Cave Temples Of The Ancient Giants Of Romania - Alternative View

Cave Temples Of The Ancient Giants Of Romania - Alternative View
Cave Temples Of The Ancient Giants Of Romania - Alternative View

Video: Cave Temples Of The Ancient Giants Of Romania - Alternative View

Video: Cave Temples Of The Ancient Giants Of Romania - Alternative View
Video: Inside Bucegi - Giants Race Base (Romania) 2024, June

This place is located in the Buzau mountains in Romania, not far from the village of Nuku and among the locals is unofficially called "Land of the Giants". There is a unique complex of 15 caves artificially cut into the rocks. Some appear to have collapsed, but others are intact.

A person who finds himself here will inevitably have the impression that he has fallen into a book with fairy tales about elves or other creatures. These caves, covered with green moss, look so unusual.


The caves are scattered over an area of 3 square kilometers and, according to legend, were carved into the rocks by giants. The most impressive cave is located in a rock with a rounded top and a square entrance with three steps. True, inside any of these caves does not look as pleasant as outside, there are only one or two rooms roughly carved into the rock.


It is believed that these caves were used as hermitages by the first Christians who came here, which was around 300 AD. However, it is difficult to say when exactly the caves were carved and whether they were created by Christians, or whether they occupied the existing premises.

It is only known that people began to settle in these places in the Iron and Bronze Ages and that at least one cave called Fundul Pesterii was created even before the arrival of Christians here, or rather in the late Neolithic.


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As Christian “temples”, the caves were used until the 19th century, and in some of them the locals still bring icons and place them on stone ledges.


According to Romanian historians, this is one of the most interesting historical sights of the country, while it is located in a very secluded place, which is very difficult for ordinary tourists to reach. Therefore, there is still no tourist route here and few people abroad know about these places.


Locals have always considered these caves unusual and they have many legends about strange phenomena that took place here. It is said that during the reign of Nicolae Ceausescu, a special secret agent was sent here, who was supposed to carefully study and investigate this area.


Esotericists who have been here talk about magnetic anomalies, mystical phenomena and spiritual enlightenments. And the villagers will readily tell you that as a child, some of them saw unusual glowing figures here.

In addition to the complex of caves in these places, there are plenty of bizarre "living stones" - Trovanta.