Visualization For The Brave: Shame And Triumph - Alternative View

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Visualization For The Brave: Shame And Triumph - Alternative View
Visualization For The Brave: Shame And Triumph - Alternative View

Video: Visualization For The Brave: Shame And Triumph - Alternative View

Video: Visualization For The Brave: Shame And Triumph - Alternative View
Video: The Power of Concentration By Theron Q. Dumont | Video/Audiobook - Unleash your creative potential 2024, September

Performing this psychological visualization exercise is a psychological "stretching", thanks to which we can teach ourselves to reach the Numinous.

Exercise to visualize the numinous in us - in order to gain strength and support for life in everyday life

Jung called Numinous - the Divine, the sacred.

When the numinous manifests itself in full force in a person, we say - Holy.

When the Numinous only flickers in a person, a rare golden glimpse, we Love this person. When the numinous is poured out of his mouth or comes from his fingers, we say - this man is a genius, a Master.

I pose before you a very important question: do you know those cases when the Numinous (Divine) manifests itself in a person in all its might?

With all its might, the Numinous manifests itself in Man - twice. In two important cases, at two extreme points of his being. We will talk about this now. This is the topic of our visualization and, more broadly, of conversation.

Every ordinary person has a chance to become a saint twice in his life.

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These two chances in the life of each of us are as follows. The point of our lowest fall. And the Point of our fullest Disclosure, the Moment of Triumph of our Self, the minute of the peak of our Self-actualization.

And here one very important thing is happening, probably provided by evolution itself for the sake of protecting human life as an individual and humanity as a species.

Both times - and in the moment of the gravest shame, and in the moment of the highest glory, organic to the person himself, after all, a person … what?.. A person is the most vulnerable, that's what!


At the point of the lowest fall, at the point of shame and crushed, a person is threatened (if you include logic) the most natural threat of such a situation - he will be pecked and spit by the crowd, society.

But here you need to turn off the logic! Because at the moment of the lowest fall of a person … this just does not happen! The crowd, not long ago ready to tear you apart, suddenly, like a wave, rushed away from you and froze in a strange silence.

Probably, with the help of a hint from the Collective Unconscious, every person “from somewhere” knows that a person who suffers the most terrible humiliation and fall is a taboo for earthly assessments and manipulations. He is already the field of action of Divine forces. He is not subject to earthly condemnation - no more.

Having reached the lowest point, a person becomes a saint. Numinousnoe dawns on him. To touch a person at such a moment with a goal - to ridicule, humiliate even more, punish - is impossible. This understanding is inherent in our ontogeny, if you like …


At the point of triumph, when he is organic to man himself and reveals him, man, the Self, man is also very vulnerable. This is again earthly logic. Not vulnerable!

It would seem - this is when the envious should reach the boiling point and make an attempt - - to break the Triumph.

It wasn't like that. At these moments, the person is again dawned on the Numinous. And he again becomes invulnerable. On the contrary, the same crowd that envied a man yesterday (when he had not yet reached the highest point) today makes way for him and says - a saint …

And this mechanism is again incorporated in our ontogeny.

It is no coincidence that in traditional culture, everyone is silent in front of the deceased lying in the coffin and is touched by the bride walking down the aisle.

In the simplest version, in the mythological pointed action, the deceased in the coffin is the lowest point where the unfortunate person falls, and the bride is the highest point of self-actualization.

In both cases, there is something sacred, numinous in the air.

But situations with a dead man and a bride are the most primitive situations.

There are many cases where a person turns into a saint outside of the ritual of his own wedding or his own funeral.

One of the best examples illustrating this phenomenon is Chekhov's novella Duel.

In short, this is a story about how ordinary people were able to see the Presence of the Living God, because two renegades from their little world reached the extreme point of moral and social decline, shame …

These two renegades, in fact, appeared before the townsfolk - the Living God.

Visualization "I love you"

In our everyday life, we rarely meet with Numinous. No one is particularly dishonored, no one really reveals his Self …

Therefore, our life is hard, because - how can we live without the Numinous?

But here a good practice from psychotherapy can come to the rescue - self-healing by the method of visualization.

This practice was taught to me by an old psychotherapist who knows nothing about newfangled trends in practical psychology and stopped somewhere at the first translations of NLP.

He used to say: “Draw yourself two pictures. The first is to see yourself at the moment of your complete failure and shame. Imagine well what you will be then. Come to yourself like this in this picture and say to yourself: "I love you."

And then paint a second picture where you will deservedly celebrate your victory. Imagine well - what will you be then? Come up to yourself in the second success picture and say to yourself the same words: "I love you."

Do this psychological exercise more often and you will stop being afraid of life and wasting it on trifles.


Only recently I realized that the implementation of this psychological visualization exercise is a psychological "stretching", thanks to which we can teach ourselves to reach the Numinous.

After all, a chronic stay exclusively in the point of life "Neither shame, nor triumph" is destructive and sometimes fatal both for the soul and for the physical body …

Author: Elena Nazarenko
