The Mystery Of The Vilyui Boilers - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Vilyui Boilers - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Vilyui Boilers - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Vilyui Boilers - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Vilyui Boilers - Alternative View
Video: We are in grave danger of being boiled frogs. 2024, June

For many years, local hunters have bypassed the wilderness of the Yakut forest-tundra. This place was quickly abandoned by the military, who built several bases and warehouses here. However, the local open spaces attract professional researchers of everything mysterious. The name of this place is "Elyuyu Cherkechekh". Translated from the Yakut language it means "Valley of Death". This name, as you might guess, is not given just like that …


Where to start the story? Of course, from the beginning of history, namely from an ancient legend.

In ancient times, this area was inhabited by nomadic Tungus. One day, distant neighbors noticed how an impenetrable haze enveloped their territory, a deafening sound was heard in the vicinity. A hurricane of tremendous force rose, lightning sliced through the sky. When everything calmed down and the haze cleared away, an unusual picture opened up in front of them. In the scorched earth stood a tall, vertical structure that could be seen from great distances. For a long time, this mysterious structure produced unpleasant deafening sounds and gradually decreased until it completely disappeared.


Some curious hunters got inside, spent the night in these rooms, but then they started to get sick. It was worth spending the night several times, and the person died very quickly. As it turned out, there awaited them excellent housing, a domed high "iron house", which stood on the side supports. However, it was never possible to penetrate it - the house was rather high and smooth. It had no windows or doors.

On the site of the tall structure, there was a huge "mouth". According to legend, it included three tiers of the "laughing abyss".


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In the depths of the mysterious structure there was a supposedly underground country with its own sun. A suffocating smell came out of the vent, and therefore did not settle near it. From a distance it was seen as if a "revolving island" appeared from time to time above the mouth of the house, which was its "slamming lid". According to ancient legends about this land, there are many amazing things here. For example, a flat arch protruding from the ground, under which there are many unusual metal rooms. Inside, even in severe frosts, it is as warm as in summer.

Researcher Vilyuya Maak wrote about this place back in the 19th century: “There is indeed a giant copper boiler on the river bank. Its size is not known, because only its edge can be seen above the ground, but numerous trees grow in it …”.


The researcher of ancient culture Arkhipov also wrote about this: "Among the inhabitants of the basin of the Velui River, from ancient times there is a legend about the existence of giant bronze olguev cauldrons in the upper reaches of this river."

What is it about the mysterious Yakut valley? A Soviet military base? Hardly … This option is one of the most impossible - remember when the first legends about the valley arose … Or maybe it is a secret alien base that broke down due to some cataclysm that prevented the evacuation?..


They talk about even more strange hypotheses, namely, about rumors existing among the people and telling about this strange place located near the Vilyui River. They say that in the valley there is a hidden entrance to the terrible dungeons, where unknown creatures lived, and maybe still live …

The well-known eyewitness Koretsky believes that the "cauldrons" are human work, because if they were extraterrestrial, then they would be more durable.

Throughout history, there have been several attempts to discover Death Valley. In the 60s of the 20th century, the geologist Poroshin tried to find it near the bank of the Berende River, which flows into the Namanu River west of Tuobuya, but he found only strange settlements of people hiding from civilization.


In the summer of 1997, a group of two people left (Uvarov and Gutenev), who, thanks to sponsors, paid for the work of specialists in the Aerophotographic Archive, where they noticed “something strange” in the photographs of the valley. We went to the site, however, the helicopter was late, and other technical difficulties also arose. Thus, I had to go back without finding anything …

In 2000, Gutenev again went to one of the intended locations of the Valley, but the instruments did not give unequivocal proof of the existence of metal structures in the earth …


Then what are these mysterious "cauldrons" hiding in the Yakut land? I think that many would like to satisfy their interest, however, unfortunately, this pleasure will be very expensive: it is possible to get to this place only by helicopter, it is necessary to comb large areas of swampy taiga, and those who were in the taiga do not need to be told what is the price of such searches …

I think that many more research expeditions will be sent to the Yakut “valley of death” … Will they be able to solve this mystery? Question…