Description Of The "Tatar-Mongol Yoke" In Historical Documents - Alternative View

Description Of The "Tatar-Mongol Yoke" In Historical Documents - Alternative View
Description Of The "Tatar-Mongol Yoke" In Historical Documents - Alternative View

Video: Description Of The "Tatar-Mongol Yoke" In Historical Documents - Alternative View

Video: Description Of The
Video: Yuri Seleznev against alternative history // Science against 2024, October

The description of the Mongol-Tatars in the Russian chronicles cannot fail to suggest that the Horde are Russian troops headed by the Grand Dukes (V. K.).

The Laurentian Chronicle from 1223 to 1238 describes Russian events with the participation of Russian princes and Russian troops. The Horde people are often mentioned in the annals, but the names of their leaders for some reason are not given. The fruits of the victories of the Horde are used by RUSSIAN Rostov V. K.: Georgy Vsevolodovich and his brother Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. In general, the unification of Rus is described, carried out by the inhabitants of several Russian principalities with the help of the warriors of the horde, who are described not as conquerors, but as an army subordinate to V. K., and not appanage ones. For example, the Horde defeated the appanage princes not far from the bordering Kiev at that time.


The Russian prince Vasilko, sent there by Georgy Vsevolodovich and did not have time to take part in the battle, turned back and "returned to the city of Rostov, GLORY TO GOD AND THE MOTHER OF GOD" (Monuments of the literature of Ancient Rus. XIII century. - Moscow, publishing house Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1981. - P. 135). What was the Russian prince so happy about, if not the victory of the troops subordinated to V. K., and not the troops subordinated to the appanage separatist princes? Simply, the majority of Russians fought with other Russians who betrayed V. K. Chronicle tells us about the affairs at the Rostov court of V. K., about the magnificent burial of V. K. George who died on the City. On the throne sits brother and successor Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Describes the "joy of greatness among the peasants" in Rostov. There is not a word about the fact that the country is occupied by pagans, there is no Tatar khan, but there is V. K. Yaroslav. Then the chronicler will complacently tell us about the birth of a daughter in V. K. Literature, 1981. - S. 148). The Horde did not leave garrisons in the captured cities. The invaders do not behave like that.

"Tatars" and Russian squads behave like allies. The leaders of the "Tatars" in the Laurentian Chronicle are called princes. The word "khan" is not found anywhere (PSRL. T. 1. - St. Petersburg, T. Pratsa, 1846. - S. 201).


Both V. K. and the "Tatars" take cities and are full. VK wages war with the Tatars against the appanage princes.

The Grand Ducal lands - lands of V. K. - were exempted from taxes (Kostomarov N. I., Domination of the House of St. Vladimir. - Moscow, Military Publishing House, 1993. - S. 189). They did not pay tithing - a tribute to the maintenance of the HORDE. ORDA is the term of the Russian chronicles, denoting the constant army of V. K. Apparently, the inhabitants of the grand princely lands were the basis of the Horde troops. It was for their maintenance that there was a tribute from the outlying lands of Russia. At the end of the 14th century, the Ryazan and Lithuanian princes agreed to oust V. K. Dmitry from Moscow, Kolomna, Vladimir and Murom, believing that Moscow rightfully belongs to Lithuania, and Kolomna, Vladimir and Murom belong to the Ryazan principality. At this time, the Ryazan and Lithuanian princes were called V. K. The leaders of the horde called themselves tsars and believed that they had more power than V. K.

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The Ryazan and Lithuanian princes invited Tsar Mamai to implement this plan. See "The Legend of the Mamaev Massacre" (Monuments of the literature of Ancient Rus. XIV - mid-XV century. - Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1981. - pp. 136-137). A civil war was brewing … But after all, both the Lithuanian prince and the Ryazan appanage ruler knew perfectly well that VK Dmitry was the first of them. Many princes of LITHUANIAN RUSSIA swore allegiance to V. K. They did not dare to openly oppose the legitimate power of V. K.

It turns out that the troops of Mamai consisted of Poles, Crimeans, Genuezians, Yases, Kasogs. Mamai received financial assistance from Kafa - the center of the slave trade! Mamai was hired by a criminal Karaite syndicate, simply a terrorist organization!

L. Gumilev wrote that the Russian army “consisted of princely horse and foot squads, as well as militia. The cavalry was formed FROM THE BAPTIZED TATARS who defected the Lithuanians and were trained to fight in the TATAR STANDARD RUSSIAN "(LN Gumilev. From Russia to Russia. - Moscow." Ecopros ", 1992. - S. 163). THE TATARS ARE NOT REFERRED TO GUMILEV. The Tatar system is a system of Russian horsemen, Cossacks. BUT IN FACT, I REMEMBER, THE RUSSIAN TROOPS WERE CALLED THE HORDE! It was said to Mamai after his defeat in the battle on the Kulikovo field: “Why are you, filthy Mamai, encroaching on Ruska land? That beat the ORDA Zaleskaya "(Monuments of literature of Ancient Russia. XIV - mid-XV century. - Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1981. - S. 108). Zaleskaya Land is Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, the lands of VK, whose troops collected tribute from all over Russia. Here are the Russian troops of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus,as in the Russian chronicles and letters of V. K., they are also called ORDA.

Old Russian miniatures depicting the Battle of Kulikovo EQUALLY IMAGE RUSSIAN AND TATAR RIDERS - the same weapons, the same helmets (see ill.).


So, the "Tatar-Mongol yoke" - the reign of VK Collecting the Horde tribute - collecting taxes for the needs of the Russian state, "exit".

Author: Evgeny Koparev
