Banzai Gagarin! - Alternative View

Banzai Gagarin! - Alternative View
Banzai Gagarin! - Alternative View

Video: Banzai Gagarin! - Alternative View

Video: Banzai Gagarin! - Alternative View
Video: [AI stuff] Interview enhanced by neural networks. Yuri Gagarin, first cosmonaut, London, 1961. 2024, June

The visit of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin as part of the Soviet delegation to Japan in 1962 aroused tremendous interest. About 10 thousand Japanese met him at the airport, chanting the unbreakable exclamation of the Banzai samurai!

On March 27, 1968, the last flight of two Heroes of the Soviet Union, cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin and Vladimir Sergeevich Seryogin, a test pilot of the 1st class on the MiG-15UTI fighter No. 612739, took place.

The official conclusions of the commission were as follows: the crew, due to the changed air situation in flight (details were not specified), made a sharp maneuver and fell into a tailspin. Notwithstanding the attempts of the pilots to bring the car into horizontal flight, the plane collided with the ground, the crew died. No equipment failures or malfunctions were found. Chemical analysis of the remains and blood of the pilots did not reveal any foreign matter.

Many versions have arisen about the death, let us dwell on one of them about UFO intervention. We will also consider the correctness of the statements of Vanga and Viktor Ivanovich Balashov of the famous CT announcer that Gagarin survived. But for this we need to return to Japan. Within the framework of the concept of a living planet, megaliths are located on the islands of Japan, which are holograms of the cells of the organs of the planet's immune system. Therefore, many events related to the functioning of the planet's organism can be viewed with a map of Japan.


Megaliths in Japan and the islands themselves read like a hologram of a person with a dedicated immune system. Much in the presentation will not be entirely clear, since due to the reduction in the volume of the article, very voluminous explanatory points have been omitted. But it all comes down to the main thing, our planet is a Living Entity, its hologram is a Woman.

The organism of the planet and our organism are similar, therefore, operating with the elements of its energy structure, namely the radiation of the chakras, one can quite accurately view the state of the planet and determine its energetic disturbances to certain actions on the part of a person as an external cell of the planet's organism.

The algorithm for further actions and narration will be as follows. First, you need to look at the background of residual radiation, excluding electromagnetic, on the wreckage of the aircraft. If the background is present, then the planet's organism has interfered with the actions of the pilots. And then, to find out the reason for this interference, one must resort to the map of the plane's route, maps of the territories where the megaliths are located in Japan, to the values of their holograms. The behavior of the megalith holograms at the points of the plane's flight path will help detect this interference.

Promotional video:


On the wreckage of the MiG-15UTI # 612739 there is a background of the Lingandha chakra radiation, that is, the planet's immune system intervened in the flight and made its impact.

In order to determine what kind of impact it was, we take two maps: a flight route and a map of Asuka Park. Megaliths in the town of Asuka are holograms of cells of the Thymus or thymus gland of the planet's organism. On the flight route, at the point where the aircraft begins to perform the exercise, the holograms of the Asuka megaliths begin combinational construction into lethal vehicles, i.e. UFO. The points from which these apparatus of the planet's immune system in material forms begin their advancement are being clarified and the object of their influence is being clarified.


It turns out that the object of attention of the planet's immune system is Yu. A. Gagarin. Why? The area in the Moscow region, over which the plane flew, has mounds or large hills that are holograms of the muscles of the eyebrows. During the flight, these holograms were activated and modulated with corresponding holograms of representatives of many living species of biological life in this area. The next assembly of the eyebrow muscle of the planetary entity is performed.

Yuri Alekseevich had a defect in the muscle of the dissected eyebrow and this defect at high airplane speed seemed to spread in space and did not resonate with the assembly sample, interfering with this process. The planet's immune system in the form of a UFO made an attempt to eliminate the pilot from the plane as an assembly defect.

