Mysterious Pyramids Of Europe - Alternative View

Mysterious Pyramids Of Europe - Alternative View
Mysterious Pyramids Of Europe - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Pyramids Of Europe - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Pyramids Of Europe - Alternative View
Video: 10 Mysterious Ancient Pyramids Not Located in Egypt 2024, September

Who and why destroyed the unique architectural monuments?

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Today I will tell you about the mysterious European pyramids. Initially, I wanted to review the paintings of the ruinists, but while studying the material, I noticed one very interesting detail - the pyramids. In the paintings of the ruinists, Europe is most often depicted and, together with the ruins of ancient buildings, we see the pyramids. But there is a very strange (although the pyramids in Europe are strange in itself) feature, the pyramids are not ordinary, that is, not wide, as in Egypt, but narrow. By the way, in the paintings depicting the ruins of Egypt, the pyramids are classical, Egyptian.

Here are examples, but I will not show all the pictures there are a lot of them.


Promotional video:

Have you ever seen such pyramids? Probably not seen, because we are all used to two types of pyramids, Egyptian and South American.

But there is also a third type of pyramids - Numidian.


What do we know about the Numidian pyramids? Almost nothing, they were built by the Numidians, 800 years after the Egyptians. That is, the Numidians for 800 years looked at the Egyptians and were jealous, and then suddenly they also decided to build pyramids, but for some reason they could not or did not want to repeat after the Egyptians and made pyramids of a different shape. Here's a strange story.

And now the main question is why the same pyramids were built in Europe, because the Numidian culture did not leave such a weighty and noticeable mark in history as the Egyptian one?

I suppose it's not about the Numidians or the Egyptians. Pyramids are buildings of some ancient worldwide cult that existed quite recently. This cult had various ramifications, hence the different shapes of pyramids around the world. The main thing is that this cult was present in Europe too.

Please note that the Numidian pyramids have extensions, some vestibules, while the Egyptian pyramids have no such extensions (or maybe there were?). European pyramids also had extensions, sometimes very large.


I suppose that these extensions served as a guarded checkpoint so that not everyone could freely get inside. This is another proof of the fact that the pyramids were a forbidden territory for the majority of the population, because no one will build a whole castle just like that at the entrance to the pyramid.

Abstracting from the idea of the apocalypse, let us suppose that the ruinists of the 18-19 centuries did not draw from nature, but were inspired by some ancient and medieval written sources. Then a number of questions arise that you, my readers, can answer in the comments, namely:

1. Why do we now know nothing about the European pyramids of antiquity and the Middle Ages?

2. Where did the European antique and medieval pyramids go?

3. Why were the pyramids built in Europe not by the great ancient Egyptian civilization, but by the mediocre Nubian?

4. Why did pagan pyramids still play an important role and were protected in Christian medieval Europe?