The Director Of The SVR Of Russia Spoke About The Propaganda Of LGBT And Feminism Through NGOs And The Media - Alternative View

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The Director Of The SVR Of Russia Spoke About The Propaganda Of LGBT And Feminism Through NGOs And The Media - Alternative View
The Director Of The SVR Of Russia Spoke About The Propaganda Of LGBT And Feminism Through NGOs And The Media - Alternative View

Video: The Director Of The SVR Of Russia Spoke About The Propaganda Of LGBT And Feminism Through NGOs And The Media - Alternative View

Video: The Director Of The SVR Of Russia Spoke About The Propaganda Of LGBT And Feminism Through NGOs And The Media - Alternative View
Video: Ex CIA: Iran's Next Move & Exposing The Deep State | Bryan Dean Wright | POLITICS | Rubin Report 2024, September

Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Sergei Naryshkin made a number of important statements at an international meeting on security issues in Ufa. The forum is held under the auspices of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, and high-ranking representatives of the special services of 119 states participate in it.

War against traditional values

Naryshkin is sure that under the pretext of “emancipating people” the forces of the new world order are waging a purposeful war against traditional values and national identity.

“Belonging to a country and a nation, values of family and faith - today all this is swept aside in the name of abstract personal freedom. A whole army of mass media, various NGOs, transnational corporations and individual, shall we say, philanthropists like the odious personality of George Soros are involved in promoting such a line, he stated.

The head of the Russian foreign intelligence service stressed that young people are subjected to the most thorough treatment:

“The categorical judgments and actions characteristic of young people are cynically trying to direct them towards denial and destruction. Even Dostoevsky warned against such a development of Russian and world history in his visionary novel Demons."

“With the aim of accelerating the erosion of the concept of gender, the value of family and marriage, programs are being implemented to promote the rights of the LGBT community, to spread the ideas of radical feminism. This is not far from the open recognition of the need to model human nature, for example, using artificial intelligence or genetic engineering."

Promotional video:

“The international drug campaign is also extremely alarming. Western scientific institutions and the media are actually advertising drug use as an effective means of increasing self-esteem and treating depression … On the UN platform, the so-called drug liberals led by Canada are leading to the erosion of the global drug control regime."

The technology of color revolutions and the fight in cyberspace

The SVR director also spoke about the mechanism for implementing color revolutions:

“First, in this or that country, on a horizontal principle, network structures autonomous from the state are created: social, creative, scientific, religious, terrorist and the like. They collect information on current and smoldering conflicts, inter-clan contradictions, acute socio-economic and other similar problems. In parallel, such networks are used to influence the situation in the country, and, if necessary, to launch destructive processes. Anything can serve as a trigger - the dispersal of a peaceful demonstration, as was the case in Libya or Syria, the death of a common man from the crowd, as in Greece or Tunisia, electoral fraud, as happened in Georgia or Ukraine. Then, at the right time, these protest vibrations are synchronized, the old political system collapses under the weight of numerous challenges,and a new force is brought to power. A new model of behavior is being introduced into the public consciousness through controlled channels, all this is accompanied by a large-scale propaganda campaign in the world media, designed to convince the population that there is no alternative to such a development of events, and also to justify external intervention, if necessary. Most clearly we see the implementation of such a scenario in Venezuela. In fact, we are talking about creating a universal algorithm for conducting secret actions of influence in a continuous mode and on a global scale. And the subversive work never stops. It is being conducted not only against enemies, but also against friends and neutral forces in conditions of peace, crisis and war. It should be compared with the activity of a virus - it can destroy the human body for decades without manifesting itself, and when it is detected,it is often too late to fight."

“Our Western partners seem to see cyberspace not as a form of cooperation, but as another arena for fighting their geopolitical competitors - Russia, China, and major regional powers,” Naryshkin stressed.

Naryshkin recalled that the US strategy provides for the implementation of preventive cyber attacks. “Probably, someone thinks that cyberspace is an ideal field for hybrid warfare, because cyber methods can destroy the infrastructure of entire states without spilling a single drop of their own blood,” he added. “However, the consequences of the conduct of hostilities in this new sphere, not yet regulated by the international community, can be unforeseen and extremely destructive, including for the attackers themselves.”

Naryshkin also announced Russia's readiness for the upcoming cyber attacks of the West on our infrastructure and called the toxic dollar monopoly an anachronism: “It seems abnormal that the United States, behaving so aggressively and unpredictably, continues to remain the holder of the main reserve currency. Against the background of the objective strengthening of multipolarity, the monopoly position of the dollar in international economic relations turns into an anachronism. The dollar is gradually becoming toxic."

Based on materials from TASS
