Big Allaki. Ural - Alternative View

Big Allaki. Ural - Alternative View
Big Allaki. Ural - Alternative View

Video: Big Allaki. Ural - Alternative View

Video: Big Allaki. Ural - Alternative View
Video: Уралы следующего года. Завод Урал на Bauma CTT 2024, September

Lake Bolshie Allaki is located 100 km from Chelyabinsk to the north, not far from the village of Krasny Partizan and the town of Kasli. On its shore is one of the most unusual sights of the Chelyabinsk region - Stone Tents. This is the name of 14 megaliths, which are located 50 meters from the shore of the lake, slightly towering above it. The strangest thing about this attraction is that the amazing structures are located in the middle of the steppe, as flat as a table - there is not a single rock or mountain within a radius of several kilometers. It immediately received the name Chelyabinsk Stonehenge, only, unlike the British, the megaliths of Chelyabinsk are real.


Megaliths are located in a semicircle on an area of about 2000 sq. M. Their height is approximately 10 meters. Each megalith has its own unique shape. Here you can see a dinosaur, a turtle, a stone flower, and human skulls. However, the most impressive is the megalith 4.6 m high and 7.3 m wide, which from a certain angle - when the sun is at its zenith - resembles the head of an Egyptian sphinx. It is called the "Ural Sphinx", and it is also called "mask". A staircase leads from the megaliths to the lake with giant steps that go under the water.

The age of the monument is more than 7 thousand years. It was discovered in 1914 by archaeologist V. Ya. Tolmachev. He discovered stone and bronze arrowheads, pottery, a copper bird-shaped idol, a copper spear and two human skulls, as well as a round granite slab. He also awarded this place the title of an ancient sanctuary, which may have been facilitated by megaliths in the form of human skulls. And, perhaps, and because on some rocks were found stone bowls (similar to those found in the Devil's settlement, Petrogrom and Seven Briatyah) and through holes resembling burrows, and also because several dozen rock formations were also found on the megaliths drawings made with red ocher, which are called scribbles.


The Ural Pisanitsy are located on the coastal rocks of rivers and lakes throughout the Northern, Middle and Southern Urals for about 800 km. Currently, about 70 sites with ancient drawings are known. All the Ural writings are made in red in various shades, which was obtained due to the fact that iron oxides were used to prepare the paint - hematite, goethite, limonite and others. They were ground into powder and then a glue base was added - melted animal fat and / or their blood. The shade of the paint depended on what oxides were used for its preparation - brown iron ore gave yellowish-brown or burgundy colors, hematite gave lilac.

Rare excavations carried out at some of the scribes have shown that there are sacrificial sites under them. However, among scientists there is no established opinion about the time of ancient drawings and letters - were they painted for sanctuaries, or the latter appeared earlier or later than them, who is their author, and what meaning did he put into them, why they were applied near the water, why some of them are similar to modern chemical formulas.

There are many questions, but few answers. According to one of the versions, the drawings and objects of the sanctuary belong to an unknown people who used ceramic dishes and rock crystal in their rituals - either absorbing the culture of the north and south, or itself being the source of these cultures, and who left these lands in time immemorial … Although, the only people that are the basis and source of civilization on Earth is our people, the people of the White Race.

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So, for example, the scribes painted on the megaliths near Lake Bolshie Llaki depict human figures with elongated bodies, arms and legs outstretched to the sides, and "horns". Scientists have not come to a consensus on what they can mean - whether these are priests performing some kind of magical dance, or aliens making contact with earthlings. Moreover, it is not known who and why these megaliths were erected.

Scientists decided that sacrifice rites were performed at the sanctuary, and arrowheads indicate that a ritual of cult archery was held in the "sanctuary", which, in their opinion, existed among the peoples of the forest zone, starting from the Paleolithic (10 thousand years before AD) and up to the Early Iron Age (1000 BC). Prehistoric shooting range, so to speak. To date, most of the writings, the age of which scientists estimate at 7-10 thousand years, has been barbarously destroyed by "tourists". The invaluable evidence of the past of our country has survived for millennia, but could not withstand several decades of the pressure of a “civilized” man of the 20th century. Most of them died under the soot from the fires and inscriptions like "Vasya was here."

Archaeological studies of the Bolsheallak megaliths were carried out in 1969 and 1972 by the Ural archaeologist V. T. Petrin. He dug a hole at the Tolmachev excavation site measuring 2x2 m and found 101 stone objects, 38 fragments of ceramics, 7 bronze objects, of which 4 are socketed arrowheads. In 1972, the scientist excavated under the rock with inscriptions and discovered more than 200 items of rock crystal. Now all this wealth is in the storerooms of the local history museum of Yekaterinburg.

The last time archaeologists were interested in this artifact was in 2002 and since then have lost interest in it, because they cannot yet explain anything about it. The most common version of the origin of these megaliths is natural. They say that 70 million years ago there was a sea in this place, and little by little the earth and water produced such a miracle. First, the ocean currents "carved" each "cake", and then the wind "polished" it.

Author: Olga Medvedeva