Come In, Don't Be Afraid: Five Haunted Houses In Modern Russia - Alternative View

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Come In, Don't Be Afraid: Five Haunted Houses In Modern Russia - Alternative View
Come In, Don't Be Afraid: Five Haunted Houses In Modern Russia - Alternative View

Video: Come In, Don't Be Afraid: Five Haunted Houses In Modern Russia - Alternative View

Video: Come In, Don't Be Afraid: Five Haunted Houses In Modern Russia - Alternative View
Video: 9 Russian Songs You´ve Heard And Don´t Know The Name 2024, September

Buildings inhabited by otherworldly forces have attracted the most daring and curious at all times. Sometimes you can find such houses in completely unexpected places.

It is generally accepted that ghosts prefer to settle in old European mansions. In extreme cases, in the basements of abandoned hospitals, where mad scientists performed cruel experiments on humans. But in fact, weirdness can be found in any building where at least one person met his death. And they are the ones that attract curious thrill seekers.

In Russia, such fun as searching for ghosts is not very popular, more often Western extreme people are fond of this. Nevertheless, after a good search, you can find many mysterious places in our area where mysterious phenomena occur.

The abandoned building of the Regional Psychoneurological Hospital No. 1 in Nizhny Novgorod

The abandoned mental hospital is almost the first version of the abode of ghosts that comes to mind after hundreds of Hollywood films on this topic. Despite the fact that the hospital itself in the village of Lyakhovo is still working, even the most daring doctors try not to go to an abandoned building standing nearby without special need.


According to the stories, a few years ago, within the walls of this building, a young girl committed suicide, who could not bear to be separated from a guy with whom she was unrequitedly in love.

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Today, according to local hunters, under favorable conditions one can hear a girl's crying in the abandoned corridors, and in the evenings an image of a girl appears in the windows with broken glass.

Unfinished tower "Crow's Nest" in Khabarovsk

A lonely tower on the Amur coast in Khabarovsk has been standing here since the 30s of the last century. Once they began to build it, but they never finished it. It has many names among the people: for some it is “Crow's Nest”, for some it is “Infidel's Tower”, and someone simply calls it “Tower on the Hill”.


For what exactly the building was intended, even the old residents do not remember, but everyone in the city knows that the architect responsible for the tower was shot during the years of repression. But the master could not leave the unfinished work - many times the locals said that they noticed a spirit in the tower, which examines the dilapidated walls.

During the years of devastation in the tower, according to rumors, fanatics from some sect took their own lives. And now their souls keep the architect company. Living in the walls of an unfinished tower becomes anxious and uncomfortable. But on the other hand, all kinds of spiritualistic objects work just fine here.

The building of the Udmurt Opera and Ballet Theater in Izhevsk

Many theaters can boast of dark stories, but not every one has all the otherworldly consequences of these very stories. Unfortunately for the local theatergoers, the poltergeist in the Udmurt theater does not want to leave.

According to the Izhevsk ghostbusters, every devilry happens regularly in the theater: either the actors are injured out of the blue, or the new equipment will break down.


The superstitious Izhevsk residents see the reason for the oddities in the fact that the building was built on a place sacred for the indigenous peoples. For centuries, they prayed to the ancient gods and performed rituals here, so the wrath of the spirits is quite understandable - few people will like it when your abode is defiled with mumbo jumbo.

The building of the Embassy of the French Republic in Moscow

The building was commissioned by the capital's industrialist Nikolai Igumnov, built in 1883 by the architect Pozdeev, which is now occupied by the embassy. He did not spare money for construction and paid for each, even the most strange idea of the architect, whom he trusted completely and completely. True, no one besides him appreciated Pozdeev's efforts - other architects criticized his work so much that he killed himself.


Later, an evil fate befell Igumnov himself. Rumor has it that once he found his kept woman with a young lover and killed her in anger. Frightened by an answer to the law, the merchant walled up the body within the walls of the mansion. Since then, the soul of the unfortunate woman has remained in a house that looks like a fairytale tower.

It is not known whether French diplomats met the ghost, but few witnesses say that the girl sometimes appears in the corridors of the building and sighs very sadly.

Residential apartment building in Kaluga

The high-rise building at Lenin, 100 in Kaluga is a fairly well-known place among local residents. Every year, in the fall, many residents of this house try, under any pretext, to leave their apartments and not spend the night there again. After all, at this time ghosts begin to dominate the house.


Dull shadows of human figures appear on the walls, unusual sounds are heard, and objects fall by themselves. Pets also begin to behave strangely, as if they are terribly afraid of something.

However, if you know the history of the house, there is nothing surprising in what is happening there. After all, the building was built in 1937, right on the site of the demolished church. In the basement of the building there was a crypt where the relics of the monks who served here were kept. During the construction, the old bones were simply collected and taken away somewhere, and the foundation was adapted for the house. The keys to the apartments in it, by the way, were received by local officials and party leaders.

Continuation: "Five more haunted houses in Russian cities"