Anomalous Shapsugskaya Zone In The Krasnodar Territory. Stories About UFOs And Fabulous Creatures - Alternative View

Anomalous Shapsugskaya Zone In The Krasnodar Territory. Stories About UFOs And Fabulous Creatures - Alternative View
Anomalous Shapsugskaya Zone In The Krasnodar Territory. Stories About UFOs And Fabulous Creatures - Alternative View

Most people on Earth do not even know about the number of anomalous places that exist on our planet. The Bermuda Triangle, various faults in the earth's crust, and places that have been notorious for a long time.

There is a place in the Krasnodar Territory that is also considered an anomalous zone. Shapsuga is not only famous for its views and nature, this place is considered one of the strongest anomalous zones in Russia. But what is so unusual going on here? Quite a lot of people go to Shapsuga because of the energy that attracts people for a long time. They say that our ancestors felt the places of power more subtly and built special structures there that could be containers of energy. They are often called dolmens.

In addition, there is an opinion among local residents that mud from mineral springs is capable of curing many diseases.

There is also an amazing mountain, which is called the Devil's Finger, and legends say that earlier the mountain served as a place of power for sorcerers and shamans. It is interesting that the mountain is just located at the site of a fault in the earth's crust, maybe therefore it can be explained that these places are mystical?

In the center of the anomalous zone there is a mountain in the form of a pyramid. There are also quite a few versions about the pyramids, and it is believed that ancient people built them in places of power and they are able to accumulate energy, this has been proven in various experiments of scientists. Quite a few stories are associated with the appearance of unidentified objects in the Shapsugi area. But people also talk about other creatures who seem to be the heroes of fairy tales and legends.

Bigfoot, superfluous and other creatures allegedly met by the researchers of these places. Could they be real or are people making up these stories? People celebrate the energy of this anomalous zone and specially come to Shapsuga to charge the body with mystical powers
