Megaliths Speak. Part 6 - Alternative View

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Megaliths Speak. Part 6 - Alternative View
Megaliths Speak. Part 6 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 6 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 6 - Alternative View
Video: The Lost African Metropolis Of Mapungubwe | Secrets Of The Sacred Hill | Timeline 2024, June

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 -

It is known that our ancestors considered the Earth itself to be alive, which is formed from several main genera (breeds). And one of them is midnight. What kind of breed is this, black? The answer to this question can be found even in Slavic mythology. So, an explanation for the origin of oil in the distant past can be found in the myth about the battle of Perun with the beast Skipper, who guarded the entrances to the underworld. Perun defeated evil spirits, and the blood of the slain beast Skipper splashed near the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian Sea.

It is generally accepted that our ancestors divided the human race into four large families:

- midday people with white skin color;

- midnight people, with black skin;

- people of sunrise, yellow-skinned;

- people of the sunset, with red skin.

Promotional video:

What breed are you, Megalith?

And it is also known that our ancestors considered the Earth itself alive, which is also formed from several main genera (breeds). And one of them is midnight. What kind of breed is this, black? The answer to this question can be found even in Slavic mythology. So, an explanation for the origin of oil in the distant past can be found in the myth about the battle of Perun with the beast Skipper, who guarded the entrances to the underworld. Perun defeated evil spirits, and the blood of the slain beast Skipper splashed near the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian Sea.

This myth is fully consistent with the ideas of orthodox geology, which, like people with a mythological consciousness, is convinced that oil is nothing more than the remnants of decomposed organic matter of animal origin. As you can see, advanced science has not gone far from the level of understanding of the picture of the world by peoples who did not have scientific knowledge.

There are also sources such as written testimonies of travelers, from which it is clear that human use of combustible hydrocarbons of fossil origin began much earlier than the period officially accepted by historians. For example, Marco Polo, who visited the eastern provinces of Great Tartary at the end of the thirteenth century, was shocked by the fact that the inhabitants of Siberia go to the forest to collect "black combustible stones", which are used as fuel for smelting iron and burning porcelain dishes.

Contemporaries of the famous Venet scoffed at him, believing that these were childhood fantasies, or the mistake of Marco Polo. Indeed, when he visited Siberia, he was still a boy, and he described his memories of the journey on which Father Matvey and Uncle Nikolai took him many years after the completion of the great journey.

However, we now understand very well what exactly impressed little Mark. The presence of a large number of coal deposits, in the form of a direct outlet of this rock to the surface of the earth, made it possible to make a technological breakthrough in the field of metallurgy and ceramics in eastern Siberia. And of course, the Venetians, who had no idea of what coal was, perceived stories about “combustible stones” as an irrepressible fantasy.

Thus, it is now becoming clear that the peoples inhabiting modern Russia have always used the "midnight breeds" for their needs. It is not only black, brown coal and anthracite. Not only oil, but also peat and shale. So, archaeologists were shocked to find evidence that the ancient metallurgists of the Volga and Baltic regions did not use charcoal as fuel, but oil shale. Reliable information about the use of oil in economic activities has not survived, but it would be frivolous to believe that the oil geysers of Scythia, which, moreover, have the property of spontaneous combustion, could have been ignored by humans.

Oil geyser in Ivano-Frankivsk region. Ukraine
Oil geyser in Ivano-Frankivsk region. Ukraine

Oil geyser in Ivano-Frankivsk region. Ukraine.

I believe that the moment has come to explain to the reader what is the connection between megaliths and fossil hydrocarbons. My answer: - The most direct. No, I do not even presume that oil, gas, and solid hydrocarbon fuels are the result of reasonable life activity. They were discussed only within the framework of demonstrating the complete inconsistency of modern geology as a field of scientific knowledge, with all the ensuing consequences that are directly related to the origin of megaliths and structures from them.

