Mystical Rockfalls - Alternative View

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Mystical Rockfalls - Alternative View
Mystical Rockfalls - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Rockfalls - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Rockfalls - Alternative View
Video: Lenin & The Russian Revolution Documentary 2024, June

It is not about meteorites, which today you will not surprise anyone, but about rock falls, whose fall from the sky, or even just from the air, is difficult to explain by physical laws, or rather simply impossible.

The earliest recorded rockfalls

The first such stone (a cobblestone from the sky) fell back in 1492, there were others later, but for some reason they did not interest the researchers, although such amazing cases got into the chronicles.

The first "strange stone" in 1768 was examined by Antoine Lavoisier, a famous chemist. He made a very interesting conclusion: stones from the sky cannot fall in any way. It was only in 1887 that a meteorite version appeared, although many cases of rockfalls simply did not fit into it.

Amazing surprises from the sky

In India, in 1860, a huge boulder covered with a crust of ice fell from a clear sky (what a meteorite!). In the United States, a similar incident also occurred, a stone in the form of a perfectly round ball fell from the sky and even managed to kill a sheep. In 1896, an explosion thundered over Madrid, and stones literally fell on the city - right from the fantastically glowing clouds.

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In 1922, a rockfall occurred in the city of Chico, USA (California), and many of the stones had traces of concrete, so this miracle could not be attributed to a meteor shower.

Mysticism of the purest water

In the Indian city of Madras in 1880, five days fell from the sky … the most ordinary bricks. The question is, where did they come from in the clear sky? Moreover, when the priest marked one of the bricks with a white cross, a brick with a black cross fell next to him. Mysticism and more! In Pondicherry (India), in the house of the founder of integral yoga, philosopher and poet Sri Aurobindo, bricks also fell, and they appeared as if out of thin air.

Sometimes stones do not just fall from the sky, but seem to pursue a certain person. Such a phenomenon, for example, happened in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1922, when a rockfall was directed at a young pharmacy worker. Much the same thing happened to the Pamfey of Western Australia in 1957, when these like living kami chased the farm workers for several days. And even the roof did not save them from them - in this case, they no longer fell from the sky, but as if appearing from nowhere.

And there are many such cases recorded in the chronicles described in the media. Such rockfalls are not in any way similar to meteorite phenomena. Rather, it is some kind of poltergeist, only a rockfall …