The Mysterious Irish Hellfire Club, Practicing Orgies And Human Sacrifice - Alternative View

The Mysterious Irish Hellfire Club, Practicing Orgies And Human Sacrifice - Alternative View
The Mysterious Irish Hellfire Club, Practicing Orgies And Human Sacrifice - Alternative View

Video: The Mysterious Irish Hellfire Club, Practicing Orgies And Human Sacrifice - Alternative View

Video: The Mysterious Irish Hellfire Club, Practicing Orgies And Human Sacrifice - Alternative View
Video: The Truth About This Super Secret High Society Club 2024, September

Not far from Dublin, Ireland, in the middle of a picturesque green wasteland is a place called Mount Pelier Hill.

Now it is just crumbling ruins of a bygone era, but once that building was very popular and visited.

These are the remains of a large stone hunting lodge built in 1725 by local landowner William Connolly, who was reputed to be the richest man in Ireland in those years.

But most often this building is associated with the activities of the mysterious Hellfire Club, and is also considered the home of the most aggressive Irish ghosts.


The building's notoriety began between 1735 and 1741, when the building became frequently used as a meeting place for the Hellfire Club.

It was a kind of secret society, which allegedly used during its gatherings all kinds of occult rituals, black masses, magic rituals, black magic rituals, animal and human sacrifices.

And when nobody was killed or cursed here, they organized wild drunken orgies with all kinds of sin and debauchery. The motto of the club was not without reason the phrase "Fais ce que tu voudras" ("Do what you want").

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Officially, the Hellfire Club was just a bunch of liberal freethinkers from Britain and Ireland. However, the activities of the club (or rather clubs, since there were several of them) have always been classified, which is why various rumors began to appear around it, from which it is now impossible to understand what is true and what is fiction.

So, according to one of the rumors, during the meetings of the Irish club in the hunting lodge there was always a large empty chair prepared for the Devil, and the club's mascot was a huge black cat.

There is also a story about how a strange stranger, dressed all in black, entered the house during one of the meetings of the club. The members of the club allowed him to stay with them, and even join them in a game of cards.

At some point, another player dropped the cards under the table and when he bent down to get them, he noticed that the stranger had cloven hooves instead of legs. At that moment it became clear that it was the Devil himself, and he immediately got up to dissolve in a ball of fire.

In another story, members of the Club killed a black cat for sacrifice, and when they began to read spells, a demon jumped out of the cat's mouth.


In another tale, club member Simon Luttrell decided to make a deal with the devil to give his soul in exchange for freeing him from debt. But when the Devil appeared at the front door of the club in the flesh, Luttrell was terribly frightened and ran away.

In the following story, a local farmhand once accidentally walked into a club and was invited to stay overnight. The next morning, he was found by neighbors in a completely vegetative state and could not say anything but meaningless babbling, and his mouth was drooling. He ended his days in a mental hospital.

Inside the ruins of a hunting lodge
Inside the ruins of a hunting lodge

Inside the ruins of a hunting lodge.

Later, the hunting lodge was badly damaged in a mysterious fire, but in fact, it was as if during a black mass. However, the activities of the club in it continued and they almost openly began to kidnap people in order to kill them during their ceremonies.

So much of a fuss was made by the kidnapping of a farmer's daughter on the orders of a very famous club member Tom Whaley. This has never been officially proven, but the locals were confident that their suspicions were correct.

After Waley's sudden death, the local club finally ceased to exist, but this place gained fame of the damned for all subsequent years. Including due to the fact that even during the construction of the hunting lodge, an ancient burial complex was found here.

According to legend, it was from the stones of this complex that the hunting lodge was built.

Remains of a circular complex next to the house. Now archaeological excavations are being carried out here
Remains of a circular complex next to the house. Now archaeological excavations are being carried out here

Remains of a circular complex next to the house. Now archaeological excavations are being carried out here.

And then they began to see frightening ghosts. One of them is a huge black cat, about the size of a large dog. The cat can speak, and his eyes are full of red flame, and his muzzle is more like a human face. This creature was repeatedly seen around the hunting lodge.

Another ghost is a woman surrounded by flames of fire. It is believed that this is one of the victims who was burned alive during the sacrifice.

There is also an unidentified invisible ghost that attacks tourists and bystanders and rudely rips off their earrings and rings, as well as crosses. The ghosts of two nuns are also sometimes seen here, who were also supposedly killed during the Black Mass.


In addition to all these wandering spirits and entities, there are numerous complaints from people of nausea and chest pains while visiting this area.

The whole place is reported to be absolutely imbued with a sense of dread and discouragement. Even researchers of anomalous phenomena mostly try not to go here again.
