"Astral Flights" In UFOs - Alternative View

"Astral Flights" In UFOs - Alternative View
"Astral Flights" In UFOs - Alternative View

Video: "Astral Flights" In UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Secretive program tracked UFOs for 5 years 2024, September

Many must have heard that the "projection of consciousness to another point", or, as the occultists call it, "astral exit", often gives good results: people, being in a trance, accurately describe the places where they have never been. Then this can be easily checked: for example, leave a note on the table in a locked room where the subject has never been, the text of which should be unknown to anyone present at the session. It is said that some of them managed to read such notes, “leaving the body”. But what to do when one unknown by chance or experimenter collides with another unknown?

English parapsychologist Harold Chibbett was the first who decided to go for such an experience:

“In 1947 I experimented with hypnosis. My patient was Mrs X, a wonderful medium and highly hypnotizable subject. By November, the stage had been reached where I could put her into a trance almost instantly using coded signals. As you probably know, in 1947 the phrase "flying saucers" was born. In November, it occurred to me to send an astral projection to Mrs X and try to learn more about objects in the sky. On November 22nd, I put Mrs. X. into a deep hypnotic trance."

What happened next is recorded in his laboratory journal:

“I didn't expect to get Mrs. X's answers to this question the first time. But after a while, she no longer answered my questions and did not obey commands. Her breathing seemed labored and quickened, her hands relaxed. At first, she did not react at all to questions, then she slightly raised her right hand, as if pointing to the floor. I couldn't figure out what she wanted. Finally, she touched her right leg. I asked: "What's the matter, what do you want me to do?"

There was a pause, and she barely whispered: "Guardians …" - "What guardians?" I asked.

After a long pause, she replied: "The guards … grabbed me …" She again pointed to her right leg and cried out: "Look!" I pulled off my stocking and saw clear red marks on my ankle. I began to bring her out of the trance, making the usual suggestion: she will wake up when I count to five, she will feel good and remember everything …"

Coming to her senses, Mrs. X. said:

Promotional video:

“I found myself in a dense atmosphere pressing on my chest. It was difficult to breathe. There was only a bluish-mauve fog all around. I felt that I was rushing somewhere with great speed, then it was as if I rolled somersault and ended up at a hole in the ground, where I was finally able to stand up. The entrance to the hole was the size of a room and decorated with beautiful ornaments. It looked like an arch leading into the earth. I went under the arch and heard a very loud buzzing sound, as if from a dynamo machine. I went into another passage leading to a large room filled with cars.

I didn't have time to consider this because two women rushed at me. I struggled, trying to pull out their hair, but I could not: on their heads they had something like silver helmets, on their legs - black shiny knee-length skirts, not made of satin or fabric, but soft to the touch. I felt tight and "real" so that they could hold me without difficulty, especially since the women were much taller and stronger.

They dragged me deeper into the room. Behind one of the cars was a man, dressed in much the same, but without a helmet. He was almost bald. The car he was servicing had some sort of switch panel. The people who captured me did not speak English, but oddly enough, I understood what they were saying. The man would address someone invisible and say: “H6AQ… H6AQ…” He repeated this over and over, touching the switches with his fingers. When the women brought me in, the man at the console looked around and said, "Another bird?" Then I passed out.

The next thing I remember: lying on the floor … The man said: "Next time it will be on your face!" He bared my right leg and removed what looked like a pistol from my belt. The man laughed in a strange way, like a chicken cackling, and, pointing the instrument at his leg, pressed the button. Nothing came out of the muzzle, but pain pierced the leg, as if from a burn, and there was a hissing sound. I saw that he was writing red symbols on his leg … The man said that the inscription would remain forever. Then I heard my name back …"

Shocked by what had happened, Chibbett carefully examined the symbols on her leg. The letters and numbers - H6AQ - were clearly outlined in red and were not on the skin, but under it. As he pressed on the skin, the symbols became even clearer. Beneath them was another sign, much less visible, like a bow and arrow. The signs were also seen by two assistants who were present at the session.

Mrs X herself believed that she was on Mars, although she could not confirm her assumption with anything. She felt that these "people" were hostile towards her. Fortunately, the "Martian" lied: the signs soon passed by themselves.

Chibbett decided not to continue experiments of this kind, but conducted other experiments with her. In early 1948, he decided to stage an experiment on "replacing the astral body": the medium in San Diego was to send his astral body flying, and his body was temporarily occupied by the astral body of Mrs. X., who was in the physical body in London. But on February 5, during the experiment, everything went wrong. Mrs. X … uttered strange phrases, and when asked where she was, she replied: "In a flying saucer!"

