The Sinister Mystery Of Bermuda. Scientists Believe They Have Found A Solution To The Disappearances Of The Ships - Alternative View

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The Sinister Mystery Of Bermuda. Scientists Believe They Have Found A Solution To The Disappearances Of The Ships - Alternative View
The Sinister Mystery Of Bermuda. Scientists Believe They Have Found A Solution To The Disappearances Of The Ships - Alternative View

Video: The Sinister Mystery Of Bermuda. Scientists Believe They Have Found A Solution To The Disappearances Of The Ships - Alternative View

Video: The Sinister Mystery Of Bermuda. Scientists Believe They Have Found A Solution To The Disappearances Of The Ships - Alternative View
Video: Survivor Says Something New About the Bermuda Triangle Mystery 2024, September

British scientists said they were getting closer to solving the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. Perhaps it's all about the killer waves.

Researchers from the University of Southampton have tested one of the likely versions of the disappearance of ships in the Bermuda region - the so-called wandering waves, the Daily Star reported. They reproduced these waves on a computer and directed them to a model of the Cyclops ship that disappeared in the region 100 years ago. The ship, as you would expect, sank in a couple of minutes.

According to scientists, the experiment confirms that waves 30 meters high can arise literally out of nowhere and have a destructive force capable of destroying ships.

When the sea shakes

The Bermuda Triangle, an area in the Atlantic Ocean where the mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft supposedly occur, became famous in 1940-1950. We are talking about the disappearance of about 100 aircraft and ships.

Many versions have been put forward to explain the mystery of the phenomenon. The main ones are powerful emissions of methane from the bottom of the sea, the impact of infrasound, which can cause panic in people, too fast a flow, and those very killer waves. They are giant single waves 20-30 meters high, suddenly appearing in the ocean.

“However, the sudden appearance of high waves in the ocean must have their own reasons, - convinced the author of the book“Psychosis of Planet Earth”Boris Ostrovsky, who studies the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. - It is obvious that these are seismotectonic processes. In the North Atlantic, where the Bermuda Triangle is located, there are up to 50 thousand seaquakes a year. In special literature, you can find stories of fishermen, when, in good weather, a sudden wave that arose threw their boat several meters. It is not hard to imagine that a sufficiently powerful underwater earthquake is able to cause a “shock wave” that can damage and even sink a large ship."

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What did Columbus see?

However, seismic activity can give rise to another reason for the death of ships - emissions of huge amounts of methane and hydrogen sulfide onto the ocean surface. These gases constantly saturate the bottom waters through cracks and faults in the earth's crust and accumulate at the bottom in the form of gas hydrates - giant deposits of solid matter that looks like snow. As soon as an underwater earthquake occurs, dissolved gases rise from the bottom of the sea, which make the surface layer of water less dense, which is why ships floating on it simply fall into the abyss.

“It has long been rumored among sailors that ships sometimes fail in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle, and so rapidly that they do not sink, but fail,” says Boris Ostrovsky. - Christopher Columbus, on his voyage to the New World, twice noted in the logbook a sharp change in the color of the water, when the sea suddenly became "white like milk, as if it had been mixed with flour."

When building ships, the density of seawater is always taken into account, which depends on the concentration of salts dissolved in it. Any ship is built with a certain buoyancy margin. But when a huge amount of gases are released to the surface, the ocean turns into a seething foamed surface. And then huge ships fall into the sea abyss. They drown like pieces of cork in a freshly uncorked champagne bottle.

Thus, the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle can have several explanations. In the end, do not forget that this region has already difficult weather conditions: typhoons arise there, which then come to the mainland, such as, for example, the memorable hurricane Katrina. So, perhaps, there is no mysticism in the Bermuda Triangle.

Dmitry Vladimirov
