Baalbek. Secrets Of Ancient Architects - Alternative View

Baalbek. Secrets Of Ancient Architects - Alternative View
Baalbek. Secrets Of Ancient Architects - Alternative View

Video: Baalbek. Secrets Of Ancient Architects - Alternative View

Video: Baalbek. Secrets Of Ancient Architects - Alternative View
Video: Baalbek without Aliens? Mystery of the Great Megaliths 2024, June

On the pages of our site for an alternative view of the phenomena and events of our world, the most ancient technologies of construction and stone processing, which were somehow lost by mankind, were repeatedly considered, since modern tools and technology in general are not yet capable of creating something similar. How did people do all this in ancient times - many thousands of years ago, if, according to the generally accepted theory of the development of human society, they at that time used the most primitive hand tools?

One of the most striking examples of such a discrepancy between our understanding of the builders of past centuries (or even millennia) and real facts is the ancient city of Baalbek in Libya (not far from Beirut). Back in the sixteenth century, modern civilization discovered here the ruins of amazing temples that could be built either by giants or aliens (then they said - gods), since neither at that time, nor even now, mankind has not yet reached such a high level of construction and stone processing. Mark Twain, Ivan Bunin, Gustave Flaubert and many other prominent writers and travelers wrote about the same about Baalbek and its amazing temple structures, since these grandiose ruins from the nineteenth century have become almost a must-see attraction of the Ancient World for an educated person.


The Temple of Jupiter is Baalbek's most amazing structure. Firstly, it is the world's largest religious building that has survived to this day. Secondly, it was clearly not built with the help of primitive hand tools. And although science officially believes that the temple was erected in the first half of the second century AD during the reign of the Roman emperor Anthony Pius, independent researchers of antiquities have reasonably questioned this statement.

There are two hard-to-refute proofs for this: according to legends, the Temple of Jupiter was built even before the "global flood"; the ancient Romans, and this is the main thing, did not possess the knowledge and technologies of such a grandiose construction (perfect masonry, amazing stone carving, megalithic dimensions of many fragments of the temple).

Who and why built this grandiose temple complex in Baalbek

Let's start by looking at the staircase that meets everyone who approaches the ruins of the Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek. It consists of 27 steps 60 centimeters high - and is the widest stone staircase in the world. For whom it was built, I wonder? No wonder this immediately evokes an association with giants. But … no other signs of the gigantism of the ancient inhabitants of this area were found nearby.

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Having risen to a height of twenty with a few meters, you find yourself directly on the site of the ruins of the Temple of Jupiter. It is believed that all these majestic structures of Baalbek were destroyed in 1759 as a result of a strong earthquake. From the building of the Temple of Jupiter, only six columns out of fifty remained, but there are enough of them to understand - this is just some kind of miracle: the height is nineteen meters, the diameter is two and a half …

The walls of the temple are also made of large monoliths, but its foundation, made of blocks of 300 tons each, amazes everyone, and on the western side there is something beyond - the so-called trilithon of Baalbek, or three blocks at the base weighing 800 tons each. Moreover, all these "stones" that make up the foundation of the temple were not only delivered from a quarry located a kilometer away, but were also cut and laid with such filigree precision that no water seeps between them.

And now let's go directly to the quarry, where there is another landmark known since the 17th century - the South Stone, or a megalith weighing 1050 tons (for comparison, the blocks of the famous Egyptian pyramids barely reached 90 tons). Who carved this megalith and how he tried to deliver it to the site where the Temple of Jupiter stands is not clear, since for this such a block must be raised to the height of a seven-story building and moved a kilometer away.

But that's not all: in 2014, during more thorough excavations in the area of the South Stone, another already carved megalith was discovered under it, of a much larger size - 1650 tons. Moreover, between the megaliths and the main rock, the researchers of the "Laboratory of Alternative History" under the leadership of A. Yu. Sklyarov discovered a cut made clearly by a laser …

In the last century, the Soviet scientist M. Agrest suggested that this miracle of building art (which is the temple complex of Baalbek), impossible even for modern technology, was erected by aliens. Baalbek is an indestructible monument or even a lighthouse under which secret knowledge is kept (a unique library of an extraterrestrial race). A bold assumption, isn't it? But it is so far the only possible way to somehow explain the secrets of this ancient city of Libya, since Baalbek stands, as it were, in the wrong place of the Ancient World where it made sense to build all this, and in such a fantastic form. And if this is so, then these "information treasures", with which even all the gold in the world cannot be compared, are still kept under Baalbek …