If you overlay the aircraft route on the map of Asuka Park, then the beginning of the moment of exposure of the four UFOs of the immune system and their further actions are determined. UFOs were launched from the ocean in the area east of the Kuril Islands. During the execution of the "eight" aircraft, the UFOs took it into an energy bag and began to pull it out of the zone where the hologram of the eyebrow muscle was activated, the plane lost control. Then the UFOs rebuilt and began to pull it down. During an uncontrollable fall, already just before the very earth, the collective impact of the UFO stopped and one of the UFOs attempted to remove Gagarin from the cockpit. An energy tunnel was formed along which Yu. A. was moved into a UFO, but unfortunately it happened quite late. When cutting trees by a falling plane, Yu. A. did not escape severe injuries. The UFO that received it,for some reason, it began to glow brightly and made a strong pop. This ends the visibility for reading from the map of Asuki Park.


Everything that happened on board the UFO and the return of Yu. A. the land can be viewed from the underwater megalith Yonaguri. A stone structure at the bottom of the sea near Yonaguni Island is a hologram of immune cells in the brain.

Yu. A. being in a UFO, he was moved to an underground base under the ocean in the Kuril region. He received severe injuries. The spine is broken, there is a large internal hematoma of the brain, the feet are crushed, the left hand is missing and the face is disfigured. A number of operations were performed to remove the hematoma from the brain, an operation on the spine, amputation of the hands of the legs, the wounds on the face were treated and sutured, and the remainder of the left hand was treated. In the future, he was prosthetic there. He stayed at this base for a long time, probably about a year. Then it was delivered to the surface of the earth west of Moscow. This is where the visibility of the Yonaguni megalith ends. The catastrophe and being at the base of Yu. A. can be viewed and refined by glipts or crop circles taken from the archive matrices of the alphabet of hiratana and katakana.

Australia 1969 February
Australia 1969 February

Australia 1969 February.

Canada 1970 December
Canada 1970 December

Canada 1970 December.

The further life of Yuri Alekseevich can be viewed from the hologram of the Nintokuryo mound.


This is the largest kofun, the burial place of the Japanese emperor Nintoku, who lived in the fourth century AD … Its area is about 464,124 sq. meters. This mound is a hologram of the cells of the submandibular lymph node of the planetary essence.

If you place the image of Gagarin, after the accident, on the top of the so-called keyhole and shift this image counterclockwise along the contour of the well, then you can trace the entire further life of Y. A. Gagarin …

The further life of Yuri Alekseevich turned into a great tragedy. He tried to meet with relatives and friends calling himself Gagarin, but the external dissimilarity and mutilation prevented him from believing what he was telling. Apparently, the KGB also played a negative role here, protecting him and preventing him from meeting people from his past. He was placed in psychiatric hospitals for insisting that he was Gagarin and for his strange behavior.

He was looking for contacts in his native Gzhatsk-Gagarin, the village of Alekseevka, Smolensk, Vyazma. Apparently he lived in a nursing home near Moscow. Visited and stayed with someone in Moscow. He visited the village of Alekseevka, where he was received. Once I went to Zaporozhye. Especially it should be said about the Star City, he often visited it and even penetrated the territory of the town inside, looking for contacts. Some in the town probably knew about the existence of this eccentric man, but did nothing to make real contact with him and find out the reason for his strange behavior and his seemingly fictitious evidence that he was Gagarin. Yuri Alekseevich's earthly journey was completed at the beginning of the 2000s.

Greatness and tragedy, heaven and hell of the first cosmonaut, this is a topic for the future, when it will be possible to check this material by other methods. In Japan he was greeted with the cry "Banzai Gaga-rin!" May this cry, the wish for a long life and indefatigability, remain with him always on his eternal heavenly journey.

In custody. Vanga and Viktor Ivanovich Balashova, who at one time said that Gagarin Yu. A. alive were right.

Some plane crashes are associated with the intervention of the Living Entity of the Planet. We will understand this when we begin to consider and understand the holographic reality of the world, we revisit a lot in the current scientific worldview.

Wish you success.

Author: Alexander Zhirnov