Princes And Oracle. Part 2 - Alternative View

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Princes And Oracle. Part 2 - Alternative View
Princes And Oracle. Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: Princes And Oracle. Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: Princes And Oracle. Part 2 - Alternative View
Video: Werewolf and Vampire Queen Full Episode English Dub 2024, September

Read the beginning here.

So, if we put the picture together, then we have a ceremony during which a young man goes to the family mound to receive a "blessing" from his deceased ancestors. And having already taken it, he goes to his constricted mummer, pretty "drunk" … and not at all from hops or wine … but this is not excluded. After all, the ceremony is like a shamanic one. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the Greeks, for example, transferred some of these features to the mystical drunkard Dionysus and his Christmas mummer retinue. And the church branded all the participants with sinners, demons and others like that, for which it probably had its own reasons.

At the same time, the mound is also Paradise, which has a female face (but not its contents). And the attitude towards him is the same. Paradise is very conditional, because we are not talking about some kind of eternal bliss … although it is definitely about “eternal”. It was not in vain that all this was later given the name "Anastasia" … So, our mound or "woman's bosom" is the abode not only of the dead, but also of the unborn, that is, the world of the UNMANDED, the world of ideas, the world of Navi (aha, comparison with "new" it is quite appropriate here, do not hesitate to continue the thought).

A little etymology for "Navi", so that there was at least some visual representation … or rather, part of the etymology: νέφος - cloud, cloud; nebula - fog, steam, cloud; नभस् (nabhas) - fog, clouds, heaven, ether; in fact, our very word "sky", which, as you now see, rather means clouds than the very blue heights; well, and "nimbus" - nimbus - cloud, halo, rainstorm, crowd (a lot … read, Russian "darkness", which is combined with all these clouds and Mists). [* in fairness, it should be noted that words like "sky, nefos" have two roots, and "nav" is just one of them]

As you can see, all these things depict us something that hides in itself, envelops, hides, whether it is a cloud or a shower wall, or fog, or even a halo, an aura, which are also some kind of shells, like a halo loop around the head, hiding it in itself …

It was on this basis that such a symbol as the veil of the BRIDE (NUBile, NIMPHae) appeared. The bride is hidden with a veil, which is why the "neve" is a hundred. This is a direct symbol in a dress, displaying a symbol in the name, reflecting symbolically the meaning of the "covered virgin" to be opened … just like the "well" of the Virgin Mary in the Hortus conclusus.

Well, part of the Navya symbolism is now clear to you. It remains to find out why the young men turned to Navi during this ritual. For what? And in what form did they receive their "blessing" from this Navi before going to kidnap lovely girls and play weddings with them? More broadly, to become the Prince - the head of the family, settlement, world …

By the way, it was from Nefela, that is, the "clouds", as the encyclopedias say, and if the translators were more discerning, it would be more likely "Navi", according to Greek myths, that our violent centaur suitors were born, with whom we began this investigation. And that's all right. It is “Nav” that makes a “Sivka-Burka” out of a young man, because we have recently figured out that a young man finds his spiritual “horse” on a mound or the grave of an ancestor.

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Aeneas and Anchises

Now I will cite a literary legend about Aeneas … the very one who became the progenitor of Rome (or the Etruscans), and you will immediately understand what kind of "blessing" Navi is meant.

Let's immediately determine the place of action. In the sixth book "Aeneid" by Virgil (Translated by S. Osherov, edited by F. A. Petrovsky, Moscow, 1979), the ship of heroes reaches the next point:

Commentators explain to us that "Kumas were founded by immigrants from Chalkis on the island of Euboea." Maybe it is so, but for some reason I just want to draw the presented Latin “Cumarum” to “cumulus”, that is, “heap, pile, top, excess”, that is, the same “hill”. Why I am so confident, you will understand from the context below. But here I want to note that in Europe there are a lot of settlements with names like "Hulm, Hulme, Helme, Holm", etc. And I suspect that the lion's share of them is connected not just with natural hills, but with burial mounds. It is likely that Virgil (or who was there "Virgil" in the 19th century?) Refers us to the same mound, because then we are dealing with a pure mound tradition, about which I have been ranting for so long here:

The inspiring Phoebus is Apollo, the Sibyl here is the prophetess, the oracle. We will return to them later. Here, keep in mind the connection between the mound and the oracle of Apollo. For, as I understand it, no one has ever considered Apollo as a figure associated with the mounds … but in vain! Even take the Latin text, which we have translated as "to the stronghold where the great Phoebus rules": "arces, quibus altus Apollo praesidet". We translate directly according to the dictionary "the peak, which the high Apollo rules" (praesidet - almost "president"). “Top”, “high” - these are clear indications of a hill, mountain, etc. Moreover, "altum" is not only "high" but also "deep". Remember how in the Russian tale of the Three Kingdoms, in different versions, to get to "that" world, Ivan either climbs a high mountain or descends deep into the ground. Further:

Hecate is the "underground" queen who protects children. That is, all the same "Baba Yaga" from the "woman's womb" (as I was quite rightly corrected in the comments to a special article about Hecate). In total, we have: a mound-hill, which is confirmed by the Latin text, and the name of the place "Kum", and Hecate.

Here we meet with a typical description of the Apollo priestess, predicting the future of the hero. But it is in the “Aeneid” that there is something that connects these oracles with our theme of receiving “blessings” from departed ancestors: after listening to the priestess, Aeneas asks her:

That's right, that very descent into the Navi world!