See for yourself. What the Mining Encyclopedia tells us about coals: -

STONE COAL (a. Black, bitouminous, mineral soal; n. Steinkohle; f. Houille, charbon mineral; and. Hulla, carbon de piedra) is a solid fuel mineral of vegetable origin - a kind of fossil coal, intermediate between brown coal and anthracite … Coal is a dense rock of black, sometimes gray-black color, giving a black line on a porcelain plate. They became widespread in the Carboniferous, Permian, and Jurassic.

The formation of coal is typical for almost all geological systems - from the Devonian to the Neogene (inclusive). Coal occurs in the form of seams and lenticular deposits of varying thickness (from fractions of a meter to several tens and hundreds of meters) at different depths (from outcrops to 2500 m and deeper). Coals are formed from the decomposition products of organic remains of higher plants that have undergone changes (metamorphism) under the pressure of the surrounding rocks of the earth's crust and a relatively high temperature."

Now I will explain: - Devon is from 410 to 350 million years, and Neogene - 23.5 million years, and the end - 0.7 million years !!! But if this is all true, then is it possible that living beings have survived to our time in coal? Following common sense, dictated by scientific knowledge, this is IMPOSSIBLE. But what about the living reptiles that were found in coal seams by miners in Kolyma?

In the late seventies of the last century, the miners of mine No. 10 "Kadykchanskaya" (the depth of the mine is 400 meters) began to bring home from work many different wonders. These were mainly pieces of anthracite with patterns imprinted on them, similar to plant leaves.

Mine No. 10. Kadykchan village, Susuman region, Magadan region
Mine No. 10. Kadykchan village, Susuman region, Magadan region

Mine No. 10. Kadykchan village, Susuman region, Magadan region.

These fossilized patterns may well have been plant remains or something else. True for geologists, they are one of the confirmations of the organic origin of coal from the remains of wood and plants, which, in my opinion, is very, very controversial. Well, it never occurs to anyone that the frosty pattern on the stele can be identified with the fossil flora!

Coal texture
Coal texture

Coal texture.

Window on a frosty morning
Window on a frosty morning

Window on a frosty morning.

But these are all flowers. Pictures of harsh miners are not surprising. The real miracles began when fossilized "dinosaurs" began to be found in lumps of coal. They say that these were newts, which turned out to be walled up in layers of organic matter deposits and fell into suspended animation, like most reptiles, and then the organic matter turned to coal, and suspended animation lasted for hundreds of millions of years. They looked something like this:

Crested newt - Triturus cristatus Lour
Crested newt - Triturus cristatus Lour

Crested newt - Triturus cristatus Lour.

But the most striking thing was that if such a "dragon" was lowered into the water, then he soon came to life and began to swim! That is, if you believe the geologists who claim that the Kolyma coal is 340 million years old, then my older brother and I had fun, letting just such very "elderly" newts into the bath. Children of miners from all over Kadykchan did not enjoy this unusual fun for long. The “unfrozen” newts lived for only a few minutes and died, and the finds of new individuals suddenly stopped.

And it just so happened that no one even thought of at least photographing them, or freezing dead individuals for transferring them to scientific institutions. Therefore, documentary evidence of this incident has not survived, and you have nothing to do but take my word for it and my fellow countrymen.

But recently, in Kazakhstan, the discovery of another creature in the coal was documented, which not only thawed out at room temperature, but also turned out to be quite alive and vigorous. Fireman Gennady Kuznetsov from Kostanay, while performing his duties, discovered this creature in a pile of frozen coal, which was unloaded at the boiler room in which he worked.

None of the specialists on the spot could even determine the belonging of the find to any of the known species.

Kostanay monster
Kostanay monster

Kostanay monster.

Only specialists in Alma-Ata managed to identify the fossil creature as one of the rare species of trimatode, which parasitizes in the liver of cattle. Of course, there is a high degree of probability that the parasite has nothing to do with the mineral, and got there by accident, the day before. And if it were not for the Kolyma "dinosaurs" whom I observed with my own eyes, I would have decided so. However … There are a number of facts that all together do not leave a stone unturned from the official theory of the origin of all types of fossil hydrocarbons.

The first, and most revealing, is the multiple finds in the corner of objects that, by definition, could not have been in it.

Iron mug
Iron mug

Iron mug.

