Why Are Whales Thrown Onto Land? - Alternative View

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Why Are Whales Thrown Onto Land? - Alternative View
Why Are Whales Thrown Onto Land? - Alternative View

Video: Why Are Whales Thrown Onto Land? - Alternative View

Video: Why Are Whales Thrown Onto Land? - Alternative View
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In recent years, a variety of marine life, especially whales and dolphins, one by one or in whole flocks, suddenly, for no reason at all, have been thrown ashore and perish. Environmentalists are alarmed, scientists are trying to solve the riddle, they offer different versions. However, the secret of these suicides has not yet been revealed.

Are the submarines guilty?

Most puzzling is the death of dolphins. Their natural locator has recently been proven to be nearly perfect. These mammals don't even need sight. During the experiments, the dolphins were closed their eyes with special suckers, but even then the animals instantly looked for a tiny glass bead or lead pellet in the muddy water. It would seem that with such a unique echolocation system, they should avoid any trouble at sea. But of all the marine life, for some reason, dolphins and whales most often take their own lives!

Back in the 70s of the last century, scientists put forward a hypothesis explaining the suicides of cetaceans by the work of submarine sonars. According to oceanologists, the sound emitted by powerful army sonars disorientates animals, they panic and, fleeing from painful sensations, swim, not knowing where they are, and sometimes fly to land.

Now this version is being criticized. It was noted, for example, that neither during nor after many naval exercises, when many submarines concentrate on a relatively small area of the ocean, no cetacean emissions on the nearest shores occurred. There were no suicides in the area of the largest maneuvers near Bermuda in 1975, where whales and dolphins are swarming, as they say. There were no deaths of marine inhabitants during large-scale exercises off the southern coast of Florida in 1979 and 1981.

A specialist in cetaceans, Professor W. Cope from the University of Miami, who specially researched this issue, notes that never before have manipulations with submarines led to mass deaths of marine mammals and fish. Conversely, suicides were often committed where at that time no submarines were recorded at all. This is especially common on the southern coast of Australia, on the shores of Tasmania and adjacent islands. Under pressure from environmentalists, the Australian government has limited the passage of submarines in this area. But the situation has not improved. Tasmania has the highest number of such tragedies in the world, according to Michelle Grady of the Whale and Dolphin Protection Committee. Over the past nine years, 2,768 whales and 146 dolphins have committed suicide here,which accounts for more than half of the marine animals killed in this way worldwide. Every massive release is thoroughly investigated by the Australian authorities, and first of all, it is checked whether there were submarines nearby. Almost every time it turned out that they weren't even close.

Suicides did not get flu

In recent years, the hypothesis about the influence of a polluted environment on the suicide of marine mammals and fish has gained popularity. Supporters of this version say that oil products and even polyethylene are found in the respiratory organs of many dead whales and dolphins. Other researchers, however, argue that the vast majority of suicide whales were not poisoned, and the water in the areas of their death did not contain petroleum products and showed no signs of radiation. In addition, mass suicides of cetaceans were observed back in the Middle Ages and in the Ancient World, when technical pollution of water bodies could not occur.

There are even fewer supporters of the version of "whale flu", according to which, due to viral infection, the echolocation apparatus of animals fails and psychosis covers them. The cetaceans rush forward without looking back, giving hysterical signals, and the whole flock rushes after the leaders. However, the most thorough examinations of whales and other sea creatures that have stranded ashore have never revealed any disease-causing viruses.

The assumption that schools of whales and dolphins die in connection with their pursuit by some predators looks completely unconvincing. Long-term observations of the life of the inhabitants of the oceans make us consider such a version completely implausible. Dolphins, for example, act so harmoniously, they have such a developed mutual assistance that their flock, even a very small one, is bypassed by the school of sharks.

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Aliens suspected

Nevertheless, one should not completely discard the hypothesis about the effect of various types of radiation on the inhabitants of the sea. Ufologists think so.

The American D. Rossell, who has been dealing with the problem of unidentified underwater objects (NGOs) for many years, has collected interesting statistics that show the connection between the suicides of sea inhabitants and the observations of flying or floating saucers in this area.

So, more recently, in July 2011, off the northwestern coast of Scotland, a bluish-silver object was noticed from the Sanador yacht, which twice flew out of the water at high speed and made dizzying maneuvers in the air. After the third dive, the NGO disappeared completely, and on the coast of Scotland, not far from the observation area, more than 60 grind whales, also called black dolphins, were released."

In 2004, near the Canary Islands, fishermen observed a luminous oval object underwater, which swam up to the surface and circled at high speed. Then the NGO, moving at a depth of about three meters, swept away in a northwest direction. In the evening of the same day, 15 whales perished on two islands from the Canary group.

In 2002, the acoustics of an American submarine recorded a strange NPO traveling at great depths at a speed unattainable for modern submarines. The object was moving towards Cape Cod on the northeastern coast of the United States, Massachusetts. Coastal services were just beginning to deploy their searches, when 55 whales were already on land.

The most massive suicide of dolphins for the entire time of observations occurred on October 10, 1946. On that day, 835 individuals were immediately thrown onto a sandy beach near the city of Mar del Plata in Argentina. Throughout that autumn, strange lights flew over this area, which, moreover, from time to time dived into the ocean.

Over the sea area south of Australia, including Antarctic waters, abnormally high UFO activity has been noted for many years. On the shores of the Green Continent and in Tasmania, people have repeatedly met with pilots of flying saucers, and on the ocean floor in this region, an American-Australian expedition discovered strange domed formations, possibly alien bases. And here suicides of marine animals are especially common.

"Plates" are dangerous under water too

Ufologists are confident that there are much more unidentified underwater objects in our oceans than are recorded by observers and submarine radars. During their underwater maneuvers, these objects can emit radiation that marine life is sensitive to. The nature of these emissions is still unknown to scientists. Probably, different NGOs spread different types of waves, hence such a selective effect on the representatives of the marine fauna. The radiation of one object can cause panic and suicide of whales, the radiation of another - dolphins, the third - herring, the fourth - mackerel, and so on.

Repeatedly had to hear about the harmful influence of UFOs on people. During meetings with the plates, some eyewitnesses experienced severe fear, malaise, pain, someone later developed burns, bleeding, and tumors. Something similar happens to the inhabitants of the oceans.

In April 2011, several dozen leopard sharks were stranded on the coast of California. Autopsies carried out by specialists from the California Department of Hunting and Fisheries found in all individuals "bruises on the skin, inflammation, internal bleeding, brain damage." A similar mass suicide of leopard sharks with the same symptoms uncharacteristic of these fish was observed in May of the same year. Scientists could not offer any explanation for the suicide and the morbid state of sharks. On the other hand, ufologists are sure that in all these cases there was an impact of radiation from NGOs, dangerous for fish. Moreover, the region of the Pacific Ocean near California and Mexico has long been considered an anomalous zone, where alien vehicles, including underwater ones, appear especially often.

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №8. Author: Igor Voloznev