of the phenomenon of electronic voices (EVP, English EVP Electronic Voice Phenomena) argue that most of the souls of the dead, who remain close to the world of the living, are too weak to have a direct impact on it. Therefore, they use the technologies around us: radios, televisions, devices that play music.

Instead of creating sound from nothing, they act on pre-existing electronic signals. What we hear as a result of such attempts is the phenomenon of electronic voice.

Ghosts are malevolent and caring

One aspiring comedian rehearsed before the show by recording himself on a tape recorder. The process unexpectedly interrupted the phone call. Because of him, the man was forced to hastily leave the house and in a hurry left the recorder turned on. When he listened to the recording in the evening, he realized that at the end, against the background of silence (or white noise), he heard the voice of a woman talking to a child. And then some evil mechanical voice made a couple of caustic comments about some of his virtues hidden under his clothes.

In another case, a young woman suffered from depression and insomnia due to the death of her father. For a week she was treated with medicines purchased without consulting a doctor. Without them, the woman could not sleep. The side effects of such reckless self-medication were not slow to appear. One evening the woman sat down in a chair to watch TV and - this time without medication - suddenly fell asleep. After waking up, amid the noise of the upset TV, she clearly heard the words of her late father: "Don't do it." Surprised, she automatically asked: "Don't do what?" To which the voice replied: “Don't die today. It is a bad idea".

An unusual adventure related to the phenomenon of electronic voices was experienced and described by the famous American writer Dean Koontz. On September 20, 1988, he answered a phone call. A woman's voice spoke in the receiver, which said only: "Please be careful." The woman did not respond to the writer's questions and only repeated the warning three times, after which she hung up. A few days after the end, Koontz almost lost his life during a dispute with his father, who was in a psychiatric institution. In an atmosphere of chaos, he was almost shot by the police, mistaking him for a criminal. The writer later said in an interview that, thanks to the mysterious warning, he was indeed more attentive, especially since the voice in the receiver reminded him of the voice of his deceased mother. And there are many such stories.

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How to write down a spirit?

The origins of the search for electronic voices and the solution to their phenomenon must be sought in the 19th century. During the reign of Queen Victoria, science, spirituality, technology and the occult were not as far apart or opposed as they are today. Then the evolution of spiritual entities was described, they were classified according to types and functions. Moreover, it was believed that the souls of the dead could be photographed. None other than Thomas Edison, the greatest inventor of the era, suggested that there might well be a device capable of recording the voices of the dead. Unfortunately, it is still unknown if he tried to prototype it.

The first person to register voices from the underworld was the American Attila von Salay. In 1949, he reported that he managed to do this with the help of a tape recorder. Science has advanced over the years and - more importantly - electronic devices have become readily available. Over time, the number of seekers of contact with ghosts has increased significantly, according to Jones Zaffis, a paranormal expert with forty years of experience. Today virtually anyone can search for perfume voices using the available equipment from the e-shop. However, before starting the test, you need to understand what or who we are looking for.

What is the phenomenon of electronic voices in practice? Clear, expressive, easy-to-understand words rarely appear on recordings. Even if you hear them, it will take a lot of concentration to recognize words and sentences. Most often, an electronic voice "from the other world" takes the form of inexpressive, indistinct, quiet noises.

For many skeptics, this is proof that the so-called electronic voice phenomenon is just random noise and interference amplified to sound like human speech. However, even among those who believe in EVP, there is no certainty about where the mysterious voices actually come from. Most, of course, believe that these are messages from the dead. However, there are other theories as well. One of them, for example, says that these are the voices of quite living people, only from a parallel dimension. And there are other theories according to which EVP is only the result of our subconscious. In other words, we only hear voices because we want to hear them. However, this does not change the fact that in the end they can be useful to us.

How to start your journey into the world of the electronic voice phenomenon?

  • With caution and common sense! Under no circumstances should acquaintance with EVP be regarded as fun and amusing. After all, this is an attempt to establish contact, a conversation, and the interlocutor should be treated with respect.
  • Recording equipment is also important. As far as possible, you should always use an analog tape recorder and high quality tapes.
  • The microphone must be free-standing and not mounted in the device.
  • The place and time of recording is also important. Contacts should be made at night, in a place where there is little external noise, for example, away from the rumble of streets or loudly operating devices.

Finally, you can write. How to record an electronic voice? There are two schools of instrumental transcommunication. According to the instructions of the first, you need to leave the equipment on for a while, and move away from the recording site yourself. The second school prescribes asking clear, unambiguous questions every few seconds. In both cases, you should then listen to the tape in search of recorded barely audible responses. People who are more versed in modern technology can use sound processing programs.

Electronic voices fade …

Nowadays, it is less and less common to hear about the phenomenon of electronic voice. Paradoxically, modern sophisticated electronic technology is to blame for this. It would seem that she should have increased our chances of contact with the voices of the dead. But instead, the equipment, without our knowledge, improves the quality of the recording, eliminating unnecessary interference, noise, and with them - mysterious voices. Previously, they were heard more often.


Despite this, you can still try to contact the afterlife. However, it is worth remembering about common sense and not succumbing to the power of suggestion, interpreting a simple noise as someone's voice. Not every attempt to contact the EVP ends in success, but after any of them, we should thank those who could theoretically hear us “there”.

Call from the other world

A separate category in EVP is phone calls that come from other worlds. The most common variety is a very short but otherwise perfectly normal-sounding conversation with a family member who has recently died. It happens that the recipients of the call, who do not yet know that the "caller" is already dead, are completely sure that this was the most ordinary telephone conversation.

Another type is a phone call from a very healthy friend or relative. And all would be fine, but this person always says later that he … did not call at all. The very content of the conversation is also very different. Sometimes this is a completely ordinary conversation, while other times a mysterious interlocutor sounds mechanical, monotonous, somehow atypical. And it happens that in this way information is transmitted that can save lives …

The phenomenon of electronic voice is not as popular today as, for example, in the middle of the last century. But this is due, rather, to the specifics of technical progress than to the fact that people have ceased to believe that it is possible to establish contact with the afterlife or a parallel world. Of course, there is no need to talk about any scientific research related to EVP. Nevertheless, the phenomenon of electronic voices "has not been canceled", and every daredevil can try to record them himself. And someone, perhaps, will have to hear them against their will …