This item was discovered in 1912 in the coal seams of one of the mines in Oklahoma (USA). Geologists claim that this iron mug is 312 million years old. And here is another curious find:

Toothed rack and aluminum bar
Toothed rack and aluminum bar

Toothed rack and aluminum bar.

They were found in pieces of coal by a resident of Vladivostok, when he was burning the stove. As it turned out later, coal was brought from Khakassia from the Chernogorskiy coal mine, where fuel is mined, the age of which geologists estimate at three hundred million years.

If I were to call myself a scientist, I would immediately question the reliability of existing methods of dating the origin of sedimentary rocks. But the official science is ready to plunge into real obscurantism, and recognize the existence of chronauts and aliens, just not to revise the existing scientific dogmas. But the existing facts simply scream that it is not "aliens from the future" who left the fragments of their mechanisms in the study of dinosaurs. Everything is much more prosaic and, at the same time, more destructive for the very foundations of modern geology.

It is enough just to admit the mistake and tell the whole world: - “Yes. Bituminous coal is not quite what we used to think it is, and it can be very young. Moreover, science has already taken the first step towards this recognition half a century ago. Two laboratories, one in the United States, the other in Europe, independently conducted the same experiment, which ended with a stunning result: - When raw wood was placed in a pressure chamber, in which the temperature, pressure and chemical composition of the gas environment simulates the conditions of coal excellent quality coal just … in twenty years!

It would seem that checkmate to geologists "carbohydrates", but it was not there. Nobody is in a hurry to rewrite textbooks so far. Even when it became clear to non-specialists that coal seams tens of meters thick, without inclusions of extraneous rocks, could not have formed as a result of burying huge masses of dead forest to a depth. Look at this photo for yourself:

This is how coal is mined in an open way
This is how coal is mined in an open way

This is how coal is mined in an open way.

Are you able to believe that the trees have settled into a homogeneous layer, which someone covered from above with a layer of soil, and under its pressure turned into a layer as thick as a nine-story building? How thick should the heap of the felled trees be then? And why is the layer so uniform, without inclusions of bones of dead animals, stones, clay, sand? There are too many questions for which there is just one simple answer: -

The seams of coal very much resemble the horizons of petrified oil … And let it seem crazy to someone, but we have more than enough reason to believe that initially coal was in a liquid state. It wasn't necessarily "Skipper's beast blood" - oil. The main thing is different. Geologists are mistaken in the very principle of the formation of rocks, and, accordingly, in the dating of their origin. In favor of the fact that the coals are actually relatively young, and in their original form appear in a liquid state, turning into fossils over several decades.

Then it is clear how the coal was dug right on the surface. Imagine that you have an oil geyser in your neighborhood, like in Ukraine. You go out to him with a bowl to fill the lamp with a flammable liquid, and once you dropped this "filling station" into an oil puddle. And then you install the simplest hand pump to pump oil in barrels for sale. One day it breaks down, and part of its rack and pinion also ends up in a puddle of oil.

And one day you come to your little "oil column", and you see that it has thickened so much that you can no longer scoop just right, but cut it with a knife. And your grandchildren, in the place of this oil puddle, find already solid pieces of petrified substance, which are convenient for stoking the furnace. That's all. No "chronauts" have anything to do with it.

But this is only a guess. Although it is confirmed by other indirect facts. Such, for example, as the chemical composition of coal and oil. Fresh wood contains up to 50% carbon. If you believe geologists, and continue to consider coal to be derived from wood, then the carbon content in the fossil should logically decrease, but we observe the opposite picture, in coal it already becomes 90% carbon. Where from! No less mysterious is the appearance of sulfur in coals and oil … Up to 30%, although in wood, the sulfur content is ZERO percent. There is a very similar chemical composition of coal and oil, and a completely different composition of coal and wood, which, according to scientists, is the "raw material" for coal.

This is how we come to understand that not only granitoids at some period were in a liquid or pasty state, but also some types of solid fuel, such as coal and shale. The difference between them is that hydrocarbons are synthesized naturally in the earth, and many formations from granite are waste products from mining.

