Capitalism - Child Of The Economy - Alternative View

Capitalism - Child Of The Economy - Alternative View
Capitalism - Child Of The Economy - Alternative View

Video: Capitalism - Child Of The Economy - Alternative View

Video: Capitalism - Child Of The Economy - Alternative View
Video: HISTORY OF IDEAS - Capitalism 2024, September

It is obvious that the economy is logical in the face of a shortage of vital resources. And it probably even originated in the deserts. But today society is at such a level of development that the economy is no longer needed, and it does harm. Economics from the word save, this is the principle of its work. Instead of developing his business, he is in search of new information, a person is forced to cheat, and I cannot call this a full-fledged thought, and therefore, the economy not only does not provide conditions for development, but does create conditions for degradation. Slow and inconspicuous. Capitalism as a result of this degradation. Capitalism is based on absorption and accumulation. Antipode to creation and bestowal.

The same result of degradation is human blindness to their needs. Few people realize that they do not need money at all, but housing, food, clothing, a vehicle, household items, a workshop, tools, comfort, safety and everything else that is needed for prosperity and development. And if we take the true meaning of the economy, then it is logical that it is better to make things eternal, so as not to waste resources on their reproduction, and the food should be of high quality, so that it would be required less, and so on. But what do we see in reality? On the one hand, we have an economy, and on the other hand, every second, incessant production of things that in 99% of cases sooner or later become garbage. Where is the economy in here? Why do people sleep? Why are people indifferent to this? Unfortunately, this is the result of degradation when a person's consciousness is so low,that only animal instincts remain.

People have been literally morally abused over the past 30 years. Look at the conditions in which we live, these entrances, courtyards, areas!

Beauty has a direct impact on the development of consciousness. Beauty is gone for a long time. Ugliness was elevated to the frame of beauty. But even here, being at the level of animal instincts, beauty is of no interest to anyone.

Knowledge about the world around us has a direct impact on the development of consciousness. There is no knowledge for a long time, there is an illusion of knowledge, when in fact all the foundations are based on air theory. But this is not interesting to you either. Perhaps now you understand that the economy saves only on you and your loved ones, and its child - capitalism, sucks out of you everything that you have left. But most importantly, by supporting the economy, you save on yourself.

Expensive but crumbling cars, expensive, tasteless clothes, expensive but crumbling houses, disgusting food … This is the road to nowhere and we are almost there. But, mired in our own ignorance and egoism, we are blind, like moles, and the once lofty human thought fell to the bottom and rotted away. They will make food for you, they will make clothes for you, they will build a house for you, they will supply you with water, gas and electricity. Your children will be taught for you to be their servant. Is not it? Is it possible to come up with something new, and even more useful, using only school knowledge? No, economics is when school knowledge is enough only to serve the system, and any innovations and changes come from outside. Economy is when people are not responsible for anything, economics is when people are no different from things.

Anyone will be offended when they call him a degradant. But when it is vital, let them take offense, and the rest are simply obliged to pull themselves together and mobilize. Before asking stupid questions about what to do, just know: without information you will not do anything, without information you are no different from animals. And the answer to this question is: ask. There are no stupid people, everyone has a brain, but not everyone uses it for its intended purpose.

Economy is when you have not tasty and healthy food, but its substitute. Economy is when your ear hurts and you have a choice, either to pay money and check it right now, or for free, but in a month. Economy is when no one cares about each other. One has money, but he doesn’t know how, and the other has no money, but he can do something. And the one who does not know how, pays money to the one who knows how … You like to call everything nonsense. For me, this is the most nonsense. This is absurd. It doesn't have to be that way. The one who knows how to do something must develop his skills and pass on to others in order to develop and prosper. But the degradation has already taken place … It often seems that you are just talking to a mass of geese, and whatever you say, they only quack, shit and return to their slave actions. As rude as it is, it is. I want to address only a few - people who still have something in their head, wake up. Gather in groups, discuss, come to common denominators, invite people to give lectures for you, just surf the Internet and inquire, because the Internet is a great tool, use it for its intended purpose, use the brain for its intended purpose, gather information together. In order for something to happen, a critical mass is needed. I don’t want you to be stupid and say that nothing will happen, that it has always been this way and will be so … Your vigilance was drowned in alcohol and vanity.because the Internet is a great tool, use it for its intended purpose, use the brain for its intended purpose, gather information together. In order for something to happen, a critical mass is needed. I don’t want you to be stupid and say that nothing will happen, that it has always been this way and will be so … Your vigilance was drowned in alcohol and vanity.because the Internet is a great tool, use it for its intended purpose, use the brain for its intended purpose, gather information together. In order for something to happen, a critical mass is needed. I don’t want you to be stupid and say that nothing will happen, that it has always been this way and will be so … Your vigilance was drowned in alcohol and vanity.

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The thinking formed by the system requires reforms. What can we see as a result of the "development" of the economy based on capitalism over the past 30 years? There are more things. Savings have spawned poor quality things, disposable things, things that last a minimum of time. The further into the past we look, the better quality and more durable things we will see. And this process does not stop, and everyone can predict the outcome of this direction, in which society is now moving. In other words, today it is not demand that gives rise to supply, but supply creates demand. Isn't it obvious? What is the solution to this problem? Society becomes a single conscious mass, which realizes what it really needs to improve its life and demands it from the market the way it should be.

