Human: The Pinnacle Of The Universe Or An Alien Experiment? - Alternative View

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Human: The Pinnacle Of The Universe Or An Alien Experiment? - Alternative View
Human: The Pinnacle Of The Universe Or An Alien Experiment? - Alternative View

Video: Human: The Pinnacle Of The Universe Or An Alien Experiment? - Alternative View

Video: Human: The Pinnacle Of The Universe Or An Alien Experiment? - Alternative View
Video: LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life (4K) 2024, September

It is generally accepted that human origins have two starting points. The first is religious, claiming that the Lord God created man in his own likeness. Supporters of Darwin's theory argue that man arose as a result of many millions of years of evolution. But the harmonious chorus of adherents of the two main theories is increasingly joining the voices of those who believe that our planet is just a testing ground for experiments by alien beings. So who we really are: higher beings, indigenous inhabitants of the Earth or hominids, owing to the appearance of chemical reactions in alien test tubes?

We are someone else's property

The idea that space aliens have an impact on the development of mankind, or, as it came to be called later, the theory of paleocontacts, appeared long ago. After the discoveries of Nicolaus Copernicus, who destroyed the dogmatic Ptolemaic and Christian ideas about the structure of the universe, his follower Giordano Bruno argued that an infinite number of planets revolve around an infinite number of Suns, on which intelligent beings also live. These hypotheses, clothed in an artistic form, we can trace today in the works of Voltaire, Kant, H. G. Wells.

The first to hear about paleocontacts the general public was from the American Charles Hoy Fort, who tirelessly opposed the generally accepted scientific theories. His motto is "Protect Science from Scientists." In his "Book of the Damned", "New Lands", "Look" and "Indomitable Talents", he assures that humanity is only an experimental terrarium and a scientific laboratory of all-powerful cosmic beings. Fort was convinced that we were the property of one of the most advanced cosmic civilizations that had managed to “win” us in the fight against other contenders. This information is known only to a small group of selected earthlings, united in some kind of cult or order. They decide the fate of our race. Naturally, under the close supervision of alien patrons.

The ideas of Fort and his motto were adopted by French researchers in Paris at the end of the 50s - the famous chemist and physicist Jacques Bergier and journalist-philosopher Lewis Powells. In their magazine "Planete" they raised topics related to environmental problems, the fight against hunger, the mysterious and unknown, as well as UFOs, magic, mysticism, religion, alien conquest of the Earth.

The father of Soviet cosmonautics, K. Tsiolkovsky, also had serious developments on this issue, who assured that the space expansion of highly developed civilizations, direct contacts with them, visiting the Earth by guests from space were not a myth.

Almost simultaneously with Tsiolkovsky, the world-renowned physicist Matest Agrest brings up facts confirming the contacts of people with aliens in archeology, in geology, in written sources, in art history. And in 1968, the whole theory of paleocontacts was brought together into a general system by another scientist Erich von Daniken. After the release of his book "Memories of the Future", the theory that aliens periodically visit us became known to the general public and gave rise to many different hypotheses. Some of them are worth dwelling on separately.

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Evidence of the presence of aliens on Earth

Windows to other worlds - this is how researchers call places on the planet with increased anomalies, those in which strange events occur and where UFOs are most often observed. Through these channels, extraterrestrial intelligence penetrates to us. The most famous places are in the USA, Japan, Australia, Great Britain, USA, France, Germany, Brazil, Russia.

Also, it is in these places that evidence of sexual or, more precisely, genetic contacts of earthly women with aliens often appears. The last alien guests implant their genetic material into the body. Most of the born hybrid children were then taken from the women. The participants in extraterrestrial experiments themselves claim that these children, even in infancy, were distinguished by intelligence and great physical strength. Perhaps some of the born hybrids are still among us - they are distinguished by unusual properties or anatomy. Some researchers are inclined to consider the descendants of the newcomers to indigo children, because they are well physically developed, smart and do not obey generally accepted canons.

Researcher J. Fuller in his book "Interrupted Journey" describes such cases. For example, the kidnapping of the American child Betty Hill, who, according to eyewitnesses, looked like the usual description of aliens by contactees.

Viktor Razin, a scientist from the Space Agency, managed to talk with a native of the Russian Eagle: the main attraction of the girl was vertical, like a cat's pupils.

Swiss researcher B. Spiller managed to find in the jungle of Brazil, near the town of Anori, a baby whose age did not exceed one and a half years. The boy was distinguished from others by pointed ears, colorless eyes with pinpoint small pupils, sometimes becoming mirrored, tubular nose. The child was taken away for study, but the language in which he speaks was never deciphered.