The fact that oil is not associated with the decomposition of animal carcasses is already partially recognized by some scientists. Let's not forget that traces of oil were found where there could not be any organic matter. For example, at a depth of more than ten kilometers, as happened during the drilling of the Kola superdeep well.

And the fact that "natural" granite is a waste of the mining industry is still only subject to understanding and comprehension. It turns out that the minerals that we extract for use as sources of energy release are in fact natural, although they have no connection with dead plants and animals. And the stone mined for construction, on the contrary, is a product of intelligent life.

And another fact is also subject to recognition, one that directly indicates that for the purposes of construction, stone was used not only by us, who have modern means for its extraction, processing and transportation, but also by those whom historians traditionally refer to as wild people, only who lifted a stick and a stone from the ground. There is a mass of evidence of this, and there is no need to go to Bolivia or Egypt for them. It is enough to visit Karelia …

Mount Vottovaara

Vottovaara (Death Mountain) is the highest point of the West Karelian Upland (417.3 meters above sea level) and is located approximately 30 kilometers from the village of Gimola and approximately 20 kilometers from the village of Sukkozero, east of the road connecting them.


A few years ago, only a narrow circle of researchers knew about this place, and I have reliable information that experts made significant efforts to prevent wide publicity of information about it. And this is perfectly understandable. Even a quick glance at the mountain from a bird's eye view leaves no doubt that these are the remains of a truly gigantic megalithic complex, which has a clear layout and correct geometry:


Knowing the customs of our tourists, I really would not like to turn this place into a courtyard, but … You cannot hide an awl in a sack. I confess that there is also a particle of my fault in this, because for many, the impetus to visit Vottovaara was my old article about her. And now many travel agencies are already organizing hikes up the mountain. Here is a quote from one of the ad resources: -

“At the top of Vottovaara, on an area of about six square kilometers, there are huge rectangular stones, amazing structures made of stones in the form of a regular circle, called cromlechs by archaeologists, and about 1600 seid stones, laid in some mysterious order. Seid is an iconic boulder or rock fragment, the artificial character of its isolation from the environment is obvious, that is, it has clear signs of human impact. The densest concentration of seid stones is at the highest point of the ridge and along the slopes of the amphitheater. The stones are located mainly in groups of two to six pieces. Some large stones, weighing about three tons, are set on "legs", that is, stacked on several smaller stones. Most of the stones lie along the banks of ancient reservoirs and cliffs."


And tourists really enjoy being here. The reviews are rave. Everyone has a sincere admiration for the beauties of Karelian nature, and surprise at the ability of shamans to lift heavy stones to put them on small ones, thus forming mysterious seids.


There is a lot of talk on esoteric topics, about the “unique healing energy” of the mountain, which, for a minute, is called the Mountain of Death. A lot of enthusiasm about walking in "stone labyrinths", "ascending-descending streams", "sounds of space", and other naive statements about the "third eye".


Few people are embarrassed by the half-dead vegetation in this place, and "disabled trees", by their appearance, you cannot say that they live well here. What kind of "healing energy" is there, if they are twisted like a ram's horn!


And only a few see the obvious, which remains behind the frame of the lenses of enthusiastic idlers. For example,

Stone bath
Stone bath

Stone bath.

which is considered a freak of nature, or

Stairway to Heaven
Stairway to Heaven

Stairway to Heaven.

And it's absolutely unforgivable to pass by this:


As you can see, comments won't help here. If a person does not see these details initially, then pointing out them specifically is a thankless task. All this will still be associated with the "great forces of nature." However, for many it is already obvious that the Vottovaara complex has experienced a destructive force of colossal power. Perhaps even explosive. This is indicated by clearly visible concentric circles in its central and northwestern parts.

To top it off, the forces of nature have worked hard, erasing sharp corners and edges, and building it. The harsh climate of Karelia left no chance for acceptable conditions for the preservation of stone blocks. Most likely, if the Greek Parthenon were in this place, there would be no dust left from it. Therefore, we need to preserve at least what we have, since there is not enough intellect to understand what it was before …

Continued: Part 7

Author: kadykchanskiy