Secret KGB Expedition To The Kola Peninsula! - Alternative View

Secret KGB Expedition To The Kola Peninsula! - Alternative View
Secret KGB Expedition To The Kola Peninsula! - Alternative View

Video: Secret KGB Expedition To The Kola Peninsula! - Alternative View

Video: Secret KGB Expedition To The Kola Peninsula! - Alternative View
Video: The Kola Peninsula Russian 2 2024, September

Traces of a civilization much older than the Sumerian and Egyptian ones have been found on the Kola Peninsula and in most of the Russian North. The ruins of ancient stone buildings are impressive not only for their size, they were carved from basalt rocks. If these are indeed the remains of buildings, then modern mankind can only dream of the technologies of people who could create them. Surprisingly, these findings have been known in Russia since the early 1920s. Soviet scientist Alexander Barchenko claimed to have found Hyperborea. For a long time, these data were classified as "secret". Where was Hyperborea located? What connects Russia with the mysterious country?

Hyperborea in ancient Greece was called a mythical northern country. The ancient Greek historian Diodorus Siculus considered it the kingdom of Apollo, and the ancient Roman scholar Pliny the Elder in his "Natural History" described the Hyperborean kingdom as a happy people living beyond the Riphean mountains.

Hyperborea was searched at different times in Greenland, Antarctica, India and Tibet, but when scientists managed to study the map of Gerardus Mercator, they could not believe their eyes. Here, the mysterious country has a clear location and outline and is not located anywhere, but in the north of modern Russia.

Gerard Mercator and his map
Gerard Mercator and his map

Gerard Mercator and his map.

According to many sources and Indian legends, the Hyperboreans allegedly based on the "white island". What is the White Island? This is argued, for example, most of the Indologists believe that it was some kind of remnant of the preserved land in the Arctic.

The Indian Vedas confirm the card data. They describe Hyperborea as “a country where night and day are continuous, and sunrise and sunset follow the same trajectory,” but such phenomena can be observed only in one place on the planet - in the Russian Arctic.

For this, more and more scientific facts appear. In all esoteric teachings (primarily Vedic) it is said that originally the ancestral home of mankind in the North. He is perceived as Paradise, the Abode of Brahma (the creator of the world), it is Brahma who is the father of all living beings, therefore, Northern Paradise is associated with the Pole Star.

Surprisingly, the connection with the mythical Eden also slips in the name of the Kola Peninsula. The fact is that in the Old Slavic language and in Sanskrit, the word "kolo" means "sun", meaning Kola-Solnechny. Is it possible to call the modern harsh edge of the Arctic Circle the Solar Paradise?

Promotional video:

Today it is unlikely, but 10 thousand years ago, according to paleontologists, the climate of the Russian north could be compared with what we now observe on the Black Sea coast.


It was here, on the Kola Peninsula, at the beginning of the XX century that Alexander Barchenko went on the personal order of Dzerzhinsky in search of a mysterious country, and what he managed to find during the expedition was for a long time under the hypha "secret".

This is a whole series of pyramids of the Kola Peninsula, a series of menhirs and dolmens, famous labyrinths, the famous throne in the Kuzovsky archipelago (the throne of giants), i.e. these are the remnants of the very ancient civilization, from which the migration of peoples began historically and legendary.

The discoveries made Barchenko cost the life of the scientist was shot on charges of creating a Masonic Lodge, and his full reports have not yet been declassified. What were the Freemasons looking for in the Arctic? And most importantly, what did they manage to find and why these findings were not made public?