Anomalous Shapsugskaya Zone In The Krasnodar Territory - Alternative View

Anomalous Shapsugskaya Zone In The Krasnodar Territory - Alternative View
Anomalous Shapsugskaya Zone In The Krasnodar Territory - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Shapsugskaya Zone In The Krasnodar Territory - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Shapsugskaya Zone In The Krasnodar Territory - Alternative View
Video: Presentation Krasnodar Region 2024, June

While some tourists explore unusual places in different parts of the world, others turn their attention to exploring local attractions. And they find no less interesting, mysterious and beautiful places. One of these places is Shapsuga, which is considered one of the strongest anomalous zones in Russia.

It is no longer a secret for anyone that in ancient times people knew more about nature, its laws and properties. The main part of this knowledge was irretrievably lost, but there are still places on the planet that can "reveal" to man some secrets of nature. There is such a unique place in the village of Shapsugskaya, Abinsky District, Krasnodar Territory. For many years, people of different professions have been gathering here to study not only the anomalies of this energetically strong place, but also themselves.

Now you can get to Shapsuga on your own or as part of one of the excursion groups. There are several tours from Anapa, during which travelers not only admire the beauty of forests and mountain gorges, swim in clean rivers, but also visit several mysterious places at once, and be able to experience their anomalies.


By the way, tourism is practically the only source of income for local residents. Therefore, some suspect that the stories about the local energy are just a publicity stunt to attract tourists.

The locals are also a little engaged in agricultural activities, they live quite quietly, measuredly and calmly. But during the Second World War, active hostilities took place here: there are preserved fortifications and dugouts in the district. Prior to this, Shasugskaya stanitsa distinguished itself during the Caucasian War: local Cossacks repulsed the attack of the mountaineers.

But it is not the glorious historical past that attracts visitors here, but local natural wonders, of which there are a large number. There are also the most ancient dolmens, the origin of which is still debated by scientists. And the mineral springs of blue healing clay that are still in operation, which, as the locals promise, will heal everyone. There is also a rock called the Devil's Finger, which, according to local legends, was previously used by shamans and sorcerers during their mystical rituals. The rock is located just at the site of a break in the earth's crust. Here you can also taste "living" and "dead" water, see a small oil lake, a dolmen workshop and even unexplored pyramids.


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But the most famous anomaly of the Shapsug zone is its energetic strength. The village is located in the very center of the so-called triangle of power: Gelenzhik-Anapa-Abinsk. And in the central part of the pyramid there is a pyramid mountain called Sharp.

Everyone who visits this place notes the unusual feeling and atmosphere. People feel a strong rise in energy, in some places they note mystical energy. Many argue that they often see a UFO flying in the air here. There are also those who allegedly met creatures in the local forests that very much resemble the legendary yeti.


Not only esotericists come to the Shapsug zone, but also scientists and ordinary tourists - everyone who is interested in experiencing anomalous energy, looking for ancient knowledge, being alone with the beautiful nature and recharging with health and vigorous mood.