Who And Why Erases Russian Names From Maps - Alternative View

Who And Why Erases Russian Names From Maps - Alternative View
Who And Why Erases Russian Names From Maps - Alternative View

Video: Who And Why Erases Russian Names From Maps - Alternative View

Video: Who And Why Erases Russian Names From Maps - Alternative View
Video: Countries With MASSIVELY Different Names For Themselves 2024, October

The Russ River became the Neman, and the Porussie - Prussia.

Until recently, in the West, the first mention of the Slavs in general was fashionable to attribute no earlier than the 5th century. n. e. Later, the Slavs made a "concession" - III or even II century. Because it was already indecent to ignore "Getica" by the Gothic historian Jordan. And he directly reported on the wars of his national hero Germanarich against the Slavs in these times. So the world historiography graciously yielded to the Slavs for the existence of the II century. But on condition - not to the west of the mouth of the Danube, within the limits from the Black Sea steppes to the Pripyat and Desna swamps (maximum - the upper reaches of the Dnieper, and even then with a creak). It seems like it should be enough for these "savages".

Vatican. St. Peter's Square
Vatican. St. Peter's Square

Vatican. St. Peter's Square.

At the same time, it never occurs to anyone that the main sources on the history of the Slavs and Rus were either simply destroyed, or, more likely, withdrawn from widespread use and kept in the Vatican's special storage. So there was no “lack of extensive contacts with the“rus”people, which lasted for many centuries, and“an incredible variety of estimates”about this people, as some (including domestic) researchers argue, but there was a centuries-old protracted censorship of the whole and a consistent portrayal of the history of the Russian people.

Valery Chudinov, Professor, Chairman of the Commission on the History of Culture of Ancient and Medieval Russia of the Russian Academy of Sciences, notes: “I remember very well the 50s of the twentieth century, when in Russia it was impossible to find anywhere a non-caricature image of Adolf Hitler and get an idea of the development of the NSDAP in Germany: all sources of information were seized by the censorship, and those interested in the problem of the position of various political forces in Germany could be suspected of being unreliable … We have the same in the history of the Middle Ages: the Germans and Italians who came to the Slavic lands won their place under the sun first fire and sword, destroying the owners of the land that sheltered them, and then destroying the memory of them. A similar situation is being played out before our eyes in Kosovo, where the Serbs who have sheltered residents who have fled from neighboring Albania,These same Albanian residents began to squeeze out, and then simply destroy. All the Slavic shrines in this territory were also destroyed so that no one doubted that the Kosovar Albanians had lived in this area ALWAYS, and not since the middle of the twentieth century. Let us note that the rest of the European peoples, and first of all the Germanic and Italic peoples, sided with the opponents of the Slavs, that is, they simply continued the line they had been pursuing for many centuries. "which they have been doing for centuries. "which they have been doing for centuries."

Photo of two Albanians in national clothes, 1904
Photo of two Albanians in national clothes, 1904

Photo of two Albanians in national clothes, 1904

In such a situation, it would be strange to find from the Kosovar Albanians any consistent information about the Serbs living in this territory and about their shrines. Even if by a miracle such information remains, it will contradict the mass of other information, so that the true picture of the Albanian expansion cannot be reconstructed from them. Subsequent generations will be convinced that SHKIPITAR (i.e., Albanians) have lived here for many millennia. And the Serbs will be fleetingly referred to as the "unknown" and "unnamed" people, barbaric, pagan; its origin will be associated primarily with the "monster peoples of the edge of the ecumene."

Naturally, the Serbs will be shown as fanatics, fiends, cannibals and criminals, but not in any way the defenders of their own land from the barbaric aliens. Note that the Serbs have already experienced the same fate once, when on the same Kosovo field they were defeated by the Turks; and then the Turks did not have any information about the previous shrines of these Slavs, and even if some original documents fell into their hands (after all, Constantinople had powerful historical archives), they were destroyed.

Promotional video:

Painting by D. G. Levitsky
Painting by D. G. Levitsky

Painting by D. G. Levitsky Catherine II - the legislator in the temple of Justice”.

As Professor Chudinov reminds, “Catherine the Great wrote:“But even though the Sultan's baths are being drowned with archival papers, it is likely that this letter has also been used long ago if it was lying there”(IMP, p. 168). To drown with archival documents, the value of which is innumerable, baths can only be in one case: when these are documents of enemies, the memory of which should not be preserved. The word "Serbs" among the Europeans began to be understood as servi, that is, servants; and the word sclavi, that is, Slavs, is like slaves. Note that such a derogatory name for the original Europeans from the alien Germans and Italians is possible only in the conditions of the victory of the aliens over the masters."

But the opposite was not the case, and the Germans were considered by the Slavs to be Germans, that is, a people who did not, who did not speak the only language of that time, Russian. Our ancestors did not consider any people to be servants or slaves, since they themselves did not know slavery. That is why they allowed strangers to their lands, considering them the same people as themselves. It did not occur to them that the new neighbors would eventually engage in the extermination and enslavement of the Slavs, and even later - and the eradication of the historical memory of the Slavs. The last act has a clear name, introduced after the Second World War, although the phenomenon itself existed before - the Cold War. In contrast to the "hot" one, this war is being waged in two planes - economic and informational.

Element from the map of Prussia before 1905 with the river Russ marked on it
Element from the map of Prussia before 1905 with the river Russ marked on it

Element from the map of Prussia before 1905 with the river Russ marked on it.

Here is a specific example of one such "battle" of the incessant information war, which Valery Chudinov cites: "Based on the formant" rus / ros "as the root of the word, scientists have made the correct decoding, for example, the name of the region on the southern coast of the Baltic Sea - Prussia, dating back the old name of this land, Porusye, or the land near the river Russ, as the Neman was called in the annals and as it was called on maps at the beginning of the 20th century (and is named on modern Polish maps) (GUS, p. 106). I believe that here is an example of one of the episodes of the Cold War brilliantly won by the Germans: the Russ River became the Neman River, that is, the Russian identity of the area gave way to the German one, although the word NEMAN itself is Russian (the Germans call themselves Deutsche). Even more interesting was the episode with Porus, that is, with the "lands along Russia":at first, the newcomers of the Balts began to be called Prussians, and then the Germans who occupied this area, who drove out the Baltic Prussians. In other words, the falling away of Porus from Russia took place in two stages. And then it turns out that the Germans were at war with the Prussians, and this seems to have nothing to do with Russia. However, having got to the bottom of the true historical names in these two episodes, scientists thereby weakened the consequences of such a cartographic expansion of the Germans. Weakened, but not eliminated, because Russian schoolchildren in geography lessons still memorize the words Prussia and Neman, and not Porus and Russ. "and it seems to have nothing to do with Russia. However, having got to the bottom of the true historical names in these two episodes, scientists thereby weakened the consequences of such a cartographic expansion of the Germans. Weakened, but not eliminated, because Russian schoolchildren in geography lessons still memorize the words Prussia and Neman, and not Porus and Russ. "and it seems to have nothing to do with Russia. However, having got to the bottom of the true historical names in these two episodes, scientists thereby weakened the consequences of such a cartographic expansion of the Germans. Weakened, but not eliminated, because Russian schoolchildren in geography lessons still memorize the words Prussia and Neman, and not Porus and Russ."