But let's immediately define what the market is today? This is the main mechanism of the economy. In other words, corporations dictate and govern what people want. And people already have to make their choice based on what is provided by corporations. Can't you see that corporations are not interested in improving the product, because the economy is in the yard! And if we divide the mass of goods into useful and useless, for some reason, useless goods - clothes, phones, cars, are developing, while technology, instruments, measuring instruments, and really vital industries, are also in science, why - they are deprived of funding, and are in a deplorable state, or even completely restricted in free access under the pretext of a threat to national security. Why? After all, this is not logical, it contradicts the laws of nature, when any life develops,if there is no outside interference. So there is still some kind of force that holds back human development? How can it not be interesting? The same applies to everyone!

But if you stop talking about the negative, what is the market for me? The market is an assistant to people, it is an intermediary between the master's product and the user.

People! Because of the economy, you are losing your creators - inventors, engineers, philosophers, artists! They are among you, but because of the system that you support, they are forced to rot at the bottom in obscurity, in any slave labor, or the creators are bought at all, they sit on big money, unconscious, driven only by selfishness, at a time when only demoralizing creativity is funded.

Music, cinema, household items, clothing, food … All this could be unique, convenient, beautiful and eternal, useful, tasty, every thing created not by a machine, but by a master, could be an object of art, each person could look unique, if you stopped stupidly choosing from what corporations are presented to you, but turned your gaze on yourself, at each other, would find creators next to you, in yourself, and would support not strangers, but your own, because everyone we, whether we want it or not, are parts of one society, and it is simply illogical to be each for ourselves in this situation, because physics is this - if two individually can lift 50 kg, then together they can already lift more than a hundred kg, that is, from where- then extra power appears! Use this knowledge! That is, if you work together, then everyone's potential increases. This is logic. This is information from which you can already build healthy predictions. Why don't we use this knowledge? Why can't we start right now? Start small, with the internet. What are you doing the most? You are discussing. The word discussion grew out of the word judgment. It is a mental mistake when we think that we are doing completely harmless things, but if we knew how this world works, it would become obvious that it is better not to do so. Better to just talk. In English, this is the word talk, that is, ONLY. I combine this and get the result: it is only necessary to talk about what is good. What is the use? Oh, today is the truth. I'm not sure that Shagiyev, Panin fucking the dog or the same coronavirus is the truth, which has a lot to say about. It really can only be discussed … The truth is that you don't like what you eat, you don't like it,what you wear, you don’t like what you see, you don’t like who controls you … you don’t like anything at all, but you continue to live in it. You say you want this, you want that, but you don't do anything to realize it. You are a capricious child with high self-esteem, believing in your holy correctness and maturity. Remember, at the beginning I talked about the path of degradation, about how we are already in place? The good news is that many still have a chance to come to their senses, and you need to do it. You need each other, just until you know about it, you don't want to listen to it and believe in it. Stop being selfish towards each other, selfishness is needed for protection, and you need to protect yourself not from each other, but from strangers who are not from your land, where you were born, and they are trying to impose their laws on you. People don't need these pieces of paper with lawspeople need the rules of norms and morals, and what is more elastic, because we cannot demand from a child what we demand from an already conscious adult, we must let children learn from their mistakes, but try to make sure that they learn from strangers, and to do this, we must provide them with information crystal clear, like spring water.

There is a lot to change. It is not necessary to give up money, but we must reconsider our views on it. Money is a tool, and you should treat it as a tool that helps you in life. If I made a buffet and you built a house, money will help us not to get confused in exchange for what we need from each other. Everything that you know can take on a different form, improved, useful, convenient for you.

But who will do all this ??? Of course people! For strangers, we have already built everything a long time ago, and they use it, and they also live at our expense. A bright, reasonable person will analyze the situation. He will not destroy the stranger, he will try to forgive him, but he must stop feeding him! Who are these strangers anyway? You do not see them, and therefore you should not think about them, it is important that people are on the side of strangers too! Managers of corporations, banks, lawyers, businessmen, doctors, police officers, the military, workers of any other institution, these are all the same people of the same society. And most of them do not even know what kind of animal they work for, because they pay the money that is so necessary to pay bills and buy food, simply for survival, but someone even has more for entertainment - a new smartforn, a jacket, to a club or even a trip to the islands. Many are pretty comfortable, but I saidthat people were lowered to the level of instincts, at this level it is not interesting how others live. You cannot demand from these people unless they are physically able to fulfill your requirements. For now, society will cope without them, but I know that every day people around the world open their minds and no one will do anything about it. Sooner or later, the balance will outweigh the other and it is already moving. So you can help this process, be each person in relation to each other. And if you do not like something, while this something does NOT affect your life, walk by, do not express your opinion if you were not asked, and if you see that someone is doing something wrong, if it is not life threatening, leave the right to this person to learn from his mistakes himself, do not touch him if he did not ask you. Be where you like, where you are comfortable,including the network.

But go to any social group of any social network, analyze what you see. Do it. There is no light, there is no knowledge, there is only delusion and darkness. Do you need to visit such places? If there are practically no such places today, where people could really not observe discussion, rubbish and hatred, but something beautiful, useful, light, necessary, then you can contribute to the creation of these places. Decide what you want. Find those who want the same and do it! Online or even in life, you can gather in a circle, because only in a circle everyone is equal, and talk about your problems, which are really just tasks, and if these tasks are beyond your power, it does not mean that there will be no people who are able to carry out your tasks. Get it out of your head that everything needs to be translated into money. All this is the result of animal instinctswhen only survival works, and money is a way of survival..

In a circle, when talking, you can train your morality, respect for others, learn to listen, learn to think and connect, learn patience.

Everything around now will not change overnight. But it is enough to recreate a single collective thought-form, as it might be interesting for everyone, then the space will immediately begin work on its implementation. But in order to accomplish this, you need to come to unity. In general, even a stranger can become his own if he sincerely wishes, and a developed person will only be glad of this when the enemy has become a friend.

Author: Pavel Lobanov