The Trumpets Of The Apocalypse Are Thundering Over The Mediterranean Sea - Alternative View

The Trumpets Of The Apocalypse Are Thundering Over The Mediterranean Sea - Alternative View
The Trumpets Of The Apocalypse Are Thundering Over The Mediterranean Sea - Alternative View

Video: The Trumpets Of The Apocalypse Are Thundering Over The Mediterranean Sea - Alternative View

Video: The Trumpets Of The Apocalypse Are Thundering Over The Mediterranean Sea - Alternative View
Video: MATRIX RELOADED | Revelation | CHAPTERS 14-15-16 | part 11 2024, June

As we have already told our readers, on the night of December 9-10, 2019, residents of the city of Valkensward, Holland, were awakened by a strange frightening sound coming from everywhere:

And now, after three days, a similar situation is observed in Libya:


If we say that “the locals were scared to death” - this would not be an artistic exaggeration. News sources are military blogs that cover the war that is now taking place in Libya. But now everyone has given up discussing who is shooting at whom and only videos with this sound are posted on social networks, the war somehow faded into the background.

And although something similar happened in the Netherlands - a similar thing happened in Libya, but something else has already happened. And first of all, attention is drawn to the sound - it is different, some kind of unusual.

Further, as the locals write in tweets, the sound was felt along the entire coast and came from somewhere in the sea. It is clear that it is impossible to check every city on the beach for “heard or not”, but the coast of Libya is 1,200 kilometers in a straight line. Even if they heard it on a strip of several hundred kilometers - this is already a lot, since in Holland the sound affected only one city.

Finally, let's take a look at the map of the Mediterranean:

Promotional video:


If you measure from the Libyan beach, then Etna, Greece and Turkey are only 500 kilometers each. And since the sound came from the sea, the distance to these seismically dangerous regions can be only 250 kilometers.

What was buzzing in Libya, we, like everyone else, do not know, but the most convincing assumptions are only two and a half:

a) A huge pepelats "Martians" hovered over Libya (more precisely, over the sea near the coast of Libya).

b) On one of the faults at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, something is happening and it was the grinding of tectonic plates before the earthquake.

c) Something is happening on one of the faults at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, so a huge alien ship tried to somehow strangle this process - just like it happened on the Popocatepetl volcano on December 16:


We will not build any long-term forecasts based on a simple sound, even a terrible sound. Nevertheless, we believe that something will bang in the Mediterranean Sea in the near future, and it will bang very strongly, so we are following the development of events.