And so, just as an assumption, look at what the priestess advises him to enter the Navi world:

I don't know about you, but this motive reminded me of our Kupala superstition (and you, I hope, you understand that Kupala's holiday is a summer version of Christmastide) about the search for the magic “fern flower” that makes it possible to find buried treasures. But the king of the underworld, the husband of Proserpine, was called "Pluto" from the Greek "Πλοῦτος" - "wealth" … So do not literally believe superstitions …

Descending into the Nav, Aeneas passes shadows and monsters, of course, there is a carrier Charon, and Cerberus, and all kinds of diseases, "The dead are countless, like leaves in a forest that fall from trees in the autumn cold …". We met approximately the same description when considering the journey of a horse in the Ossetian funeral traditions.

After going through all the gloom, Aeneas reaches the Wall and the gate, behind which is just the very Hortus conclusus, the guardian of which is the Virgin Mary Proserpina (Persephone):

It is here that heroes feast, like Valhalla, wise ancestors live here, and here are the souls of unborn children. Here Aeneas finds his deceased father Anchises:

And then it is more detailed:

That, in fact, is all. A young man makes a "trip to the Nav", performing a rite on the family mound in order to find out his future, the future of his family. After receiving such knowledge, you can get married. The ancestor says literally what IS WRITTEN, right?

Delphic Oracle

Encyclopedias try to invent different theories why the most famous and powerful oracle of the Greeks was called "Delphi". But after reading all these chapters, you shouldn't have any questions left. Everything is very clear. Another "woman's bosom". After all, everyone knows that "δελφύς" is "a womb, a womb."

That is, the same reference to Baba and Kurgan.

For those who are not at all aware, I will explain that the Delphic Oracle is the place where the heroes of most myths received predictions of their future. And part of the Greek motives is connected with how the character, having received a prediction, tries to avoid the events revealed to him, but fate remains inexorable.

The mythology of Hellas simply betrays the entire ancient culture, literally obsessed with the Delphic oracle. Nothing is done without referring to it.

Frankly speaking, this is a literary treatment of the ancient worldview, called by the Slavs "Rod and women in labor," where Rod is not a deity and not deceased ancestors, but the very fact of existence in the unmanifest world, in Navi, of some kind of intention, the fate of humanity and man (and in general), the meaning of its existence. The source (well), guarded by Mary in her garden … Opening it is the goal of the reconstructed rite (remember also the sacred springs, over which temples and chapels were erected).

From here, all kinds of rituals of Christmas fortune telling, with which holidays are full, grew up. After all, most of them are also aimed at continuing the Family.

And now I will ask you to continue the thought you started on your own. Not for me, but for ourselves. Think about what the expression "continuation of the Family" really means. Is it only the spread of your genes? Maybe something more?


Mircea Eliade wrote:

Now we can finish our series. For this, the young man went to the mound - to return to the beginning, Rod, Paradise. And it was in this way that he acquired his name and destiny - the blessing of the ancestors who laid the foundations of human civilization. More recently, similar traditions could be observed among the American Indians, when it was the "spirits" that showed the young men their future destiny.

To get closer to this threshold, of course, it was necessary to fast before performing the ceremony … Well, then you can already trace a parallel with the Gospel motive.

I have not yet completed the symbolism of the horse, and indeed a lot of things that flashed here, but I suppose I will pay attention to these aspects. There would be a desire to read and write. After all, there are a lot of details, connections and subtleties, and I, in fact, set out only a tiny part of this beautiful worldview, since it was important for me to show the very fact of the existence of such a rite and its philosophical implications. Actually, this is the central theme of ancient society, understanding which, you can look differently at European civilization, at the Wends, at the culture of "heroes", "Aryans" and much more. Therefore, one way or another, I will always return to it again and again.

What is especially important is that it is the male hereditary tradition that I have emphasized. Since this rite very clearly shows that a man, as a biological spiritual being, is not an autonomous person, but a creature directly connected with “that” world, with the Navu, with the source, with the Rod, drawing from there its creative powers and inspiration (“intoxication”) and carrying them into reality.

In the present material time, this is somehow forgotten, but in ancient times there was a special emphasis on it, knowledge that is passed down from generation to generation, which gave rise to complex rituals and myths, connecting a man and spirits with a web, establishing relationships between them …

Denying or suppressing this now is one of the causes of endless problems with health, family, psyche, culture of society. Removing the complex, one might say, intimate and even erotic ties between a man and a Navu, we got what we got. And now women are already trying to pull this burden on themselves, although they also had their own biological role once, which did not provide for just such an approach to business.

And as a conclusion in the light of an open topic, I want to recall one legend, which has now played in completely different colors.

This is the legend of Perseus. Do you remember her main symbol? - Medusa Gorgon … Do you remember what Perseus did to her? - Chopped off his head. Now imagine that "Gorgon" is simply the Greek spoken word "Kurgan" (IMHO). And then the head of the Gorgon is the top of the Kurgan.

And what happened when Perseus took off this head? Yes, actually, the same as in Sivka-burka, and in the epic about the son of Danila Ignatyich … A horse jumped out of it in the form of an inspiring fountain. The one who "runs, the earth trembles." And his name is Pegasus …