After coming out of her trance, she said that she saw “something inside the cone - a huge round thing with a man at the remote control. This is the same person as during the November experiment, only in a helmet the walls were covered with dm, and creatures that looked like eggs with legs put h in these holes. They were shorter than a person. It seemed that these actions increased the speed of the "saucer" … They said something about a base in the stratosphere. I don't know how I understood their language."

Chibbett didn’t think of anything better than asking questions “to the next world”. W. F., the spirit with whom Mrs X communicated, commented on the incident as follows:

“These creatures can be friendly if left alone; if they are attacked, they will naturally respond in kind. If the "plate" falls, it can result in a devastating explosion. These beings themselves are not aware of their power. Their "plates" are seen over the United States because of the high concentration of uranium. The substance that was put in the holes is called "facillinite" and the uranium is strongly attracted to it. Mrs X was attracted to the flying saucer because of the radium in her body."

Another, no less interesting, albeit equally absurd case took place on the opposite end of the world - in Australia. His heroine was 10-year-old schoolgirl Janet, who did not have any knowledge of the UFO phenomenon.

The hypnotherapist, who was treating the girl for a mild nervous disorder, put her into a hypnotic trance and inspired the need to completely relax. In this state, she was not aware of where she was, but she could answer the doctor's questions. To test the depth of the trance, the hypnotherapist asked control questions. For example, he asked: "Where are you now, Janet?" Usually the girl would say, “I'm sitting in a chair,” or something like that.

Once during a session, Janet replied: "On a flying saucer." The psychiatrist saw that the girl was indeed in a trance. He continued to ask her questions, as if becoming a participant in the "game" which, it seemed to him, was offered by Janet. The girl, on the other hand, gave precise and detailed answers … At the first moment, the psychiatrist was most interested not in the “strange journey” of his patient, but in the fact that she behaved naturally, as if she had really seen everything she described. And meanwhile she told about landing on an unknown planet in an unusual city and what she saw there.

In the end, the doctor decided to contact ufologists, and they had a joint session. It lasted two hours. At first, Janet described in detail the ship she was in, then its crew - three men with dark hair, in multi-colored overalls. Then Janet was showered with questions:

- What are these people doing now?

- Lie on the couches.

- Do you know what they are for?

- They enter the gravitational field….

Janet said she sees on the screen the planet they are approaching, it "looks like a red, silvered ball." The ship flew up to the "big mountain with a hole" and flew into it:

- What's inside the mountain?

- Large lift.

- What else is there in the big mountain?

- Town. Glass buildings …

Then Janet went to one of the city buildings. She sees long corridors, at the end of one of them cars are running. There are several people with dark hair, in colored overalls. The elevator leads “to where the machines work” that create new flying saucers. When asked what the aliens are eating, Janet said that upstairs in the same building, women dressed in short dresses are eating berries and drinking a dark liquid that looks like wine. People on another planet are aware of Janet's presence and are friendly to her … It's time to find out what kind of planet it is.

Janet replied that the sun was visible outside. It is "the same as on Earth", only slightly less. Several stars are visible at night, including the constellation of the Southern Cross, and the moon is "greater than our moon." Janet did not see any plants, and there is snow where she stands. She is asked to touch the snow. The girl did this and, surprised, exclaims: "The snow is warm!" This is not Mars - its "moons" Phobos and Deimos are small. It seems that this is not the solar system at all, although the people conducting the session believe otherwise.

The last question was: "Are there flying saucers over Australia at this moment?" Janet answers: "Yes." The next day, the newspapers reported that several UFOs had been seen over Melbourne!

A similar case, although there was no hypnosis here, occurred in 1979 in the Belgian family Jaumont. Their seven-year-old son suddenly began to "fantasize". At first, parents did not pay attention to this, since children generally tend to invent. But soon they were alarmed by two circumstances: first, the frequency and persistence with which the son told his "stories", and, secondly, their theme - travels on the "plate", which he made "as soon as he fell asleep." Once he announced with a triumphant air: "Today at 10 o'clock in the evening the" plate "will fly over our house!"

At 10.04 the Zhomon couple, their servants and friends saw a UFO with bright green and orange lights in the sky flying towards the town of Lokeren. Is it a coincidence? Hardly. Most likely, much more can be hidden in "children's fantasies" than it seems at first glance …

