The Sleeping Person's Brain Receives Signals From The Future - Alternative View

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The Sleeping Person's Brain Receives Signals From The Future - Alternative View
The Sleeping Person's Brain Receives Signals From The Future - Alternative View

Video: The Sleeping Person's Brain Receives Signals From The Future - Alternative View

Video: The Sleeping Person's Brain Receives Signals From The Future - Alternative View
Video: "This Could Be a Tragedy For Humanity" | The First Brain Chip Implant 2024, June

Experts from the Moscow State University conducted sensational experiments, during which people saw the upcoming events. The results of the experiments turn the usual picture of the world upside down.

After all, this means that the phenomenal abilities of Nostradamus and Wanga are by no means fiction. And people can really look into the future. There is scientific evidence of this.

Serious scientists started talking about the existence of a visionary gift back in 2010, when the authoritative “Journal of Personality and Social Psychology”, after many examinations, nevertheless accepted for publication an article on … clairvoyance. This became a kind of recognition that the phenomenon should not be treated as obscurantism. And we must study.

Three percent of a miracle …

The author of the article, psychologist Daryl Bam of Cornell University, described his experiments, which he conducted for 8 years. And he concluded: a person is able to predict the future and events that have not yet happened affect his behavior.

More than a thousand volunteers took part in Bam's study. He took as a basis a well-known experiment confirming the existence of the so-called priming. The essence of the experience is simple. The subject is shown a picture pleasing to the eye. Let's say a green meadow with white goats. But before that, some negatively colored word is shown on the screen. For example, "nasty". In the next series of experiments, joyful pictures are preceded by “good” words like “beauty”, “charm”.

The reaction of most of the volunteers is as follows: after the "bad" words, they spend much more time trying to recognize the pleasant picture as pleasant. And after "good" - correspondingly less. This is priming - or the so-called pre-tuning, recognized by psychologists.

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Daryl Bam did the opposite experiment. The volunteers were first shown pictures. In the same way, they had to be emotionally evaluated. It was only after the assessment that the word “bad” or “good” appeared on the screen.

Some volunteers spent more time to find the picture pleasant, others less. As in the previous experiment. The miracle is this: first - unhurried - then, as a rule, “bad” words fell out. They seemed to influence the previous assessment. Although they shouldn't have. From a materialistic point of view.

And it turned out that the events of the future governed what happened in the present. Well, isn't it mystic?

In another experiment, volunteers were shown a sheet of paper with many words. An hour later they offered to remember and write them down. Naturally, not all of them were recalled. And not right away. The experiment ended with the fact that the volunteers were asked to type some words from the first list, randomly selected and shown by the computer. And it turned out that these, printed, words the volunteers remembered faster than unprinted ones.

If the coincidences were accidental, then repeated experiments over and over again would give a result of 50 to 50. This is exactly how much comes out if you throw a coin for a long, long time and see what comes up - heads or tails. And the researcher got 53.1 over 46.9. In his experiments, 53.1 percent coincidences (for example, a pleasant picture - a prolonged assessment of it - a "bad" word) indicated the existence of a clairvoyant phenomenon. Or divination. Total - 3 percent miracle. That's quite a lot.

… and five more

And today, scientists from Moscow State University decided on experiments that are essentially similar to those conducted by Bam.

“Probably, many noticed one oddity that often occurs in our dreams,” the engineer, Honored Inventor of Russia, employee of the military department of Moscow State University, Evgeny Rodimin, explained the idea. - Let's say you dream that you are talking with someone. Suddenly the interlocutor runs out of the room, loudly slamming the door. You wake up to the sound of this banging and find that a family member loudly slammed the door.

Or another example: in a dream you sit behind the wheel of a car, turn the ignition key, and … wake up from the sound of the engine. And outside the window at this time a garbage truck pulls up. Etc. And it turns out that the event - the clap, the noise of the engine - has not yet happened, and your brain has already entered it into the plot of the dream. That is, he knows about him. In this phenomenon, I decided to figure it out by putting the volunteers to bed.

It is known that we see dreams during REM sleep. They last 10 - 20 minutes, alternating with phases of "slow sleep" when nothing is dreaming. During REM sleep, the activity of the brain increases.

In the experiment, the volunteers were monitored using an electroencephalograph. When it was seen that the phase of "REM sleep" had begun, the sleeper was awakened. When he woke up, he had to immediately dictate what he dreamed for the record.

The trick was that exactly 30 seconds after the person was engulfed in "REM sleep", a sound generator was turned on using a random number generator. It reproduced either a clap or the sound of flowing water. Neither the volunteer nor the experimenter could have known in advance what sound would be reproduced.

And here are the results: In 58 percent of the time, the volunteers demonstrated a prophetic gift. Before cotton, they dreamed of scenes of war with explosions, chases with gunfire, felling of wood and the crack of a falling tree, a book falling to the floor. In the case when the sound of water was reproduced, I dreamed of waterfalls, a storm at sea, rain. The performance was even higher than that of Professor Bam.

- The experiment gives grounds to assert that the brain of a sleeping person is sensitive to some signals that carry information from the future, Rodimin assures.

By the way, back in the 1970s, the famous professor, astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev believed that the past, present and future are something like a movie. Usually we see the moment that is projected onto the screen. But there is an image of all the scenes on the film. Perhaps, access to them sometimes opens.