Fantastic Ancient Civilization Was Destroyed Recently. The First Part - Alternative View

Fantastic Ancient Civilization Was Destroyed Recently. The First Part - Alternative View
Fantastic Ancient Civilization Was Destroyed Recently. The First Part - Alternative View

Video: Fantastic Ancient Civilization Was Destroyed Recently. The First Part - Alternative View

Video: Fantastic Ancient Civilization Was Destroyed Recently. The First Part - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

One of the editors tossed a photo with the words "Workers Atop the Woolworth Building, New York, 1926."

I rummaged around this building a bit, according to Vicki:

“Woolworth Building is a skyscraper in New York, built in 1910-1913 as the headquarters of the FW Woolworth Company retail chain. The Woolworth Building was built by architect Cass Gilbert, who was hired by Frank Woolworth in 1910 to design the new Broadway headquarters between Park Place and Barclay Street in Lower Manhattan opposite the City Council building. The original plan was to make the building 190.5 meters high, but according to local laws, it was eventually raised to 241 meters."

When was the first skyscraper built in America, if already in 1910, according to Wikipedia, construction companies were already obliged by local laws to build them in certain places? The building itself was built in a good antique style. And here is what they write about this headquarters of the FW Woolworth Company:

FW Woolworth Co. became the first retail chain to sell goods at fixed prices, usually at five or ten cents, leading to the closure of local retailers. In addition, Woolworth was the first company to open supermarkets where goods were freely available, as opposed to stores that kept them behind the counter."

That is, in essence - a company that strangled the people's industry and production. Something similar has moved over to us with a light hand (so that he withers away) Gorbachev. The same oligarchic supermarkets have set up where foreigners trade and stifle local trade and crowd out domestic goods. That is, foreigners can put supermarkets everywhere, and local grandmothers who sell home goods are chased by cops or surrounded by recreational activities. And everything is happening before the eyes of an indifferent crowd.

And here is another photograph from 1913 of the Woolworth Building. As you can see, at least three high-rise buildings were captured in the frame:


Promotional video:

Also New York:


A photograph in many sources on many resources is signed "The first skyscraper in New York". But even on it we see many skyscrapers nearby. And not anyhow, but built architectural masterpieces

In both photographs, the details are striking, because this is a gothic antique style, the most luxurious and unsurpassed. And what associations do we instill in antiquity? Ancient Rome, early centuries. That is, the time when there was no technical progress. Interesting questions arise. After all, the antiquity of cities and the antique style has dates from the beginning of the centuries, according to the official history, it is kept in the early Middle Ages, and in the late and up to 1917, plus or minus all over the world. For all the centuries of the Middle Ages there is nothing of its own influential, only antiquity. There is no influence there Napaleons, the time of the Columbus - the whole world is antique! So maybe there was no Middle Ages, and ancient civilization, as we have long assumed, was destroyed in front of us?

Here Evgeny Menshikh immediately throws in:


Buildings all over the world are similar, as if they were designed by one architect in all centuries …


Photo of the destroyed, according to the legends of the official waiters, from the San Francisco earthquake as early as 1906:


What do we see? That's right, ruined antique skyscrapers! The next photo, this building was built in 1915:


It already looks complicated for the modern builder. But this is the second building, in its place another building was destroyed by the same so-called earthquake:


As you can see, it is even more complicated than the one that was built in its place! People on the background of this building generally seem to be ants:


And this is what the building looked like at night already in 1900!


Here's another photo of the destruction in San Francisco:


What does the metal structure look like, an elevator or something else?

Now let's look at old Odessa:


These beautiful photos were thrown by a girl under the pseudonym "Winter Gee".


As you understand, it was built by bast peasants.


After all, how do historians fill us in. Were backward, weren't they? Uneducated. Schools appeared only under Lenin.


If they had no education, but they built it in such a way that modern restorers cannot adequately restore, and not what to repeat, then maybe this modern education has brought more harm than good? And there they say that Odessa grew from under itself, allegedly in the catacombs they mined stone, although most of the old buildings are made of technological red brick. They say that the Italians, Germans and other architects of Europe built Odessa? So not the only Odessa, but every ancient city of Russia in such beauty! Here is one of two things - either they lie to us about the Europeans who built so many unsurpassed cities in Russia, or they lie about the poverty of Russia, since the whole of Europe went to us to work and built such expensive houses for ordinary people that today not every tycoon can afford!


