Places Of Power. What Can They Give A Person - Alternative View

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Places Of Power. What Can They Give A Person - Alternative View
Places Of Power. What Can They Give A Person - Alternative View

Video: Places Of Power. What Can They Give A Person - Alternative View

Video: Places Of Power. What Can They Give A Person - Alternative View
Video: People, Places & Power 2024, June

Nowadays, almost everyone has heard the phrase - "place of power". It is often pronounced by people keen on spiritual development, travelers, parapsychologists and simply individuals with a pronounced sensitivity.

Since ancient times, people have met unusual places on our planet that have a specific effect on the human psyche and objects that fall into their zone of influence. The nature in these places is often modified and differs from the typical nature of the area. In such places, extraordinary cases periodically occur, for which scientists cannot find an explanation. Such places have always been given sacred significance, performed rituals, erected temples and interacted with the strong energy of this place. Now these places are usually called the place of power. What do people put into this concept and where does such a phrase come from?

To begin with, most people first come across the term "places of power" in the books of the famous writer Carlos Castaneda. The author describes his experience of learning from Don Juan, who has knowledge not only about the properties of plants, but also about the ancient art of magic of the Toltec Indians. The Indians knew the location of places of power as areas that radiate energy, which helps in rituals and has a beneficial effect. The Indians of North and South America came there for spiritual experience. In most cases, training took place in such places of power.

There are similar places all over the world. They have long been considered sacred because of their powerful influence on those who used them. Most of the shrines are located in such places. What is most interesting if we trace the historical chronology, then with the change of cultures and religions, the place remained the same. The new temple was built on the site of the previous one!

The second category of places of power can be conditionally called “man-made”. These are often temples, altars, temples, monasteries, etc. When, for a long time, people interact with space (pray, practice, believe, communicate), then the space is charged with the psychic energy of a person and begins to help, interact and even heal people. About such places of power, you can often hear the term "prayer place"

There are also other geographic areas that are called geopathogenic zones (GPZ). These are abnormal areas on Earth, where adverse effects on humans, animals and plants are noted. Translated from the Greek “geopathogenic” means “disease-causing land”. It should be noted that the concepts of “geopathogenic zone” and “place of power” are different. Most interestingly, GPZ can also have a beneficial effect on some people, performing its healing function, like living and dead water.

Where are the places of power located?

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There are quite a few places of power on our planet. Some of them are already known to a wide circle of people, some remain hidden from the greater mass of humanity and are known to certain people who have received knowledge by inheritance, or who have independently discovered it. But there are also many places of power, the knowledge of the existence of which has been lost. It is important to know that places of power, as living beings, are subject to change. Over time, new places of power awaken on the planet, and the old ones lose their power.

To make sure that this is an active place of power, special tools (rolling vines, special indicator frames, pendulums and other devices) are often used that can perceive and interact with electromagnetic fields.

Initially, these items were used to detect water sources, hidden objects located underground, mineral deposits, "geopathogenic zones".

In this article, as examples, we will give 3 places of power located in different parts of our planet:

1. Place of Power Seydon Vortex ("Wortex")

Saydona is a small town in Arizona, located on the southwestern part of the vast Colorado plateau, near the picturesque Oak Creek Canyon. Locals call Seidona "a place with a high concentration of energy."

There are 26 energy funnels or vortexes here. Hardly explainable sources of energy release from the earth, leading to various changes in sensations and the state of consciousness in general. Here are some of them:

- Rock Cathedral Cathedral (enhances feminine or yin energy)

- Vortex Airport (enhances yang or masculine energy)

- Rock Bell Rock (enhances both male and female energy, also leads to their balancing)

- Boyton Canyon (also enhances both aspects of Yin and Yang), etc.

Around these mysterious places, old cypresses with strongly twisted trunks grow. Twisted trees indicate an energy funnel that affects trees from the moment they are born and twists the trunk and branches clockwise. A few meters from the zone of strong radiation, the same tree species grow even. When measuring the energy level using a conventional pendulum, the amplitude of movement in the vortex zones increases by several orders of magnitude, unlike the usual state.

The practice of meditation in the vortex zones is especially easy.

2. Place of power Shaman-stone

Shamanka rock or shaman-stone at Cape Burkhan, Olkhon island, Lake Baikal. This place of power is one of the most mysterious and beautiful places on Earth. A lot of legends and inexplicable phenomena, as evidenced by many eyewitnesses, are associated with various parts of the sacred lake. But perhaps the most mysterious and powerful place is the Shamanka rock or Shaman - a stone.