According to one of the most famous ufologists in the world, Felix Siegel, and he brought this idea to humanity in 1976, there are 14 real photographs of humanoids in the world. Recall that in the mid-70s, Photoshop or any other editing software did not yet exist. At a time closer to us, these photographs were subjected to careful analysis, but scientists have not found a forgery.

In addition, there is a mass of evidence of incomprehensible disappearances of people, and some of them return to Earth and sometimes tell incredible stories. Experiments are carried out on some, some contactees soon die, some are given messages for earthlings.

Why is there such a different attitude towards people? Scientists working on this phenomenon believe that space guests are of different types, in addition, their homeland is different galaxies, respectively, and their intentions are different. Some are trying to help us, others are pursuing the goal of conquering the Earth with its subsequent colonization. Still others have for a long time, in secret from their brothers in the cosmic mind, inhabiting the earth with humanoids similar to people, in order to enslave the planet with their help in the hour "X".

In addition, the mythology of many peoples of the world contains legends and traditions about guests from heaven, about fiery chariots. It is the aliens who are credited with the mysteries of the Nazca desert, the Egyptian pyramids, the Mayan calendar and other mysteries of the Earth that have not yet been solved.

Why do aliens need Earth

In addition to the fact that the development of human civilization may be of some interest to alien researchers, it is worth remembering about the earth's resources. Until now, scientists in perplexity study the ancient mines that are found in North and South America, Tibet, the Urals, the Pamirs, Western Siberia, and Africa. In total, scientists have found 35,000 (!) Of such mines on the planet.

One of the African mines dates back to 40,000 BC. Scientists estimate that more than 100 thousand tons of iron ore were mined from here. It is difficult to imagine that primitive people, wielding stone axes, could do such a job. But among the tribes inhabiting the nearby territories, there is a legend about "emerging from the air" white people, whom they call "bachwezi". In the area near the Zambezi River, the remains of a stone city, irrigation canals, buried pits 70 meters deep, and many kilometers of trenches have been preserved. Legend has it that the Bachwezi flew, treated diseases and possessed information about the past and the future. The newcomer was interested in the ore from which they smelted metals. Their disappearance was as sudden as their appearance.

At the end of the last century, the Anglo-American Corporation, a mining corporation, began searching for ancient mines in South Africa with the help of archaeologists. Scientists Adrian Boschier and Peter Bumont discovered mines with a depth of 20 meters, in which bones and charcoal were found, which are 25-50 thousand years old. In addition, there are traces of the use of mining technologies.

And the furnace for iron production, found near the settlements of the Nok Samun Dikia and Tarugi cultures in Nigeria, was made in 500-450 BC. e.

A network of ancient tunnels nearly 3 kilometers deep has also been discovered in Utah in the United States. According to the professor of anthropology at the University of this state Jesse D. Jennings, these works could not have been produced by the aborigines - the North American Indians. First, before the arrival of whites in these places, the Indians did not use coal. Secondly, in order to grind the rock to such a depth, special equipment was needed, which the Indians a priori could not have. Although drawings depicting "miners" with tools that look like a jackhammer are found in different parts of the world. In addition, researchers find new mines deep underground today, and some of them are quite recent. So maybe the aliens are actually stealing our raw materials?

Aliens created the solar system

The search for other civilizations has been going on for more than one century: attempts are being made to find them with the help of telescopes, to catch their radio signals. The main problem is that no one knows what, in fact, to look for: after all, the forms of another life may be incomprehensible to us or even invisible. And the received radio signals of unknown origin were never deciphered. In addition, our universe is about 15 billion years old, while the solar system is no more than 5 billion years ago. This means that civilizations that are so far ahead of us in technology can develop in the Galaxy that even the advanced knowledge of earthlings will not be enough to understand them.

Among the phenomena that cannot be explained is even the very structure of our solar system. Its anomalous structure suggests an artificial creation. Indeed, in all known planetary systems, the largest planet is closest to the sun. We have a small Mercury near the center, while a huge Jupiter rotates in a distant orbit, which contradicts all the laws of physics we know. The shape of the orbits is also incomprehensible to scientists: in the solar system, the planets move in an almost perfect circle, while in other similar systems they move along an ellipse.

Humanity will be able to discover these mysteries only after the invention of super-powerful telescopes and spacecraft capable of going beyond the system. But, by an incredible coincidence, we are not allowed there. The last American devices, which were supposed to send radio signals from distant space, "stalled" long before the end of their resource …