Odessa. Passage:


Preobrazhenskaya Street, 34:


Where have we seen such beauty? Not in history, not in school, not from conventional artists, but 90 percent of the so-called ruinists, whom the officials label science fiction writers. Here's Peter:


Cathedral of Saint Cecilia in Albi, France:


Library Admont, Austria:


The main decoration of the Abbey Ottobeuren, located in the town of the same name in Bavaria, Germany:


St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican:


Louvre, Paris:


And this is the "Gallery of Victor Emmanuel II" - a shopping complex in the city of Milan.


This is the outside view:


So what are the so-called science fiction ruinists? They have described realities more than other official artists and historians! Do they have a lot of pictures shocking from what they saw with giant buildings and large granite and marble blocks? So until now, a lot has remained from that era, a lot of so-called forts, where there are many blocks of granite and marble, pavements, the lower parts of buildings. How can you cut marble? Today, only a impeller with a diamond wheel! That is, it cannot be done with any hacksaw and primitive tool, without technology! That is, in fact, the silence of historians, whose literature is 99 percent filled with nothing. Here is a photograph "Berlin in 1890 and today".


We see how Antiquity was demolished. All this was destroyed by revolutions and wars. It is being destroyed today. A lot of destroyed that can be found in the last hundred years.

The following photo was signed by the man, "Digging like a subway in New York":


And this is the giant Cathedral of Christ the Savior:


Even the closest people on the bridge seem like ants against this grand building in the background! Where did it go? Blown up! And in peacetime.

Description of this tragedy from one Journal:

Preparations for the dismantling of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior began immediately after the publication on July 18, 1931 in Izvestia of the resolution on the competition for the design of the Palace of Soviets. However, “public opinion” was being prepared for several years, long and without direct connection with the demolition of the temple. A real persecution of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was launched: academicians of architecture publicly swore that it had no artistic value and was not a work of art. They did not hesitate to either openly lie or denigrate Russian history; in the general stream of lies and abuse, the lonely voices of those who tried to stop the crime were drowning. On the day of the publication of the decree on the competition (July 18, 1931), the Commission organized by the Commissariat of Public Education began to operate to identify valuables subject to museification in the more than once robbed Cathedral of Christ the Savior (the values were removed from the sacristy of the temple several times). On August 18, 1931, exactly one month after the publication in Izvestia of the decree on the competition for the Palace of Soviets, on the site of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, work began to dismantle it. The area adjacent to the temple was surrounded by a fence. In the fall of 1931, the dismantling of the building was already in full swing, both outside and inside at the same time. The work was carried out in a great hurry: the roof and dome sheathing sheets were thrown down, breaking the cladding and sculptures. The cross thrown from the temple did not fall down, but got stuck in the reinforcement of the dome. The handsome temple was dying before the eyes of all Moscow and Russia. It was not possible to disassemble the temple to the ground, then it was decided to blow it up. December 5, 1931 at 12 noon Temple-monument of military glory, the main temple of Russia was barbarously destroyed. After the first explosion, the temple resisted, it was necessary to lay a new charge of explosives. It was all over in a few hours. The national spiritual shrine of Russia was turned into ruins.


And here is what Natalie Mirnaya sent with the words:



There is an interesting fact about the buried Oranienbaum. Have the 2 high floors gone somewhere? And everything is closed by a wall and a staircase. Why? What are they hiding?


At the beginning of the 18th century, the area adjacent to the Teiris manor was donated by Peter I to Prince A. D. Menshikov, who began the construction of the Grand Palace in 1711. Oops! It means that it was filled up before 1700.


The photos speak for themselves:


End of quote. Indeed, we see in the engraving two giant buildings that have disappeared. Looks like they were very obvious to the public. And on the engraving from above, you are generally amazed at the large-scale project. Not only the most powerful buildings amaze the imagination, but also artificial channels, which by themselves were sheathed with either marble or granite. Whoever is from there will correct me. First of all, what kind of equipment did you dig? Secondly, what technologies were used to cut marble and granite in the 1700s? And who there still believes in the Russophobic school curriculum and Russophobic historians?

Continued: Part Two

Author: Snowfall Bullets