Shaman - the stone is composed of white marble, granite and quartz. Inside this place of power on Lake Baikal, there is a cave with which the ancient Buryat legend about the leader of the Tengrians - the people of celestials - Khan (uta-Babai. and settled with her in his palace, built in the cave of the Shamanka rock. From the union of the leader of the celestials and an earthly woman, a clan of Great Shamans went, who spread the sacred knowledge of the Tengrians throughout the world.

According to the testimony of the inhabitants of the village of Khuzhir, located not far from Cape Burkhan, over the centuries the cave was visited by shamans from different tribes inhabiting ancient Siberia. The priests of pagan religions performed rituals in the cave related to the removal of curses and the purification of ancestral karma. Also, using the power of the Shaman rock, falling into a trance, they got the opportunity to contemplate the pictures of the past and future. Today, people engaged in spiritual development, practicing yoga, qigong and other developing systems come to the Shaman - stone. Seekers of truth and power use the additional energy of this place to advance in their development.

3. Place of power Ruins of Ollantaytambo

Place of power Ollantaytambo are located in the south of Peru in the Andes, at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level. In the valley of the Urubamba River, near the beautiful city of Cusco, which according to legend is called the "Center of the World" or "The Navel of the Earth". The word Ollantaytambo itself means in the local Quechua language "the storeroom of my God." The complex consists of temples, many terraces, and other buildings of difficult to explain origin. The weight of perfectly stacked stones in these buildings reaches 180 tons. And this is provided that there are no quarries nearby.

There is a version that these mysterious ruins of a place of power in Peru belong to the late subraces of the Lemurians, who possessed siddhas - superpowers that are completely lost by modern people. Today it is difficult to say how much past civilizations were involved in the creation of this complex, but the place is really extraordinary, as evidenced by the data of biolocation and the state of people visiting these ruins.

With the arrival of the Incas, the territory of the complex was subject to changes. New buildings appeared, the layout was partially changed, and irrigation facilities were erected. Later modifications are immediately striking due to their more primitive construction technology.

Today Ollantaitambo is an important tourist destination and the starting point for the legendary hiking trail - the Inca Trail, leading to the "Lost City in the Clouds" or Machu Picchu. The summit is also a place of power and one of the most mysterious places on Earth.

There are also many other places of power, the purpose of which we do not set out to describe in this article.

Probably it will not be superfluous to emphasize that most places of power will be purely individual or personal for each person. For example, being in a certain place, the vibrations of the field of one person begin to resonate with the vibrational field of the place, giving him a surge of energy and improving his mood. At the same time, the same place of power may practically not act on another person, or even act negatively. But there are places of power that are felt by almost everyone without exception.

What place of power can give a person?

As we understood, places of power have a specific effect on the body and the energy-information field of a person. This impact strengthens the internal resources of a person.

Conventionally, with a positive or positive impact, the following factors can be distinguished:

- Additional vital energy or bioenergy, causing difficultly explainable conditions under which the body begins to rapidly recover and heal.

- Awakening of internal (clairsentience, clairvoyance, etc.) and / or external (physical strength, improving the functioning of the organs of perception, etc.) capabilities.

- Activation of deep, not accessible in the usual state, layers of the psyche and a significant improvement in the work of the brain as a whole. In this state, a person can get answers to questions that have long been interesting to him.

- Help in immersion in meditative and essential states, gaining access to new, previously unavailable levels of awareness of oneself and the world around.

- A pleasant and comfortable state, quick stress relief (including chronic stress), both psycho-emotional and physiological. Fast reboot, mood for new feats and achievements.

Therefore, in places of power, various developmental activities are often held: meditation practices, yoga tours, field yoga and qigong classes, health improvement programs, etc. Also, each person has his own, especially comfortable place for him, giving a surge of energy, giving a state of inner comfort. Perhaps this place was discovered in childhood and now, introducing it, we have happy, good memories and a resourceful state. Such places can also be called “places of power”. It is a personal place of power, which can also have a strong positive effect on the body and mind of a person, helping in difficult situations. The most interesting thing is that a hall, a yoga center, a private room or other space where the practices of hatha yoga, meditation, qigong are held regularly, where the light ones gather,people striving for spiritual development are also a place of power that helps and supports in difficult times.

And at the end of this article, I would like to note that despite the fact that there are many unusual places on our planet, places that can give additional strength and heal a person, the main place of power is inside us. In our mind. Therefore, awakening our inner strength and awareness, we have the opportunity to more deeply interact with the world around us, explore the inner space, shaping it as the main source of boundless power, and discover new places of power on our wonderful planet Earth.
